The Film Daily (1921)

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DA1L.V Thursday, June 9, r ket g 4. » , *^ jfrwcocHrttr Vol. XVI No 69 Thursday, June 9. 1921 Price 5 Cents ouynglit 1921, VVid'i Film and Film FolL. Inc., Published Daily at 71 73 West 44th Si New York N Y., by WID'S FILMS am FILM FOLKS. INC F C, ("Wid") Gunning. President and rrea» •rer; Joseph Dannenberg. Vice Presidtt ind F.ditor; J W. Alicoate. Secretary an. Business Manager. J. A Cron, Advertising Manager, mm ed as second-class matter May 21, ISMb it the post office at New York. N Y . unde. he act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States Outsid. rratei New York, $10.00 one year; I nonths. J5.00; 3 months. $3.00 Foreigi US.00. Subscribers should remit with order vddress all communications to \M L> :■ DAILY, 71-73 West 44tb St.. Nev York, N. Y. Telephone; Vanderbilt. 4551-4552-5558 Hollywood, California -.ditorial and Business Offices: 641! Holl< wood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603 London Representative— W. A Willian on, Kinematograph Weekly. 85 Long Acrf London, W. C. 2. Paris Representative— Le Film 144 Rm viontmartre. Quotations La> Bid. Asked Sal. Famous Players .. 66^ 6&A (|7'.i do pfd Not quoted ♦Goldwyn &A 4 D. W. Griffith, Inc Not quot -d Loew's, Inc 10J4 11 10*6 Triangle Yi V& H vVorld Film Not quoted ♦Quotations by H. Content & Co. Alleged a Bankrupt The World M. P. Corp., organized under the laws of the state of Delaware and engaged in business as phoavure newspaper publishers at ;tli Ave., is defendant in a bankruptcy proceedings filed in the U. S. District Court. All the claims al1 are for salary of employees, are: J). A. Murphy, $1,421; I. B. Kelly, $2,300; F. G. Wallace, 5, and V L. Selig, $1,411. The given at $37,500 and the liabilities about $57,500, The petiEo : M the concern trans.1 $10,000 worth of stock while i nt. FOR RENT Five room apartment for rent on Washington Heights for the summer. Reasonable. Box S-20, care Wid's "Bring 'em back" climaxes! Each episode of "The Adventures of Tarzan," the new fifteen episode Tarzan serial starring Elmo Lincoln, ends with a punch a la Dempsey. The Adventures of Tarzan Serial Sales Corp., Room 908, 1540 Broadway, New Yor ; City. Bryant 3271.— Advt. Hardwick the Guest (Special to WID'S DAILY) Atlanta — Sixty people prominent in the industry in Atlanta and the Southeast were present at the lunchon given under the auspices of the Film Exchange Managers' Associa'on on June 2nd, when Governorlect Thomas W. Hardwick of Geora expressed his convictions on the lestion of censorship. Capitol Orchestra To Entertain The Capitol Grand Orchestra will give an entertainment and ball at the Astor on Saturday night. Twenty acts have been billed and Leon Errol will be master of ceremonies. The performance will start at 11:30 and end — no one knows when. A buffet supper will be served. Spoor Thompson Developing Machines Purchased by Universal Six positive developing machines complete, and four tinting machines are being installed in the laboratory of the Universal Film Mfg. Co., at Fort Lee, New Jersey. When the installation is completed the Universal laboratory will be the most modern and economical plant in the world. Remarkable guarantees. Ask about them. The saving in your plant will more than pay the purchase price of these machnes. Spoor -Thompson Machine Company Geo. K. Spoor, President Office, Room 508, 110 West 40th Street New York City THE WORLD'S GREATEST NEWS , Today's Issue DUBLIN, IRELAND— Week-end burn Custom House to the ground, forces search civilians and find every town is carrying a gun. ST. LOUIS, MO.— Automobile Circ nishes day of thrills. You can't get life insured if you are an auto polo Camera catches close-up of fatal LEIPZIG, GERMANY— German inals are brought to trial. Kin's '() from Great Britain attend to see th offenders are given their just dues. TULSA, OKLAHOMA— Race rioting out in Southern City. Following atl armed blacks whites burn down evi ing in colored section of city. 1 groes left homeless. IT : NEW YORK— Cargo of war brid from Coblenz. American soldiers n bringing German wives with them claim to be 100'; Americans now. , Scenes from Oklahoma City, Annapol ' Fashions of the Moment, etc. : Screenplays Prod. Autho: (Special to WID'S DATLY) Albany, N. Y.— The Scrcei rod., Inc., of Delaware is no1 Miorized in this state. The c ion is capitalized at $1,000,00. The principal stockholders L. Croteau, M. A. Bruce and Dill of Wilmington, Del. L(| Ochs, Gotham National Excll Bank, New York, has been <i lated to represent the company.f At Riesenfeld Theaters May McAvoy will he seen ii 'irst starring vehicle at the ] )cginning Sunday. The pictu "A Private Scandal." Wanda .Hawley in "A Kis Time" will be the feature at th ilto next week. The RITCHEY poster is always effective and the thing it effects most are the box-office returns RITCHEY LITHO. CORP. 406 W. 31st St., N.Y. Phone Chelsea 8388 1 '