The Film Daily (1921)

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day, February 18, 1921 iritis DAILY luch Adverse Legislation Pending 10 Bills Up iska Situation Acute, But Film Men Are Optimistic Over Outcome (Special to WID'S DAILY) coin, Neb. — Ten bills have been luced before the Nebraska legre, now in session, affecting the :ry. The time for presenting has closed, and the children's re committee, to which all the have been referred, is now de; what action it will take. Picnen are optimistic over the out I state child welfare commission [uced a bill providing censorind the film men to pay costs ssessments. There is another iavorable bill, which penalizes fs for letting children under 12 theaters, another which makes ime to give sensational titles to known books, and a couple of providing standards for projecooths. Ov;-unizing in California C^cial to WID'S DAILY.) Vrancisco — The Allied AmuseJndustries of Calif., is circular the theaters throughout the on the work it is doing in Sacito on censorship and other Ems. The organization is seeknds to finance future operations. ;ene H. Roth is endeavoring to a number of stars to appear an March 5 at the Auditorium ance. It is expected this affair let $25,000 to the organization. Veek of March 5 will be called n Picture Week and all the rs are planning extraordinary ensorship bill is now pending in mento. It would censor films 1 as vaudeville. veston, Tex. — Charles E. Sasis joint manager of the Grand . House and Queen, part of the \ string. PRIVATE OFFICES »r rent in suite. Immediate ssession. Apply 7 W. 46th St. Room 203 CAMERAMEN urnished for all purposes. TED SOCIETY CINEMA TOGRAPHERS uite 1603 Candler Building Phone Bryant 6558 Iowa Seeks Tax Bill Would Place Burden on Patrons — Drastic Censor Measure Introduced (Special to WID'S DAILY) Des Moines — The Iowa legislature has before it an amusement tax bill, a severe censorship bill and the problem of what will be done toward enforcing a multitude of Blue Laws now on the Iowa statutes. The amusement tax bill placing a one cent state tax on every admission of 50 cents or fraction thereof is a duplicate bill, up in both houses, and is understood to stand an excellent chance of passing. It is understood that the tax will be passed directly to the patron, and will not be borne by the exhibitor. The exhibitors are doing nothing toward opposing this or any other legislation which may come up in Iowa. The censorship bill is drastic, patterned somewhat after the Ohio law. Labor Against Restrictions (Special to WID'S DAILY) St. Louis — Defeat of the bills providing for the Sunday closing of picture shows and the creation of a state board of censorship are urged in resolutions unanimously adopted by the Central Trades and Labor Unions, representing 85,000 workers. Heath Joins Realart (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Percy Heath has joined Realart's scenario staff. He has been signed to write scenarios for Wanda Hawley and Bebe Daniels. Victory in Missouri Censorship and Sunday Closing Not Favored by House Committee — One Report Submitted (Special to WID'S DAILY) Jefferson City, Mo. — Bills providing for censorship and closing of theaters on Sunday will be reported out unfavorably by the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence. The Senate committee has already made an adverse report on Sunday closing. It is expected to take similar action on censorship. The House committee voted against Sunday closing after a hearing Monday night at which Blue Law advocates appeared in support of their bill. More Enemies to Blue Laws (.Special to WID'S DAILY) Albany, N. Y. — The Liberty League of America, has been formed here by George C. Craft, Adele S. Everhardt, Louis Bennett, Harold Van Riper and Harold R. Korey, of New York. The organization has for its purpose, discouragement of blue Sundays. Adventists Oppose Blue Laws (Special to WID'S DAILY) Albany, N. Y. — A hundred and fifty clergymen of the Atlantic and Columbia conferences of the Seventh Day Adventists have forwarded a petition to the legislature expressing their disapproval to the Sunday blue Maigne Denies Report Charles Maigne, director for Famous Players, denies he is to leave that organization, as reported. Six producing units are making two reel western photo-dramas at Universal City. Printing Developing Tinting D. W. Griffith, Inc. Laboratories Mamaroneck, N. Y. ALBERT L. GREY General Manager The projection brilliancy and print perfection in "WAY DOWN EAST" is a tribute to the efficiency of The Griffith, Inc., Laboratories. The capacity of our modern equipment makes it possible to undertake a limited amount of high class printing and developing. For all particulars apply to: F. Wynne-Jones Business Manager 305 Longacre Bldg., New York City Phone: Bryant 6761, 6762, 9486 Studio Bulletin CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOL Telegram Day Letter Blue Niyht Message Nile Night Letter NL If none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this Is a telegram. Otherwise its character is indicated by the symbol appearing after the check. WESTE«A UNION AM WESTERN UNION NEWCOM8 CARLTON. PRESIDENT GEORGE W. E. ATKINS. FIR9T VICE-PRESIDENT CLASS OF SERVICE SrMBOL Telegram D-l Loiter Blue Night Meeuje Nile Night Lett* NL If none of these three symbols ajwears after the check (number of words* this le a telegram. .Other* wise Its character is Indicated by the symbol appearing after the check. C HOGS 172 BLUE HD L0SANGELES CALIF 17 HIRAM ABRAMS UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION 729 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK NY RECOVERING QUICKLY FROM INJURY TO MY HAND AFTER YOU SEE THE NUT YOU WILL AGREE IT WAS WELL WORTH THE ACCIDENT WILL BE BACK ON THE JOB VERY SHORTLY BEST REGARDS TO ALL DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS URE BOX-OFFICE BET. — Trade Heo'eco BIG PICTURE. '.AN UP. -World WILL 1UMAN STORY THAT ,L DRAW. — Exhibitors Herald THE PARISH PRIEST A SUPER SPECIAL TWENTY YEARS A STAGE SUCCESS HERMAN J. GARFIELD 12 09 TIMES BUILDING r^EW YORK CITY