The Film Daily (1921)

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BRADSTREET FILHDOM 7^recochized Authority XVI No. 88 Tuesday, June 28, 1921 Price 5 Cent* 5,000,000 For Production n Reviews Work of Organization in Lengthy >ort— Suggests Number of Improvements — Leviews Famous Players Theater Activities in Detail. (Staff Correspondence) lineapolis — The entire first session of the convention len up by the report of President Sydney S. Cohen, which into detail concerning the activities of the M. F. T. O. ■ the past year. ■Ere were over 600 delegates and about 300 additional tor members present when the gavel was rapped for order, invention is being held in the West Hotel and the room session yesterday was crowded to capacity. Hot weather were in order. Coats were shed and collars removed ly. The heat was intense. r. Cohen was given an ovation when he mounted the platAmong the outstanding features of his lengthy address lat exhibitors should be the judges of the product were to show, and that they should not be influenced he motives or operations of producers-distributors. it the exhibitors control own screens. it the exhibitor body should permanent representatives ch state capitol, and that er represent them nation i Washington. a statistical bureau be ished and that a card index Dt of each legislator. (Continued on Page 4) Convention News ditional reports of yestersession at the M. P. T. tnvention will be found on 4. at Of Censors ? Hasn't Learned of Governor r's Choice as Yet — Many Applications Made >ecial to WID'S DAILY) l, N. Y. — Nothing has leaked bdicate whom the Governor to appoint on the sensor ations for appointment have eived at the executive chamthe hundreds, and it is felt ^Continued on Page 14) Exhibitors May Manufacture to Combat Producer Control of Theaters Movement— Plan If Put Into Effect Will Revolutionize Entire Industry— M. P. D. A. and M. P. T. O. in Conference (Staff Correspondence) Minneapolis — It is learned here that the M. P. T. O. is seriously considering the formation of a $5,000,000 fund to finance production and that the move is being considered as part of a plan, whereby the exhibitor organization may be in a position to make or release their own productions and offset the possibility of producers and distributors invading the exhibiting field. While nothing official can be obtained at this time relative to this proposition," it is understood that the plan calls for a bond issued on the amount involved with bonds ranging from $100 up. These bonds will be sold to exhibitors on a profitsharing basis to be later worked out. It is understood that several different propositions have been made to the officers and executive committee from independent producers, and that the most important of all was a co-operative proposition advanced on Sunday night to the executive committee by leading officials of the Motion Picture Directors' Association, represented by James Vincent of the New York Lodge, Sargent of the Los Angeles Lodge and an attorney named Simpson. Their discussion lasted for a considerable period. Details of that conference are not available but in a general sense, it is learned, this developed: All members of the M. P. D. A., including .some of the most noted directors of America, are to finance their own productions and make them for release through the exhibitor body. (Continued on Page 4) Johnny Hines in C C Burr's first Affiliated feature "Burn 'Em Up Barnes," made expressly for the Independents. The supporting cast includes Betty Carpenter, George Fawcett, Edmund Breese, J. Barney Sherry, Julia Swayne Gorden, etc. — Advt. More Product First National Buys Foreign Productions—W. F. Alder To Supply Four Pictures Associated" First National will distribute two foreign-made productions, according to an announcement made in an advertisement published last week. One is "Alf's Button." produced by Hepworth in England, and the other "The Sentimental Bloke," made in Adelaide, Australia. (Continued on Page 14)