The Film Daily (1921)

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tMA DAIL-V _ Wednesday, June 22, 192] 9 I Appreciate the Importance of keeping my trade mark Reginald Barker PRODUCTIONS at the highest possible standard Loew Statement The assets and liabilities of Loew's, Inc., as of May 8, 1921, are as follows: Assets on hand and in bank . . $ 1 (ash reserved for construction work Subscriptions to capital stock — receivable on demand . . . Accounts and notes receivable Loans to employees (secured) Advances to artists and employees (railroad fares, etc.) Deposits on leases and contracts Advances to motion picture producers (secured) Film Productions in process, completed and released — less amortization 4 Studio and theatre supplies and film advertising accessories Land, building and equipment — less depreciation 13 Construction work in progress 5 Investments in affiliated cornot consolidated 50% owned)... corporations less owned p orations (less than Advances to than 50"% Other investments Deferred charges May 8, 1921 1,419,764.00 686,180.73 547,285,24 240,103.44 609,361.76 39,216.25 41,363.06 508,155.98 459,179.79 051,391.81 922,342.58 ,259,001.12 ,949,208.72 889,048.67 329,467.29 63,705.19 ,119,108.41 816,733,43 Total Capital Stock and Surplus 27,097,591.57 Co-operative interest— Capital stock and surplus 1,614,963.88 $41,154,738.79 Loew's, Inc., share surplus as above.. $816,733,43 Share of undivided profits in corporations less than 50% owned 200,174.61 Loew's, Inc., share total surplus $1,016,908,04 Leaseholds, contracts and goodwill 10,440,618.75 Total assets $41,154,738.79 Liabilities Accounts payable— Current .... $ Notes payable — Current 2, Taxes — income and excess profits to August 31, 1920.. Taxes on film rentals, theatre admissions and miscellaneous Mortgages on real estate 6, Accounts payable — deferred instalment Accounts and notes payable — Long term Security from tenants Film rentals received in advance of service Other deferred credits Advances by co-operative interests Taxes — estimated federal and State— Sept. 1, 1920 to May 8, 1921 Capital and surplus — Loew's, Inc. Issued 1,043,848 shares Subscribed . . 16,932 shares 394,315.41 420,263.20 425,187.64 213,090.85 311,750.02 162,219.11 755,057.76 95,517.67 610,758.50 137,293.59 186,015.61 730,713.98 Total (without par val.) 1,060,780 shares $26,280,858.14 Surplus Sept. 1, 1920, Loew's, Inc., and equity in affiliated corporations $ 810,792.50 Loew's, Inc., share profits Sept. 1, 1920, to May 8, 1921, after depreciation and Federal taxes 1,425,704.93 Dividends tember 1, paid Sep1920, to $2,236,497.43 Two Houses for Flushing A 1,600 seat theater is planned at the junction of Main St. and Broadway. Hushing, L. I., by the Long Inland Theater Co. It will be called the Queens and will cost $150,000. Wilmcr and Vincent have a theater planned on a site directly across the street. Seena Owen Cast Seena Owen, who made one of biggest hits in recent months in " Woman God Changed," has been for an important role in "Find Woman," a new Cosmopolitan P now in the making at the Ast( studio of the company. Modern Fully Equipped STUDIO FOR RENT By day, week or month 230 W. 38th St. New Yor: Fitzroy 4205 JOBSSrOKMCFAPUM INCORPORATED 67-69 WEST -*6™ STREET ' /Ae&.irtca\ Managers -Aife Publicity RepresentaTtvM-PldyDrol PHONE-BRYANT 0522 <y TRADITION FACTS— No. 5 Great men say there is none greater. ■ STEREOS-MAT ELECTROS I. RUBIN COMPAN 23 E. 4th ST. SPRING 83 I) DIRECTOR OF THE TRADE RELIABLE GUIDE FOR READY REFERENCE ADVERTISING— PUBLICITY MERRITT CRAWFORD The Screen Bulletin 904 Fitze^rald Bldg. Bryant ,1 PRINTERS PROSPECT PRESS 188 W. 4th St. Spring BARNES PRINTING CO. Motion Picture Specialist* 36 East 22d St. Phone Gramercy ! STUDIOS DOWNTOWN STUDIO Fully equipped — Day — Week — Month With or without crew. Phone Bryant 69< TITLES ARTHUR WEIL— Exploiting the new ative Tides, TITLEGRAPH 220 W. 42nd St., Room 1807 Bryant MX z