The Film Daily (1921)

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V» UfBMOSTRKT tfHLMDOM Vol. XV No. 49 Mon. Feb. 21, 1921 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1921, Wid's Film and Film FoUcs, Incf Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St New York. N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. F C ("Wid") Gunning. President and Treasurer ; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President "nd Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and Business Manager. . Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918. ,t tne post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. renrts (Postage free) United States, Outside 3f Greater New York, $10.0C one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. . .,. , Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to W1US DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New Telephone; Va°nderbilt, 4551-4552-5558 Hollywood, California Editorial and Business Offices: 6411 Holly wood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. London Representative— W A. Williamson. Kineraatograph Weekly, 85 Long Acre, ^Paris' pfepreseniative-Le Film, 144 Rue Montmartre. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale Famous Players .. 62/, 63/ 62/ do pfd 81-/ 81-/ 813/ ♦Goldwyn 4/2 5 l> W. Griffith, Inc Not quoted Loew's, Inc 18 18 18 Triangle Vs V& V\ World Film Not quoted ♦Quotations by H. Content & Co. Tie-up Martin, McGuire and Newcombe of 727 7th Ave. have perfected a tieup with the National M. P. Title Co. and in the future the combined companies will handle title work in all its phases, including laboratory work. Members of Salesmen's Class The following are the members of the second salesmen's class of Famous Players. This class was graduated last week. The exchanges to which they have been assigned are also given. . J M Bettencourt, San Francisco; L. L. Britton, Boston; M. C. Cohn, Denver; L. J Engel, Boston; H. Fink, Cleveland; Its' Fleet, Atlanta; A. W. Hill, Minneapolis; P J Morgan, Toronto; H. S. Hoke, SeattleM Landow, Philadelphia; J. F. Levee, New York Home Office; W. C. Lippincott, Detroit; J. T. McBride St. Louis; A. Mendenhall, Des Moines; T. H. Mitchell, Jr Atlanta; D. E. Nease, Portland; Wm. O'Loghlin, Toronto; C. N. Peacock, Loj Angeles ; C. E. Peppiatt, Atlanta ; R. Rhedans, Minneapolis; K. G. Robinson, New Haven; L. A. Spinks, Atlanta; F. A. Wasgien St. Louis; W. D. Washburn, Chicago; J T Wilber, Albany; Leon Williams, Atlanta; M. S. Wilson, Salt Lake City and H L. Zink, Chicago. Monday, February ;fl Western Ad Men Organ p (Special to WID'S DAILyI Los Angeles — Local public n have, organized the Westen \ Advertisers with a charter n ship of 35. Ray Leek, of Metro, wa.'l president of the W. M. P. other officers are as followfj Reeve (Lasky), vice-preside a Miller (California Theater)!! urer, and John McCormicl |( National), secretary. The 1| directors is composed of Petl Mark Larkin, Richard Spier,Smollen and Adam Hull Sh CHRISTIE COMEDIES This is the husbands' hideaway in "Scrappily Married," the new Christie comedy. Book through Educational.— Advt. ====—— ===== 'The On Broadway Broadhurst— "Over the Hill." Broadway — Vera Gordon in Greatest Love." Brooklyn Strand— "The Inside of the Cup." Capitol — "The Concert." Criterion — Marion Davies in "Buried Treasure." 44th St.— "Wav Down East." Loew's New York— Today— "Dinty." Tuesday— Wanda Hawley in "The Snob." ' Wednesday— Thomas Meighan in "The Frontier of the Stars." Thursday— "Isobel of The Trail's End." Friday— William Russell in "The Cheater Reformed," David^ Butler in "Girls Don't Gamble." Saturday— Viola Dana in "The Offshore Pirate." Sunday— Bert Lytell in "The Misleading Lady." Rialto— Bebe Daniels in "She Couldn't Help It." Rivoli— "Straight Is The Way. Strand — "Black Beauty." (f (Qd-ttcatioruxl 0 ictivuuJ Broadhurst Next Week -"Over the Hill." Hancock Here T. E. Hancock of the Pacific Film Co., dealing in the independent market, is in town from the coast. Headquarters with the Producers Security Corp., 516 5th Ave. McCurdy Heads Maryland M. P. T. O. (Special to WID'S DAILY) Baltimore— Eugene B. McCurdy was elected president of the Maryland M. P. T. O., at the meeting held on Tuesday. Other officers are Thomas Goldburg, vice-president; William E. Stumpf, secretary and Frank A. Hornig, treasurer. The state's quota of $1,800 to the. national treasury was subscribed in 10 minutes. "Passion" in Los Angi (Special to WID'S DAIL" Los Angeles — "Passion" ];' transferred from the Amba^ the Kinema, where it is be definitely. This is the third the picture here. In Washington (Special to WID'S DAIL Washington — Harry Crai ports that "The Kid" by si Monday, had broken all re a total Monday business. Broadway— Not yet deterjrnined._^__ Brooklyn "Strand— " B lack~B eaut_y/"_ Capitol— Will Rogers in "The Guile of Women." Criterion— Marion Davies in "Buried Treasure." 44th St. — "Way Down East." Rialto — Not yet determined. Rivoli — Not yet determined. Strand— Charles Ray in "The Old Swimmin' Hole." Taylor To 'Frisco (Special to WID'S DAIL San Francisco — Waylanc for some time at the Seatjj mount exchange, will assunf sition of exploitation reprfi here following the resignalji D. Howard. "THE SPICE OF THE PROGRAM" Vr PROTECTION The fundamental principle back of every successful business enterprise is insurance. Corporations owe it to their stockholders. Partners owe it to each other. You as an individual owe it to yourself. Do not allow yourself to be lulled into false security. You NEED insurance. 119 FULTON ST. ( NEW yOCK __ N.y. REAL 1#<?uWn Samuel PHONE . „ 6EEKMAN SERVICE 909I-2-3-4-5 There is as much d:| ence between RITCI posters and mediocre ers as there is bet :en diamonds and rhinesties, RITCHE? L1THO. CORP. I 406 W.31st St., N.Y. Phone Chelsi 1311 STATE RIGI-H The Big Three I "HIS ENEMY'S DU< TER" "THE UNFORTU MARRIAGE" "FATAL LOVE" Write or wire CANDLER PICTURE Room 317 220 U