The Film Daily (1921)

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tMA DAILY Vol. XV Ho. 18 Thurs. Jao. 20, 1921 Price 5 Cents "o»TriKht 1920. Wid's Film and Film FoUti, fac Published Daily at 71-73 West : 44th St. "w York, N. Y.. by WID'S FILMS and fILM FOLKS. INC. t C ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treasar«r: Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President u>d Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and 3usiness Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, it the post office at New York, N. Y., under Oie act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage tree) United States, Outside >f Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 nonths, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign Subscribers should remit with order. Vddr-is all communications to W1.U a DAILY. 71-73 West 44th St.. New York. N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt, 4551-4552-5558 Hollywood, California MHorial and Business Offices: 6411 Holly wood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. London Representative— W. A Williamoa, Kinematograph Weekly. 85 LongAcre. ,ondon, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film. 144 Kne lontmartre. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale Famous Flayers . . 56 58M? 573/6 do pfd 81 815^ 81 ♦Goldwyn 5 Sl/2 1 W Griffith. Inc Not quoted Loew's, Inc., .... 17% 17/2 17 H Triangle 7/16 7/16 7/16 v orld Film Not quoted •Quotations by H. Content & Co. New St. Louis Robbery C Special to WID'S DAILY) St. Louis— Three bandits held up Charles Wilson, the negro watchman at the Rialto theater, at 6:30 Monday morning and escaped with the theater safe containing Saturday's and Sunday's receipts, amounting to $3,500. Photo Repro Moves The Photo Repro Co., Inc., has moved from 1627 Broadway to the Queens Subway Bldg., Long Island City, where it has double the space it had formerly. The company is shortly going into the production of lantern slides. Johnson Cutting Films Martin Johnson is busy these days cutting the thousands of feet of film he shot on his last trip to the South Sea regions. Johnson photographed series of pictures on his last trip. The Robertson-Cole offices have not decided in what shape the films will be issued and stated yesterday that nothing could be done pending a showing of them, when they are in some sort of definite shape. In the Courts The Trocadero Amusement Co." of 628 5th Ave. was sued in the Supreme Court by Louise E. Williams for $3,000 damages because she fell on the ice in front of the theater last winter and fractured her wrist. The Triangle Film Corp. has filed suit in the Supreme Court against Hugo Mainthau, trading as the Unique Film Co., to recover five reels of positive film of the play, "Love or Justice," alleged to be worth $200. The Appellate Term of the Supreme Court has decided to dismiss the appeal of the Numa Pictures Corp. from judgments for $433 and $328 obtained in the Municipal Court by the U. S. Fire Insurance Co. and the Richmond Fire Ins. Co. unless the defendant files the appeal papers before Jan. 14. In a suit of Frederick Post against Victor Kremer to recover on a note for five films sold, the defendant has filed a new answer demanding $25,000 damages on the ground that the plaintiff falsely represented that he was the owner of the films, whereas they belonged to the W. H. Clifford Photoplay Corp. of Los Angeles, and the defendant spent the sum sued for in advertising and exploiting the films. Incorporations Trenton, N. J. — Roth Amusement Enterprises, Morristown. Capital, $100,000. Incorporators, Harry Roth, Morristown; Isidore Roth, Dover, and Walter A. Hoffman, Dover. Albany, N. Y. — Arrow Exchanges, Inc. Capital, $50,000. Incorporators, W. Ray Johnston, E. R. Champion and H. G. Davis, 1801 Popham Ave. Dover. Del. — Eureka Photoplayers. Capital, $2,250,000. Incorporators, James J. Flannery, H. L. Ellis, Jr., of New York, and S. Wormser, Brooklyn. Dover, Del. — Rotary Projector Corp. Capital, $1,000,000. Incorporators, Joseph Kenna, Jr., Thomas G. Murphy and Albert E. Hineman. Chicago. The British & Colonial Kinematograph Co., Ltd., sued the Clark-Cornelius Corp. in the Supreme Court yesterday to compel the defendant to return films of "Adam and Eve," on the ground that the defendant broke a contract by which it was made distributor of the film for the United States, Canada and the Hawaiian Island, for 35% of the net proceeds. An accounting of all sums received is also demanded. Gov't Wants Film Editors Washington — The government needs assistant editors of films in various departments and for that purpose will conduct a civil service examination on Feb. 23. Dover, Del. — Red Seal Corp. Capital, $50,000. Incorporators, T. L. Crotcau, M. A. Bruce and S. E. Dill, Wilmington. Dover. Del. — Woodlawn Theater Co., Chicago, has increased its capital from $150,000 to $1,000,000. Albany, N. Y. — Gauthier Prod. Corp., New York. Capital, 500 shares common stock, no par value; active capital, $10,000. Incorporators, M. B. Bovd. E. L. Folse and J. Gauthier, 47 W. 97th St. Jazz a la Riesenfeld Hugo Riesenfeld likes jazz, but he is quite particular as to how the jazz is played. Hence, to have it played the way he likes it — he has organized the Rialto Ensemble which will make its debut next week at the Rialto as part of the program surrounding "Brewster's Millions." It will consist mainly of wood wind instruments. There will be no strings, one trombone and a trumpet. THE STRAND THEATRE IN NEW YORK REPORTS THAT IT SHATTERED ALL HOUSE RECORDS ON SUNDAY— MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THE THEATRE ATTENDED EVERY PERFORMANCE AND "A DOGGONE-MIX-UP," A HALLROOM BOYS COMEDY WAS THE COMEDY USED. FROM THE PICK OF ALL THE COMEDIES FOR THE WEEK HALLROOM BOYS COMEDIES WERE SELECTED FOR A RECORDBREAKING WEEK— SOME RECORDSOME COMEDIES. IF YOU'RE NOT BOOKING THEM NOW GET BUSY— THEY WILL MEAN NEW RECORDS FOR YOUR HOUSE. PERCY AND FERDIE HALLROOM. Thursday, January 20, 1921 ■ i iiiii . i.i^W Tuttle Buys Franchise Max E. Mazur, treasurer of Sher man Prod. Corp., announces the final allotment of territorial rights in Texj as, Oklahoma and Arkansas for Sher man productions during the next fivj years to T. O. Tuttle, manager o Criterion Film Service, 1913^4 Com merce St., Dallas. It is understood that he has se] cured the franchise on his own ac count and not on behalf of the Cri terion. Wright With Universal (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles— William Lord Wrigl scenario writer and director, has bee placed in charge of the serial an western branch of the Universal set nario department under the directio of Lucien Hubbard, scenario edito More Sales S. J. Rollo has sold "The Devil Angel," "The Fourth Face" an "Love's Battle" to the Theater Owl ers Film Exchange of Minneapolis fc that territory. "I Am the Woman" (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Louise Glaum's ne: Read production for Associated Pn ducers will be "I Am the Woman This is the story originally calk "The Attorney for the Defense Bray Showing Today Bray Pictures will show "The Ej ements of the Automobile," an II reeler dealing with the constructic' of the machine at the Y. M. C. A., cj 57th St. today, at one o'clock. An ordinary poster is about as useful to an exhibitor as a mirror to a blind man. What the exhibitor really needs, and should insist upon having, are RITCHEY POSTERS! RITCHEY I.ITHO CORP. 406 W. 31st St ,H.Y. Phone Chelsea 8388 ■We »»»' OJVICTOP KREME ; V K SAYS Z K is O K