The Film Daily (1921)

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f/ednesday, June 29, 1921 S!i^! DAILY ratheNews HANGING 'PLANES IN MIDAIR jITHOUT A LADDER— Al Wilson does jat San Francisco, Cal., 3,000 feet up. ;),000 PERSONS PROTEST DIVISION if UPPER SILESIA— Scenes from Ber 1, Germany. iEBLO PREPARES TO RE-BUILD— Atny tanks clear wreckage from the streets i Pueblo, Col. OSSTROYERS "ATTACK" BATTLE *IPS OF PACIFIC FLEET— Mighty *ck naval battle staged at San Pedro, H. Hher interesting news from Leipzig, Ger iny; New York City; New London, 'Round the Convention Hall (nn.; etc., etc. bod ay House for Harrisburg JHarrisburg, Pa. — A new neighbored house is planned for this city. Iplot of ground in one of the newI: sections of the city has already len purchased, but the owner's name Ifor the present withheld. House Sold I (Special to WID'S DAILY) BPhiladelphia — The Becker BrothIs' theater at Seventh and Dickinson h. has been sold to A. Wacks, who lalso the owner of the Royal, KeyIme and Bcllevue. "Lab" Men Active May Address Convention on How They Are Trying to Avoid Monopoly in New York (Staff Correspondence) Minneapolis— H. J. Yates of the Republic Laboratories and Major Tom Evans of the Evans Laboratories of New York are here as a special delegation representing the Allied Film Laboratories of New York. They are preparing a letter to the exhibitor body. An effort will be made to secure the privilege of the convention floor to tell the assembled exhibitors the story of how they are trying to avoid the creation of a monopoly in the New York laboratory situation. Voting By States Convention Being Operated on New Basis — As Many Delegates as • Representatives in Congress (Staff Correspondence) Minneapolis — The convention is being operated along somewhat new lines. Each state has its own delegation, selected on the basis of Congressional representation. Thus each state has as many convention votes as it has representatives in Congress. This naturally will hold down the actual number of delegates. A large number of exhibitors who have no representation are here, however. Divided Over Idea (Continued from page 1) quoted, in discussing the proposed fund said : "The Chicago and later the Cleveland convention was called for the specific purpose of protecting ourselves against the possible invasion into the exhibiting field of the DuPonts who were in Goldwyn, of Famous Players, and other producers who had ideas of becoming exhibitors. This proposed move on our part seems to me to be turning things completely around. We arc now proposing to do the very things that we opposed a year ago, that is, enter the field of the other fellow. "If it was wrong for the producers to becomes exhibitors, then it is equally as wrong for us exhibitors to become producers or distributors. I can see much trouble ahead if we go in on any such plan." One of the leading exhibitors of the Middle West who controls one of the largest chains in that territory, declared that the plan was proposed was all wrong. "If we want to do anything," he said, "let us guarantee some independent distributor -that we will take a certain number of productions annually. Then let us perfect a percentage system in which we would be protected and interested. This would assure us product and we could go ahead safely. Otherwise 1 fear that any exhibitor owning more than one or two houses would be placing himself at the mercy of the existing producers and distributors, and I hate to think of what they would do to us." DAN XV. Side Lights (Staff Correspondence) Minneapolis— Charlie Rogers, the genial "G. M." of Robertson-Cole, is feeling right cheery these days. Telling the world of the 26 pictures R.-C. will have next year; how good they are going to be and stuff like that. * * * Dwight S. Perrin, vice-president of the F. B. Warren Corp., managed to squeeze in Minneapolis. Dwight's making a long-winded trip for Fred Warren. Living in Pullmans these days. Can't understand why there should be such a thing as summer — and railroad trains. He's quite substantial— close on to 200 lbs. of it. Talk of Finance (Continued from Page 1) fund day would reach $200,000, of which a third would go to the national organization, the remainder to be held by individual states. This would furnish a great deal more than could be used under normal conditions, but would provide a great war chest for any emergency. FLORENCE REED in "Indiscretion" MADGE KENNEDY in "Oh,\Mary Be Careful" EDITH ROBERTS in "In Society" WHEN YOU CAN GET INDEPENDENT PRODUCT OF SUCH STERLING VALUE PROTECT YOUR OWN INTERESTS AND DEPEND ON PIONEER TO HELP YOU ORA CAREW in "Beyond the Crossroads" PIONEER FILM CORPORATION A. E. Lef court, President 28 EXCHANGES IN THE U. S. A. CLAIRE WHITNEY in "The Leech" PAULINE STARK in "The Forgotten Woman"1,