The Film Daily (1921)

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The Motion Picture Industry will save 250,000 Children from Starvation What have YOU done? MOTION PICTURE DAY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26th Daily Doings of Hoover's Doers Official Organ of the Greater New York Motion Picture Committee of the European Relief Council Edited by the A. M. P. A. Publicity Committee. Printed and Published by Courtesy of Wid's Daily ASSOCIATED MOTION PICTURE ADVERTISERS' COMMITTEE in co-operation with MOTION PICTURE DIVISION EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL Room 305 Capitol Theatre Circle 4411 Today's "Thank Yous' Botwen Printing Co. — for 5,000 cards. Standard Engraving Co. — for cuts. Barnes Printing Co. — for courtesies. Motion Picture Journal — for addressed envelopes. Thos. A. Wiley— for slides. Butts Litho. Co. — for posters. Jas. McCreery & Co. — ad. space for announcement. Lord & Taylor — ad. space for announcement. Abraham & Straus, Brooklyn — ad. space for announcement. Star Movie Magazine — ad. space for announcement. Reeland— space for announcement. Apollo Photo Studio — for photographs of Mary Schaefer. Cafe Boulevard — for free use of meeting room. Anthony Gablik — for drawings and for enlisting musical talent. Mastbaum's Defi Met The challenge of Jules Mastbaum /iat the Philadelphia theatres will raise a greater fund than the Greater New York Committee is going to be met, and met hard. The defi issued was at first treated perhaps lightly, but when it was recollected that Mastbaum always means what he says, the ersolve was made not only to beat him but to snow him under completely — New York intending to show him that you can't pick on a bigger fellow. Stars You're Needed Bert Adler, chairman in charge of star appearances on the night of Jan. 26 in behalf of the drive for the starving babies of Europe, is out after as many stellar lights as he can secure for that evening. It is suggested that company heads and managers whc have artists available that night communicate with Adler, .who is located in the Brokaw Bldg., 1457. Broadway. And. right away, too. Phone, Bryant 1058 Is DECORATE Your Theatre Next Week The crowd loveth a cheerful exhibitor What Red Cross Does Splendid co-operation with the Greater New York Committee is being afforded by the American Red Cross through its committee led by Mrs. Carman H. Barrett, Mrs. Arthur Bleyer, Mrs. Harry Creighton Ingalls and Miss Prudence Wilson. The executive work is in the hands of those experienced campaigners, H. D. Burrell, director, and Mrs. Paul Foerster, assistant director. Through this committee outside sales of children's matinee tickets are going on extensively and on January 26 a huge force of volunteers will be available to work i nthe theaters. The ehadquarters is on the second floor of the Capitol Theater building, Circle 4411. Flood of Appeal Posters To every film showhouse in the country a broadside poster has been sent from headquarters by Lloyd Willis. This is a lobby poster bearing the motion picture industry's appeal to the public in behalf of the European Relief as expressed by Herbert Hoover. On the back of this poster for the exhibitor's benefit are suggestions and hints for making January 26 mean something to the theatre's friends. Capitol Subscription Blanks S. L. Rothafel is distributing to Capitol Theater patrons a subscription blank for tickets to the children's matinees on January 29. This blank asks that checks be made out to Franklin K. Lane, Treasurer of the European Relief Council, and has a space for indicating to what institution, public or private, or to what individual the tickets are to be mailed. Mary Schaefer The Motion Picture Day Joan of Arc, whose "Pity Diet" for the suffering children of Europe is dedicated to the Greater New York Committee. A Selznick Group Vera Gordon, Martha Mansfield and several other Selznick stars are to form a group which will do a Fifth Avenue stunt in co-operation with the Greater New York Committee and the Red Cross workers. JOINT COMMITTEE Representing National Association of the Motion Picture Industry and the Motion Picture Theater Owners of America Oscar A. Price, William ox, Carl Laemmle, Richard A. Rowland, Chas. C. Pettijohn, Jules E. Brulatour, William Wright, James R. Quirk, Arthur S. Friend, H. M. Berman, Louis Inerarity, Arthur James, Sydney S. Cohen, Leo Brecher, C. T. Sears, C. E. Whitehurst, L. Goldman, J. Evans, Sam Bullock, S. I. Berman, E. M. Fay. Sub-Committee to Handle the Details of the National Campaign Oscar A. Price, C. C. Pettijohn, Louis Inerarity, Arthur James, H. M. Berman, Al Lichtman, Sydney S. Cohen, C. E. Whitehurst, E. M. Fay, C. L. O'Reilly, S. I. Berman. To Aid in Hoover Drive I. E. Chadwick, president of the local F. I. L. M. Club, has appointed the following committee to coopierate the A. M. P. A. and S. L. 'Rothafel in the Hoover drive. Harry H. Buxbaum, Famous Players, chairman; Louis Rosenbluh, Fox; Arthur Abeles, Metro; R. H. Clark, i\ieu< York First National; Sam Echman. Goldwyn; Sam Zierler, Commonwealth, and I. E. Chadwick, exofficio. With Flying Banners Motion Picture Day can be made a gala occasion by expressing the gala spirit with suitable decorations for the front and interior of the theaters. Every picture house will "look the part" wit ha usitable display of banners and bunting throughout the week of January 23. and more especially on Motion Picture Day and the children's matinee date, Saturday. The Publicity Committee suggests that every showman let his decorations publish his mood for the big week. The response of the citizens ought to be in the same enthusiastic mood. Let 'em know Something's Doing! Use exploitation for your big day, the 26th — and don't omit the definite message to be told in specially prepared signs announcing that date. Campfire Girls Help The Criterion Theater, trhough Mrs. Foerster, the Red Cross assistant director, has enlisted the Campfire Girls. They will be active in the campaiRn of that theater during the drive, and will be captained by Miss Mary Devlin and Miss Kempthorne, assistant.