The Film Daily (1921)

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iMA DAILY Wednesday, May 11, *■ At Broadway Theaters Criterion A complete change of program has been made at the Criterion this week. The feature is "The Lost Romance," a William DeMille production from an original story by Edward Knoblock. The second number is "Serenade," sung by Fred Jagel, tenor. A pleasing number is the Benda Mask Dance with Desha as "The Sad Girl," Vera Myers as "The Frivolous Girl" and Paul Oscard as "The Dude." This number is followed by "Moongold," an unusual short reel subject offered by Dramafilms. In it the lighting is concentrated on the players and the sets proper are kept in darkness. The last number is "The First Circus," the initial offering of Tony Sarg's Almanac. Rialto The overture at the Rialto this week is "Martha." The Rialto Magazine is the second number. Edoarda Albano, baritone, sings "Visione Veneziana." The feature goes on next. It is "The Wild Goose," a Cosmopolitan Prod, released through Famous Players. The comedy is "The Tourist," producted by Vitagraph. John Priest plays "Scotch Fantasia" as the concluding organ solo. Strand "Isabella" is the overture at the Strand this week. The Strand Topical Review is the second number and is followed by the prologue to the feature depicting a street scene in Seville. The feature is Pola Negri in "Gypsy Blood." Larry Semon in "The Rent Collector" is the comedy. The organ solo is "Grand Choeur." Owens to Represent A. P. (Specif to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles— To represent Associated Producers, Inc., in the Orient, Harry M. Owens, as special representative, will sail from San Francisco for Japan on June 2d. Owens will make his headquarters with Oriental Film Co. in Tokio and will remain in the Orient for at least three months. DIRECTORY OF THE TRADEi RELIABLE GUIDE FOR READY REFERENCE ADVERTISING— PUBLICITY MERRITT CRAWFORD The Screen Bulletin 904 Fitzgerald Bldg. Bryant 5506 ROBERT EDGAR LONG Formerly With D. W. Griffith 1482 Broadway Bryant 6380 ARTISTS AND ART TITLES F. A. A. DAHME, INC., Art Titles — Animation — Leaders 220 W. 42nd St. Bryant 6796 BROKERS MOTION PICTURE SECURITIES CO. Investments 454-460 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles LABORATORIES CLAREMONT FILM LABORATORIES 430 Claremont Parkway Tel. Tremont 3766 H. J. Streyckmans, General Manager PRINTERS Coast Bans "Caligari" German Film Withdrawn from Miller's Theater, Los Angeles — House Picketed (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," the futuristic film produced in Germany and distributed in this country by Goldwyn, was received with such protest here that the engagement at Miller's theater has been cancelled and another film substituted. The theater maangement attempted to put on the production despite the protests lodged by the American Legion, the Motion Picture Directors' Association, the Assistant Directors' Association, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators. Pickets from these organizations as well as wounded veterans of the war carried banners admonishing the public not to patronize the theater and in general picketed the theater. The demonstration was continued in front of the theater from the opening time on Sunday until 8:30 at night, when Miller anonunced that he would start running another picture. WID'S DAILY learns that up until six o'clock about 75 persons entered the theater and that less than that number attended the evening show. The demonstration in front of the theater attracted thousands to the vicinity. Patrons leaving the theater were jeered but were not otherwise molested. No violence of any kind was reported. Various picture organizations both here and in the west have gone on record as opposing the further importation of foreign-made pictures. The occurrence in Los Angeles, however, is the first to crystallize in any definite manner. $1 Top in Chicago (Special to WID'S DAILY) Chicago — The new Ziegfeld on Michigan Blvd. is showing "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" for an indefinite period. The picture opened at that theater on May 7 at $1 top. T. O. C. C. Dinner Tonight The installation dinner of the Theater Owners' Chamber of Commerce will be given at the Ritz-Carlton tonight. New members will be introduced. BARNES PRINTING CO. Motion Picture Specialists 36 East 22d St. Phone Gramercy 945 PROSPECT PRESS 188 W. 4th St. Spring 2070 STUDIOS ESTEE STUDIO AND LAB., INC. Studio — 209-219 E. 124th Harlem 7196 Studio — 361 W. 125th Morn. 4985 MODERN, FULLY EQUIPPED STUDIO For Rent by Day, Week or Month 230-232 West 38th St. Fitz 4205 Changes Policy (Special to WID'S DAILY) Buffalo — The Olympic, a vaudeville theater, has announced a change of policy from straight vaudeville to vaudeville and pictures, effective May 15th. The opening attraction will be "Good Women." Mangan Joins the Aliens (Special to WID'S DAILY) Montreal — Francis A. Mangan, production manager at Phil Gleichman's Broadway-Strand, Detroit, has been engaged by the Aliens to stage presentations at their new theater here. Mangan is from New York, having at one time been at the Rio. YOU Mr. Exhibitor, are really our market! We producers must please you FIRST inil order to have you interest the public:) TELL ME — What sort of stories you want me to use for Reginald Barker PRODUCTIONS Productions Photographed by PERCY HILBURN Assistant Director CHAS. P. STALLINGS'