The Film Daily (1921)

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fW s!i^ DA1&-V Saturday, March 12, 19 XV No. 67 Saturday March 12, 1921 Price 5 Cents I yright 1921, Wid's Film and Film Folks, , Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St i York N Y., by WID'S FILMS and ,M FOLKS, INC. 6 ("Wid") Gunning, President and TreasToseph Dannenberg, Vice-President Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and iness Manager. ,ered as sedond-class matter May 21, lyis. he post office at New York, N. Y., under act of March 3, 1879. ms (Postage free) United States, Outside Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 iths $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign .00. ubscribers should remit with order. ilress all communications to W1U b 'lAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. ,'elephone; Vanderbilt, 4551-4552-5558 Hollywood, California, torial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollyood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. ,ondon Representative— W. A. William I, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 Long Acre, idon, W. C. 2. ^M ,„„ „ 'aris Representative — Le Film, 144 Kue ntmartre. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale mous Players . . . 6254 65 62§^ lo pfd 81J4 8154 8I/2 oldwyn 5 5^4 W. Griffith, Inc Not quoted lew's, Inc 1654 17 J* 1654 iangle Y% Vi H irld Film Not quoted 'Quotations by H. Content & Co Blank Heads New Firm (Special to WID'S DAILY) Zlinton, la.— A. H. Blank, well jwn theater owner, has been named ■sident of the recently incorpord A-Muse-U Theater Co. The lital of the firm is $25,000, and its pose is to operate picture theaters. Greene In Charge (Special to WID'S DAILY) Philadelphia — Walter R. Greene ! been appointed advertising and jlicity director for Equity Producns and Masterpiece Film Attracts by Ben Amsterdam. Open Denver Office (Special to WID'S DAILY) Jenver — The Palmer Photoplay rp., which trains writers in the creDii of scenarios, has opened an ce here, with Mr. Downing in irge. Putting It Over Here is how a brother exhibitor put his show over. Send along your ideas. Let the other fellow know how you cleaned up. Boston, Mass. — Ace Berry put over an extensive publicity and exploitation campaign for "Kismet" at the Majestic. Arabs in native costume were around the city for two weeks, doing a blotter distribution mornings, and blocking traffic downtown by using their prayer rugs at Boston's busiest corners. Berry had them at a big athletic meet at which time they issued challenges to wrestle any one of the mat champs. This stunt got notices in all the sport pages. The "prayer stunt" broke for news stories 3,000 newsboys were tagged for several days with "Have you seen Kismet?" An event well advertised for the opening was the presence of the governor of Massachusetts and the mavor of Boston. Omaha, Neb. — During the we»ek that "Heliotrope" was playing at the Des Moines, safe-blowers one night blew the safe and escaped with $3,400. Not to be floored by his misfortune Manager Arthur Stolte of the Des Moines took advantage of the wide publicity given the robbery, and ran an advertisement denying that it was a "press-agent stunt," and inviting the public to inspect the office where the safe was blown. As an overcharge of "soup" had been used in the robbery, the office was a sight worth seeing. He also took the mangled safe and put it on the sidewalk in front of his handsome theater, decorating the safe with a sign which read: "Did Heliotrope Harry Do This Job?" Boston, Mass. — For the showing of "The Devil" at Gordon's Old South Theater, Manager McGinnis took advantage of many channels of exploitation. An extensive teaser campaign was used in the newspapers for two weeks, with a big quarter page splash at the end of that time. A stunt that attracted much attention was a big limousine wired and lighted in red, which toured the city bearing one of the theater ushers wearing silk hat and costume similar to that worn by Mr. Arliss in the picture. One of the biggest bets of the campaign was a wonderful electric light display in the busiest section of Boston. The sign was visible for four blocks in every direction and made a striking display. Several ushers were dressed like Mr. Arliss in the picture, arousing comment from patrons of the theater. Add to Chain (Special to WID'S DAILY) Miami, Okla. — Landen Bros, and Cloud of Tulsa, Dallas and Brecken ridgc, have taken over the Idle Hour in Cardin. Incorporations Albany, N. Y. — Hons Amusement Co., Rockville Center, Capital $15,000. Incorporators: J. H. Birdsall, J. W. Ely and J. A. Hons, Rockville Center. Dover, Del. — Morosco Town. Capital, $3,000,000. Incorporators, T. L. Croteau, M. A. Bruce and S. E. Dill, Wilmington. Dover, Del.— New Amsterdam Film Co. $250,000. Incorporators, Wiley R. Mcintosh, Campbell A. Mcintosh and Lewis Landes, New York. Dover, Del.— K. C. Prod. Capital, $100,000. Incorporators, C. T. Cohee, C. B. Outten, S. L. Mackey, Wilmington. Dover, Del. — Smith Amusement Corp. Capital, $1,000,000. Incorporators: L. B. Phillips and A. Silver of Dover. Dover, Del. — Golden States Theaters Corp. Capital, $1,000,000. Incorporators, T. L. Croteau, M. A. Bruce and S. E. Dill, Wilmington. Albany, N. Y. — Brownie Comedies, New York. Capital, $60,000. Incorporators, A. E. Beerman, W. J. Russell and A. Ross, 151 16th St., Brooklyn. Dover, Del. — Aladdin Cinema Sales Co. Capital, $100,000. Incorporators, J. Vernor Plimm, E. M. MacFarland and F. R. Hansell of Philadelphia. Albany, N. Y. — Valkyrie Pictures Corp., New York. Capital, $100,000. Incorporators, C. Gumalesis, M. Gisnet and L. R. Noah, 200 W. 94th St. Albany, N. Y. — Gardner Hall Amusement Co. of Troy. Capital, $2,000. Incorporators, Chas. W. Armstrong, James S. Miller and J. H. Broderick of Troy. Attorneys, Murphy, Aldrich and Guy, Troy. Albany. N. Y. — MacAdams Pictures, New York. 35,000 shares preferred stock, $100 each, and 500 of common, no par value. Active capital, $352,500. Incorporators, S. H, Watson, T. H. Graydon and M. MacAdams, Hotel Woodward. Buys Theater (Special to WID'S DAILY) Frederick, Okla.— J. W. Morgan, a business man of Mangum, has purchased the Queen here from A. Berry. New One in South (Special to WID'S DAILY) Edinburg, Tex.— A $14,000 picture theater will be built here under the direction of the Chamber of Commerce. Leases Theater (Special to WID'S DAILY) Harriman, Pa.' — J. M. Molan, of Philadelphia, has leased the Strand here. At It Seventeen Years (Special to WID'S DAILY) Plattsburg, Mo.— A turkey dinner was given in honor of 1 C. H. Thompson and M. J. Trimble, managers of the opera house here, after the show on a recent night. The Plattsburg Leader in a first page story stated that Thompson and Trimble in the 17 years that they have managed the opera house, have made an earnest effort to give the people of this part of the country clean, wholesome and appreciated entertainment. Ryskind Doing Titles (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles— Morrie Ryskind.W merly of Famous Players, is writii the titles for "Stranger Than Fi' tion," Katherine MacDonald's in picture. It is said that Ryskind w brought on from New York especii ly when Miss MacDonald happen, across a volume of his new hoc "Unaccustomed As I Am." As a modern timepiece surpasses the hour glass so also do RITCHEY posters surpass the ordinary pester . RITCHEY LITHO. CORP. 406 W. 31st St.,N.Y. Phone Chelsea 8388 AMAZED? PUNCH