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The Film Daily (1921)

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DAILY Tuesday, June 28, 1921 A Clever Ad That Comes from England May Contain an Idea for Someone Here Jusl to give the tired advertising lirector an idea, here is something hat is part of a full page used in 'Kine," issue of May 26. It starts off with a cut in italics inferences of a Screen. \\'hat a Life," and then goes on to say: "Some silly things think it awfully lice ti> be a screen. They've got a crazy notion that it must he fine to lave thousands of eyes staring at you lay and night, and to be used for all kinds of >lnm>.. First you are in China, and then, maybe, you are whisked off to Peru. And next day you are hack again in Bethnal Green. ' * * And then tlie excitement! To have" motor cars racing across your face, and murders taking place in every inch of you. and lovers kissing all around you! Myl The sights I do see! * * '* 'Acs. hut what about the things I have to put up with? What about my sufferings? The duds that crawl on me for two solid hours, one after another, and 1 have nothing to say, being part of the 'silent drama.' "Sometimes, just when I think they ought to laugh, they cry, and just when I expect them to cry, they laugh! What agonies! And then some of them have the sauce to turn round and say it's all my fault — I'm a 'bad screen.' * * * "Nobody pities me! Sometimes I wish all we screens could get together, like some other things, and go on strike. "Why won't someone throw a bomb at me — or even an orange, or an egg. so that 1 could fade out and stop this torture for ever. * * * "But then, just as things seem at their worst, 1 catch the words 'Ideal Picture,' or 1 hear a whisper about a Denison Clift production or Milton Rosmer, and then I begin to feel better." From here on it tells about productions of Ideal Films. Kansas City to Have New Theater (Special to WID'S DAILY) Kansas City — Pantagcs' new theater is being rapidly completed. The opening is planned for the fall. 1st Nat'l. and Educational Expand (Special to WID'S DAILY) Kansas City — First National and Educational now occupy the entire fifth floor of the Film Building. This expansion was made possible through the removal of the Crescent Film Company. Whitebeck Returning to Scranton (Special to WID'S DAILY) Scranton, Pa. — Frank Whitebeck, widely known through his exploitation of the Poli, Strand and other houses in and about Scranton, is to return from California to assume the position of head of the new staff that will handle the C. H. Miles Theaters. Announcing a New Eastman Product Eastman Positive Film WITH TINTED BASE The tint in the print is put there by the manufacturer— the film base is impregnated with eolor. Seven colors are now available amber, blue, <>Teen, orange, pink, red and yellow. And I here is no advance in price over regular Eastman Positive Film. All Eastman Film, tinted or untinted, is identified by the words "Eastman" iKodak" stencilled in the film nttiryin. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, N. V. rt^&W****? INDEPENDENT PRODUCER Every picture with which I have been identified has been sold without delay to the best available market and strictly on screen examination. I am under contract to no releasing company or program. In a list including no failures are "BACK TO GOD'S COUNTRY" "NOMADS OF THE NORTH" "THE SKY PILOT" "CAMERON OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED" "THE FOREIGNER" "LAVENDER AND OLD LACE" "KING SPRUCE" "THE TIGER'S COAT" "TARZAN OF THE APES" "ROMANCE OF TARZAN" * Some of the above have already grossed over $500,000 — one has passed $700,000, while the later releases are showing speed that promises most satisfactory returns to all concerned. Future Productions on which no releasing arrangements have been made, include 5 INDEPENDENT CALIFORNIA PRODUCTIONS 4 INDEPENDENT EASTERN PRODUCTIONS 4 INDEPENDENT CANADIAN PRODUCTIONS 4 PINA MENICHELLI (Italy) PRODUCTIONS (Yearly) 4 "ULTRA" (Rome, Italy) PRODUCTIONS (Yearly) 3 RALPH CONNOR PRODUCTIONS and others yet to be announced Some of these may be sold outright, some will be placed on a profit-sharing basis with a moderate advance, and some on straight percentage. Now ready to do business for next season. PHONE VANDERB1LT 7296 NEW YORK OFFICE 17 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY CABLE "ERNSHIP"