The Film Daily (1921)

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day, February 7, 1921 tMA DAILY Chicago Doings (Special to WID'S DAILY) i c a go — Bertha Schoenstadt's age to Louis Lindenthall which )lace Feb. 2nd at the Blackstone. louncement has also been made "thur Schoenstadt's engagement >rothy Heyman. ). Whitehead has purchased the rt Theater on West Madison oin the Sultan Amusement Co. Dme Lewis, representing Victor er, was a city visitor. rry Weiss of the Superior Screen :e has closed with the Producers ity Corp. for "When Dawn E. Hancock of the Pacific Film was a city visitor. s Trulich, greatly improved in i, is back on the job again at ionita theater. n Cushman is now booker at Lealart Exchange. agraph, Inc., has moved into quarters at 835 S. Wabash Ave. olph Powell has sold his Rex ter to a syndicate which now ols the DeLux on 63rd. e Blackstone Exchange, owned orris Kline, has sold, put to the Era Film Corp. oker Heller has left Healart and naugurate a messenger and ser rry Weiss in investigating conis in Indianapolis, St. Louis, DeCleveland, etc. It looks like Exchanges; e Superior Screen Service has d a deal with the Gaumont Co., 52 one reel releases known as :en Magazine," also a five reel re with Josephine Earle, enThe Edge of Youth," and a reeler "Infatuation of Youth." rheiss Missing; Funds, Too (Special to WID'S DAILY) Louis — A police search has been uted for John Theiss, 21 years assistant manager of Lowe's ick, following the discovery of an cd discrepancy of $2,800 in his jnts. sident Manager Edward Cline med the police that a "check up" le receipts of Saturday and Sunindicated $3,600 should be in the :er safe. When it was opened ;rday but $800 was found. Theiss lot been seen since Sunday night. Greely Goes to Indianapolis (Special to WID'S DAILY) >rtland, Me.— James W. Greely, :wo years connected with the Inil Revenue Department has re?d to become manager of Loew's e in Indianapolis, which opens on 14. Lasky Producing Activities ' Los Angeles — Cecil B. DeMille has just completed "The Affairs of Anatol" at the Lasky plant. William DeMille is at work on "The Lost Romance," an original by Edward Knoblock, scenarized by Olga. The George Melford production of "The Money Master," has been employing a large number of extra people. The company engaged upon "Crazy to Marry," with Roscoe Arbuckle, has left Hollywood for a trip northward to obtain some scenes. James Cruze is directing. Gloria Swanson will have a brief rest before starting on "The Great Moment." Ethel Clayton, under direction of Thomas Heffron, is progressing with "Sham." Thomas Meighan is attired in a full dress suit for scenes "White and Unmarried," directed by Tom Forman. New Productions Four independent productions have either been placed in production or will be in a few days. The four are being made in the east and are as follows: "Why Girls Leave Home," William Nigh directing. Working Biograph studio. Robert Z. Leonard making a production for Perry Plays, Inc., at the Biograph studio. Roland West at the Talmadge plant. Space has been leased there while Norma Talmadge is resting in the south. Ivan Abramson at work at the Estee studio on a picture in which he says Vivian Martin, Earl Metcalfe, Jack Sherrill, Pearl Shepard and others are appearing. Robbery Attempt (Special to WID'S DAILY) Alton, 111. — Five bandits made an unsuccessful attempt to blow the safe at the New Grant, Monday night "The Naked Truth" "The Naked Truth," a seven reeler with trimmings, will be featured by A. M. P. A., at a special showing at the Hotel Biltmore March 4. To the uninitiated business manager, Tom Wiley offers the explanation that "The Naked Truth" is the title which has been decided upon for the as ation's annual and first formal dinner. Plans Near Completion (Special to WID'S DAILY) Oakland, Cal. — Plans are nearing completion for new theaters for the Kehrlein Kinema Circuit in both Fresno and Oakland, and all of these problems are being worked out on an elaborate scale. These two new houses will seat between 2,700 and 3,000. The architect is A. G. Lansburgh of San Francisco. George MacQuarrie who made a special trip to the coast to appear in "The Quarry" with Thomas Meighan is back in New York. IS WOMAN LOVED FOR BEAUTY OF BODY OR BEAUTY OF SOUL? State Right Buyers — IMMEDIATE RELEASE — PUNCH, PLUS HEART INTEREST, MAKES WONDERFUL BOX-OFFICE HIT THE GRAND PASSION Written by Robert McLaughlin and Charles T. Dazey Played by FLORENCE DIXON And Notable Supporting Cast You Can't Beat a Combination of the Authors of "THE HOUSE WITHOUT CHILDREN" and "In OLD KENTUCKY" Will Go Everywhere— No Censorship Worries Act Quickly-Telephone-Wire-Call ROBERT W. PRIEST, Pres't The Film Market, Inc. No. 503, Times Building