The Film Daily (1921)

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k»B&ADSTREET f FILMDOM 7^recochized Authority XVI No. 42 Thursday, May 12, 1921 Price 5 Centi Hg German Unit jus Players' Teuton Company to ave Capitalization of 25,000,000 Marks— What of U. F. A.? (By Cable to WID'S DAILY) lin — The new organization which ph Zukor has in process of for>n here will have a capitalization ,000,000 marks. Offices have secured in Voss St. ere is much conjecture here over utme of the U. F. A. The or;ation has been badly hit by Zu dealings. The American filrr latr has signed Pola Negri, st Lubitsch, Mia and Joe May. las taken over to the new organm Carl Baratz and Paul David The latter was general manager [oduction for the U. F. A. Mr. )s, who is in general charge of xchange system of the U. F. A., bected to join the 'new Zukor oration for which no name has selected. Scardon Coming East (Special to WID'S DAILY) s Angeles — Paul Scardon has or the East. dker Gets Ovation in 'Frisco (Special to WID'S DAILY) i Francisco — Senator James :er of New York was given an tsiastic reception when he ar here on Monday from Los An. Exhibitors from Northern Cal)a and Nevada greeted him. RODUCERS! ISTRIBUTORS! U Y E R S ! XHIBITORS! IEAD "THE NDEPENDENT MARKET" )very Thursday In WID'S DAILY "THE SOUL WITHIN"— AUDREY MUNSON A screen triumph! A beautifully tragic tale of love and sacrifice as told by the most beautiful woman in the world, whose face and figure have inspired thousands of masterpieces in oil, bronze and marble. Perryplays, Inc. — Advt. Silver Service Presented to William Brandt by T. O. C. C. at Ritz Last Night— About 250 Present The Theater Owners Chamber of Commerce had quite a party at the Ritz-Carlton last night. They inducted William Brandt into the presidency again, and to make the event remembered they also presented him with a gorgeous silver service. Sydney S. Cohen, president of the M. P. T. O. of America, made the presentation speech in his usual excellent style and everybody cheered to the limit later. Brandt, in accepting, spoke with feeling, and told how he appreciated the gift and the sentiment behind it. After which there was some excellent entertainment and later a dance. There were about 250 in attendance, and the affair was marked with that enthusiasm and good cheer that alwavs stamps meetings of the T. o.'c. c. Taylor Going to Europe (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — William D. Taylor plans to take his vacation in Europe. He has been given a leave of absence until Aug. 1. For United Artists Griffith Rehearsing For "The Two Orphans"— Will Work On It Five Months D. W. Griffith has started rehearsing for "The Two Orphans," his next production. It will be released thru United Artists, according to present plans. Griffith expects to spend about four or five months on the production. WID'S DAILY stated on May 3 that Mr. Griffith's next subject would probably be "The Two Orphans." "Dream Street" in St. Louis (Special to WID'S DAILY) St. Louis — "Dream Street" will open at William Fox's Liberty May 15. Two shows a day will be given. The run is an indefinite one. Neilan Starts New Film Marshall Neilan has started work on a second picture at the Biograph studio. The picture will be divided into three episodes and Neilan at present is working on the crook episode. Rockliffe Fellowes and James Bradbury, Jr., are in the cast. Almost Double Famous Players' Business Jumps — Quarterly Report Ready in a Few Days Price, Waterhouse & Co., auditors for Famous Players-Lasky, are now at work on the first quarterly report for 1921. It is expected that it will be ready in about a week and that it will contain some interesting figures. The business for January, February and March of 1921, it is understood, is almost double that for the same period of 1920. In view of the number of "depression" stories in circulation, this should prove very interesting. Will Make Hergesheimer Stories It is understood that Richard Barthehness will make several Joseph Hergesheimer stories for the newly formed Inspiration Pictures, Inc., which will star him in five pictures a year and release them through Associated First National. D. W. Griffith originally planned to use the Hergesheimer stories with Barthelmess. Charles H. Duell, Jr., a cousin of Elihu Root, is the organizer of Inspiration Pictures, Inc. A. P. Sells Oriental Rights Associated Producers, Inc., have closed a deal with the A. H. Woolacott Co. whereby that company secures distribution in the Orient of the company's first year product. Woolacott and a number of Japanese film men are now in Los Angeles. The first release will be "Lying Lips." 38 Airdomes This Year (Special to WID'S DAILY) St. Louis — There will be 38 airdomes in St. Louis this year, an increase of 15 over last year. Despite the inclement weather of the past few weeks and the business depression, it is being predicted that this year will be the banner year for outdoor shows. Kessel Plans "Lab" in Belgium Nicholas Kessel, owner of the Nicholas Kessel Laboratories, has decided to open a branch somewhere on the Continent, possibly in Antwerp, Belgium. With this in view, he is sending as his representative Martha McCarthy to look over the field. Miss McCarthy has been w-ith the Kessel Laboratories a number of years. She sails for Europe Saturday on the Olympic and will be gone several months.