The Film Daily (1921)

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DAILY Wednesday, April 20, Vol. XVI No. 20 Wednesday, April 20, 1921 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1921, Wid'a Film and Film Folks, Inc., Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. F. C. ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treasurer; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and Business Manager. J. A. Cron, Advertising Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918. at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to WID'S DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Telephone; Vanderbilt, 45S1-4552-5558 Hollywood, California. Editorial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. London Representative — W. A. Williamson, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 Long Acre, London, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film, 144 Rue Montmartre. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale \ Famous Players ..75 73l/2 73^2 do pfd 87 873/4 873,4 ♦Goldwyn . ... 4% 5% D. W. Griffith, Inc Not quoted • Loew's, Inc 18# 18^ 18^ Triangle V% Yi Vz World Film Not quoted ^ ■ ♦♦Quotations by H. Content & Co. Jack Gilbert With Goldwyn Los Angeles — Jack Gilbert, recent! ly director for Hope Hampton, has been selected for the cast of "Who Shall Judge?" the next Reginald Barker Prod., from a scenario by Gouverneur Morris. More Personal Appearances . Jack Eaton, in charge of Goldwyn's short subjects department, states Ihjit Johnny Jones has been booked to appear in person at the Stanley, Philadelphia, week of April 23; Shea's Hippodrome, Buffalo, week of May 1; the Strand, Brooklyn, week of May 8; Loew's Stillman, Cleveland, O., week of May 15; the Circle, Indian" apolis, Ind., week of May 23, and the Riviera. Chicago, week of May 28. Six A. P. Releases AT Lichtman has listed the following Associated Producers releases for May and June: "I Am Guilty," a Read production; "Home Talent," a Sennett feature; "Mother o' Mine," Dwan Prod.; "The Foolish Matrons," an Ince release; "The Broken Doll," a Tourneur Prod., and "The Ten Dollar Raise," Frothingham Prod. The Way Out (Continued from Page 1) sented for the purpose of attracting people into the theaters, might well have been prepared along saner and even more decent lines. But it is a serious question whether or not the remedy suggested is not too drastic for the faults incurred and the mistakes made. There has been much discussion during the past few months on the part of the various interests of this industry in an effort to meet the problem of meeting your desire for regulation of this industry. But only within the last week has there apparently been made a series of suggestions which seem worth while and deserving of your consideration. This publication possesses certain information which indicates with certainty that a move along the right lines is well within your province. It is to be hoped that you will follow your own dictates with regard to this. And there is every reason to believe that if you will, that the result will more than justify the patience which will be necessary. You cannot, with a stroke of the pen, affect millions of dollars worth of productions and the possible entertainment of millions of people, without the possibility, at least, of working an injury definite, important and costly. And this no matter how sincerely the work you plan is carried out by others. On the other hand, you have no reason to believe but that promises made can be broken. You have been swamped with petitions ; you have been taxed to the utmost of your patience by men who have made pleas, who have offered suggestions. Some Assemblymen have been informed of certain possible movements which, after all, might well have been left unsaid. It lies within your power to bring to the people of this community, to the motion picture industry, and indeed to the entire country as a whole, great good. Motion pictures have proven beyond question the greatest delight and entertainment for the tremendous masses of people who make up this country. To their development, perhaps, there has not been that stability, that careful reckoning along which lines other industries have developed. But just as this country responded without question of cost to the great problem of the World War, so this industry has made gigantic leaps in the effort to satisfy the millions of people who look to it for their only form of entertainment. And so mistakes have happened in this industry. Perhaps the wrong kind of men have at times operated in a manner very far from pleasing, including those producers who look to the dollar first and rarely think of consequences. And so to the innumerable suggestions that have been offered we should like to add this : Do not sign the Lusk-Clayton Bill. Rather, appoint a commission of the highest type of individuals of this vast State. If you please, bar from this commission any individual, or representative of the motion picture industry. Let it be composed of educators, leading mentalities of commerce • and finance. Exclude from it any and all reformers or fanatics. Let this commission have ample time and funds to study the problem of the motion picture. Not as (Continued on Page 4) Betty Blythe Here Betty Blythe, who plays therole in "The Queen of Sheba,' rived in New York yesterday California. Brady Promoted Joseph A. Brady has been app ed director of advertising and pi ity of Associated Exhibitors. B has already assumed his new di He has been assistant to P. AJ sons, advertising maanger of Ijj for the past year. Leased for 21 Years The Stadium at Pitkin and Ch Aves., with a seating capacity of '.■ has been leased by the Wagner I ty Co. to Signor Weltner foi Stadium Amusement Corp. ft years at a rental aggregating $1 000. The Stadium, a new Bro house, was built six months ag Returning to Stage (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Bessie Barri who has been starring in picture six years, will return to the spd stage. The return will take pla the Fulton, Oakland, in "Two Betty," a play written for her by husband, Howard Hickman, who act in it. This play was produce a picture three years ago. 25% in Cash; Rest in Notes The Wark Producing Corp. hai fected a composition with creditor a basis of 100%— 25% in cash balance in notes maturing betv May 1, 1921, and Dec. 31, 1922, dorsed by David W. Griffith, D. G. Corp., D. W. Griffith, Lillian ( and A. H. T. Banzhof, the latter president of Wark Producing C All waived their claims. Liabil are $298,910. It's difficult to make great posters, but it's easy to get them. Simply order RITCHEY POSTERS RITCHEY L.ITHO. CORP. 406 W. 31st S1..N.Y. Phone Chelsea 8388 WE NEVEI2 DISAPPOINT (romiwBlm Ulborktories PHONE bPYANT 5576 INCORPORATED 2 20 WEST 42*5 STREET NEW YORK ALLAN A.LOWNES CEN.MGB.