The Film Daily (1921)

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tM% DAIUV Thursday, June 16, 1] '. - ->^t | New Italian Deal Menichelli Prod, for American Release— Shipman to Handle Them — Four a Year Contracts executed between Giuseppe Barattolo, president of the Unione Cinematografica Italiana, controlling the productions of Pina Menichelli; Carlos Amato, president of Societa Rinascimento of Italy, makers of the Menichelli Prod., and Ernest Shipman of New York, specify the latter as the distributing factor for all of the Menichelli Prod, for a period of five years. "The Naked" Truth" and "The Dangerous Arc" are finished and en route to New York; Emilc Zola's "A Page of Love" and Pinero's "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" are now in the making. Amato will take his company to London for the exteriors of the Pinero story. Four Pina Menichelli pictures per year are promised under Ibis contract. Pina Menichelli is accorded a high place in the estimation of theatergoers in Italy and most Latin countries. Carlos Amato, the guiding spirit back of the Menichelli Prod., is a prominent Italian producer. A number of specials of the U. C. I. will be, as noted, distributed here by Goldwyn. Shipman is also to handle the output of the Ultra Co. of Rome, which is making "Ben Hur." Levey Controls Process The Harry Levey Service Corp. stated yesterday it had taken over national distribution of the miniature camera and projector designed by the Wilart Instrument Co., Inc., of New Rochelle and described in yesterday's issue. Wesleyan's Favorites Middletown, Conn. — The senior class of Wesleyan University has voted Charles Ray the most popular picture actor and Elaine Hammerstein its favorite actress. DIRECTORY OF THE TRADE RELIABLE GUIDE FOR READY REFERENCE ADVERTISING— PUBLICITY MERRITT CRAWFORD The Screen Bulletin 904 Fitzgerald Bldg. Bryant 550* FILM EDITORS GRACE B. FAXON— ROBT. E. BERMAN Sc enarios — Titles — Editing — Cutting 220 West 42nd St. Bryant 2704 PRINTERS PROSPECT PRESS 188 W. 4th St. Spring 2070 BARNES PRINTING CO. Motion Picture Specialists 36 East 22d St. Phone Gramercy 945 STUDIOS DOWNTOWN STUDIO Fully equipped — Day — Week — Month With or without crew. Phone Bryant 6903 TITLES ARTHUR WEIL — Exploiting the new negative Titles, TITLEGRAPH 220 W. 42nd St., Room 1807 Bryant 9048 Cutting Down (Continued from Page 1) he said, "unless we are forced to." While the Selznick organization made their cuts and changes about Jan. 1 last, it is known that one of the branch offices voluntarily suggested a week or so ago that a further cut be made, and to sound out the general attitude of the salesmen wires were sent out by the home office. What will result further depends upon the answers to these wires. At Universal it was stated positively and emphatically that no salary cuts were being made, and a Realart official said that absolutely nothing was being done in this connection. "We are looking ahead and see nothing but boom times coming," he said. Robertson-Cole are checking up carefully to make any reductions in force, or cuts, wherever possible. No information could be obtained at the Fox studio with reference to this matter. At United Artists Hiram Abrams said that to the contrary he had just advanced salaries. "To hold good men you have to take care of them," he said. At Hodkinson's, P. N. Brinch said that no cuts would occur in their organization. "We own no studios or theaters," he said. "We have only one thing to do — sell pictures. We will make stronger efforts than ever during the summer to sell our product." Educational plans no reductions according to E. W. Hammons. Pathe has not been affected by the slump, according to Elmer R. Pearson, director of exchanges. "We have no idea of making any cuts," he said. "As a matter of fact we haven't found business so bad. And besides we operate on a bonus system which practically takes care of any violent changes in the business, either when they are unusually good or otherwise. That is one of the ideals of our organization." Oscar A. Price for Associated Producers, Inc., stated that some cuts in operating costs had been put into effect some weeks ago. He is just back from the coast. Crovo Now in Greensboro, N. C. (Sptclal to WID'S DAILY) Greensboro, N. C. — John L. Crovo has taken charge of the Bijou, Victory and Grand as manager. He came to Greensboro directly from Spartanburg, S. C, where he managed theaters for the S. A. Lynch Enterprises. WORLDS RIGHTS —FOR SALE— An unusual opportunity is offered state right distributors to secure 5-reel western drama, featuring 3 well known stars, at an extremely low price. Write Box B-16 AMERICAN EXHIBITOR Across the Seas from Sunny Italy for American Entertainment are coming " The Naked Truth " AND " The Dangerous Age " Two of the greatest modern successes of the Unione Cinematografica Italiana Starring Italy's Leading Artist PINA MENICHELLI Now in the Making Zola's "A Page of Love" and Pinero's ' The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" Four distinctive masterpieces per year— Contracted for a five year period— Guaranteeing to American audiences Twenty Pina Menichelli Productions in all *<</&ri*<at+» phone 17 WEST 44th STREET VANDERB1LT 7296 fl£W YORK CITY CABLE ERNS HIP