The Film Daily (1921)

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MarKing Time ? Hell, no ! HO said "retrenchment?" Not Universal! At just ;-, J-.W \ \ exactly the time when other producers are crying hard times, Universal is pleased to announce the biggest year's program in its whole wonderful history. AT just exactly the time when exhibitors are wondering where they'll get enough independent pictures to make up a program, Universal notifies them that they can secure all they need of every type of picture right from this one organization. Who said too many goods on the shelf " ? Not Universal ! Although Universal is always producing, yet Universal has no goods on the shelf. Why? Because people like Vm / Why do people like 'em? Because Universal pictures are good pictures and because they're reasonably priced. IF you searched the whole trade through you couldn't find better proof of the salability of Universal pictures than the simple fact that while other producers are shutting down Universal is selling everything it makes in greater volume than ever before. And, furthermore, is increasing its output — meanwhile, spending more cash money on a single one of its super-productions than any competitors ever had the nerve to claim as spent, even when they lied about it. READ every word in the announcements on the opposite page. They'll tell you exactly where to get your pictures— all you want — of every kind — at prices that will net profit you more than any others on the market today. Always Voducing UNIVERSALE