The Film Daily (1921)

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June 10, 1921 jjt4i fspaper Opinions (Continued from Page I I * * * A very entertaining photo vfAT. " * * One of our best come * * The performances of Mr. Ueirl. rs and Theodore Roberts race hood or lead. _» * » Que of the finest easts that assembled in the making of a pieoo Much Speed" is one of the rob pc of films that starts with a smile, a hearty laugh interspersed a'onr and leaves foot! for plenty of after it is completed ft is not all at that, but is a wholly satisfying rom which the spectator reta'ns a impression. INC, WORLD— There is a corking c in the picture, and. all in all. >Ut through his usual stunts which nave a tendencv to make the heart ;^> thumnity-thump, -And so, if Mr. Reid. abetted bv (v Amies Avres and the extremely fheodore Roberts, chooses to strike the same nlace. are we to htame use that nlace happens to be the cntal soft spot of the genus us? fNlv As a comedian he is unsurid as a sneed demon he is without The entile east is so good re foinf to mention them all r NEWS "Too Much Soeed" >f stuff, as program pictures so. Its however, is much prettier and than the average program picture Tcr name is Agnes Ayres. )ne a Minute"— F. P.-L. Rialto JNK — Douglas MacLean is one of attractive light comedians on the He is voung. good looking, manly sy. When you see his pictures you him. * * * Th story is amusingly rat and the titles are good. Macres a splendid performance as Jimthe exception of a few superfluous tTCAN — Unromantic stuff. to be t the mess is blended with the inirt of Douglas MacLean anH nroves atable as well as a cure for g'oom LD— * * * Yon'Il eniov it. Howmg MacT.ean walks through his part bleness, ablv supported by bis smile tted bv a fairlv capable east. * * * jRAM-* * * Again the leading —He is the best "success" artist of ies. which refers neither to his r to the best seller storv winch is him. under disguise of different •e everv six weeks or so Mr. MacLean plays a difficult role eeds in making an improbable sitto a very convincing and consistising photoplay. tfAL — Absurd, of course, and conthe first principles of business and Maybe that is why it is so divert>t weather. The spectators do not eriously. The more thev laughed, r thev liked it. The better thev the more they laughed — and that is accordance with the first princiusiness. R — "One a Min"te" a preposterous iketch. * * * We were unable to 1 whether it was a burlesque on the lers or propaanda for a new cult. il bits are amusing. * * * — "One a Minute" is funny enough p bv and lar^c. is pleasing to the h the vouthfnl Douglas playing his ean.-i>'lv. The film is rather better e of MacT. can's releases. * * * iTNG WORLD— As an example of in a druggist, it should commend the profession heartily, although not armacist who sells quack remedies gloriously. JING TELEGRAPH— * * * more amusing business in it than in the of such pictures. Tt is a good for the particular style of this I who puts it over with true farcical lite of more than a tendency to overDaily News and Evening World comment. Gance Leaves Abel Gance, producer of "j'AeUse,'1 left for France yesterday. It is Understood he expects tt) return to T-merica in the Fall and bring with 'tint several new productions, amdng them "Beho.'d the Matt," to. Which he referred Whetl "j'Acuse" was shown at the Kit/, and another taken around Mont Diane in the Alps. Nothing has been officially mentioned regarding the distribution of "J'Acuse." It was persistently reported that United Artists would release the picture, hut Hiram Abrams is the authority for the statement thai there is nothing to the report. Jeffrey Here George S, Jeffrey, Associated l'rod. manager in Boston, is in town. Party for Carl Laemmit R. H. Cochrane, yice-presitletit of Universal, will tender Carl Lneinmle a party at the former's home in New Roehelle tomorrow. Mr. Lactnmle leaves for Europe on June 14. Actors Froiic a Success (Special to WtD'S DAILY) Los Angeles — The Actors' Fund benefit at the speedway Was a great success and was Welt attended by prominent celebrities. Kipling Here ;rd Kipling, president Rich)ling Enterprises, is in New t business. He has been visie principal exchange points. STEREOS-MATS ,.„ . ELECTROS j. RUBIN COMPANY ,23E..4thST. , SPRING 8303, DIRECTORY OF THE TRADE RELIABLE GUIDE FOR READY REFERENCE ADVERTISING— PUBLICITY MERRITT CRAWFORD The Screen Bulletin ?04 Fitzgerald Bldg. Bryant S5M FILM EDITORS TOM BRET Titles Scenarios — Film Cutting 133 W. 44th St. Bryant 6903 N. Y. C GRACE B. FAXON— ROBT. E. BERMAN Scenarios — Titles — Editing — Cutting 220 West 42nd St. Bryant 2704 LABORATORIES EMPIRE LABORATORIES, INC. 723 Seventh Ave. Corner 48th St, Phone Bryant S437-5736 PRINTERS DAILY PROSPECT PRESS 188 W. 4th St. Spring 2070 BARNES PRINTING CO. Motion Picture Specialists 36 East 22d St. Phone Gramercy 945 STUDIOS DOWNTOWN STUDIO Fully equipped — Day — Week — Month With or without crew. Phone Bryant 6903 TITLES ARTHUR WEIL — Exploiting the new negative Titles, TITLEGRAPH 220 W. 42nd St., Room 1807 Bryant 9048 ».«** !>«•" ^» I ^»' ^»' ••»■<—•■' ^w ■ » — Mi ■ "You'll Make No Mistake Booking This Clever Film'9 \ Exhibitor's Trade Review. Read ! Read ! Read ! SPEEDY AND MERRY "One of tlic merriest, entertainingest pictures which the cinema has boasted in some time. It fits the star so well it might have been written expressly for her. tt goes at top Spied and the interest is sustained throughout. It's just the kind of play you'll like Miss Clark in." — Los Angeles Evening Herald. STAR IS ENTRANCING "Its humor is striking, the story interesting, colorful and Marguerite Clark dainty and entrancing." — Los Angeles Examiner. BOOK THIS ONE "An excellent farce comedy, a merry whirl of merry situations—the pot of fun keeps boiling at the frothing mark. Brisk action and capital acting. You never lose interest. Marguerite Clark has never been seen to better advantage. Exhibitors will make no mistake in booking this clever film." — Exhibitor's Trade Review. FULL OF PEP "Eminently suitable to Marguerite Clark, who puts pep into it." — Motion Picture News. VIVACIOUS AS EVER "Miss Clark is as vivacious as ever and will be welcomed by her many admirers." — Wid's. Speaking of MARGUERITE CLARK Presented by the Marguerite Clark Productions, Inc., in the recent stage success by Adelaide Matthews and Martha M. Stanley, as produced by Adolph Klauber "Scrambled Wives" Directed by Edward H. Griffith Supervised by J. N. Naulty That's another Reason why i Iherell be a Franchise everywhere \fm ■■■ 1 ! *M a ! ! I