The Film Daily (1921)

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7^BRADSTREET of Fll .MDOM 7/^recochized Authority /OL. XV No. 26 Friday, January 28, 1921 Pric 5 Centt tt What of "The Kid Itrand Wants it for Two Weeks, But ', Trouble Comes Because of Existing Contracts With Loew A rather peculiar situation has isen along Broadway over the show\g of "The Kid." The Strand, as le First National house naturally seures the picture as a regular matter, ut the theater management stands ady to book the picture for a secrid week if it is guaranteed protecon. The Loew circuit holds contract ith First National calling for the lowing of all pictures of the Chaplin ;ries immediately after they close a eek's run at the Strand. The latter Duse in that event, would have opDsition not only from Loew but :her first run exhibitors on Broaday, if it decides to play the picture I second week. I For that reason the executive o frits of First National, it is understood, !'e taking the matter up with those [ho hold contracts for the Chaplin kries to ascertain if these interests till agree to a second week at the [trand before following out the terms I' their contracts. [If an agreement is reached, the piclire will stay for two weeks at the j:rand. If not, it remains there for he week and then goes into other '.roadway theaters. Cochrane Leaves ■R. H. Cochrane of Universal left r the coast yesterday. He is exxted to remain there for some time. Patullo Signs [George Patullo, short story writer, [is signed a contract with Paramount J collaborate with Walter Woods in ;e writing of the scenario of a new irnedy for Roscoe Arbuckle. It will [■ an adaptation of "Gasoline Gus" [id "Drycheck Charlie," two recent 'itullo Saturday Evening Post sto New Reichenbach Unit 'Jrhe Harry Reichenbach Sales Corp. (s been formed in Albany with a pital of $5,000 by Harry Reichen>ch, Harry Saks Hecheimer and jtpt. Ralph De Avna, attached to the lench Embassy at Washington. (Reichenbach has formed the comjny to handle special exploitation on | series of official French Governi?nt films. Reichenbach's work durU the war and later in connection Ith other pictures is understood to Jve attracted the attention of the jench Government with the preset engagement as a result. Mack Sennett's first tremendous production for Associated Producers, Inc. — "A Small Town Idol," featuring B en Turpin, Marie Prevofet, Phyllis Haver and Charles Murray, is another gigantic "Mickey." At its opening week in the 800-seat Mission Theatre, Los Angeles, it grossed $13,950. — Advt. At Midnight| Hoover's Drive Fittingly Celebrated at Capitol With Splendid Bill Millionaires and film folk helped crowd the Capitol at midnight Wed nesday when a special performance was given by the Greater New York motion picture committee to the General Committee of the European Relief Council. (Continued on Page 3) Start Work in April (Special to WID'S DAILY) Philadelphia— Ground will be broken early in April for the proposed Fox theater at 16th and Market Sts The leases now held by present occupants of the properties that make up the site expire then, but one tract will not be available until August. It is not expected that this will interfere with the progress of razing and making the necessary excavations. Plans and specifications arc now being drawn by Thomas Lamb of New York. Hansen Serials To Be Made on Coast — New Company Formed Don Meauey, general manager for Juanita Hansen, returned from the west yesterday and announced that Miss Hansen had formed a company called the Juanita Hansen Prod. Co., a California corporation capitalized at $75,000. The company will make animal serials starring Miss Hansen. Production will be on the coast and work will start shortly. Present plans call for the nine months on the first se(Continued on Page 2) Houdini Back Houdini has returned to America after a six months' tour of Europe. His purpose in going abroad was to fulfill a contract made nine years ago for a tour of the Moss-Empire theaters. He has brought back exterior scenes for a prospective production. Switched ? Three New Series Expected to Go Through Educational — Only Features for 1st Nat'l Educational figures in three separate deals, according to report. By the terms of it, the distributing company will secure three additional series of pictures: the Toonerville Trolley Comedies, produced by the Betzwood Film Corp. of Philadelphia; the Henry Lehrman comedies and Topics of the Day, produced by Timely Films in conjunction with the Literary Digest. It is understood that all three deals are practically in the last stages of negotiations. First National has been handling the Toonerville comedies and the Lehrman comedies to date. At the recent Chicago meeting when the "Big Five" productions (Continued on Page 2) Cabanne On Way West W. Christy Cabanne, who came to New York to deliver the print of "What's a Wife Worth?" has left for Los Angeles to make his third picture for Robertson-Cole. Invitation Showing Tonight (Special to WID'S DAILY). Philadelphia — The invitation showing at the new Stanley theater will be held tonight. It will be preceded by a dinner at the Ritz-Carlton, at which Jules Mastbaum will be the host. The first public showing will be held tomorrow. Adolph Zukor has arranged for a number of financiers, stars and film executives affiliated with his various enterprises to accompany him to Philadelphia in a special car this afternoon to attend the Stanley opening. Those who will go are as follows: H. G. Ballance, M. M. Belding, Ben Blumenthal, Jules E. Brulatour, H. D. H. Connick, Lee Counselman, William H. English, Daniel Frohman, Hope Hampton, Henry Arthur Jones, Felix E. Kahn. Sidney R. Kent, Mornis Kohn, Jesse L. Lasky, Frederic G. Lee, Robert Z. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Elek J. Ludvigh, Mae Murrav. Samuel Rachman. Hugo Riesenfekl Fmile E. Shauer, A. Walsh and John S. Woody. Others who are going are Lewis J. Selznick. who will take with him Martha . Mansfield ---and Eusjene O'Brien. F. J. Godsof, of Goldwvn: and Dorothy Dalton. As a matter of fact, present indications point to a general exodus of film executives from New York at 3 o'clock this afternoon.