The Film Daily (1921)

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Thursday, June 30, 1921 jM^ DAILY Latest Developments In The Independent Field Mistaken Idea Robert Priest Helps Clear Up Norfolk Man's Impressions on Monopolies Sonic interesting correspondence has passed between Robert W. Priest, president of the Film Market, Inc., and A. C. Hathway of the Real Estate Investments, 310-213 Dickson fldg., Norfolk, Va. Mr. Hathway originally sent a letter to Priest, the contents of which appear below: Am owner of a property 58 by 206 ft ichng from Granby St., our principal in hi, ss thoroughfare, to Monticello Ave. in le rear. "This I consider the best location in the y for a motion picture house. Am told that the WeUs-Wilmer-Vincent prp. has a monopoly on all first class 1ms that can. be shown in Norfolk. We mow that thej own all the motion picture Ouses here. "Norfolk is growing rapidly and during he next ten years bid fair to be the fastest -rowing city m the United States. " I f yon are in position to make a contract st class films in Norfr'ik, please advise he hue you can furnish, stating price." Mr. Priest's reply, in part, follows: Lewis Sails for Europe "I have read with a treat deal of interest he contents of your letter of June 23. Vhde I am not directly interested in theater roperty I will take: this opportunity to ad ke you that v.hoever gave you the infor tation thnt rlie Wells-Yv'ilrner-Vincent Corp., r any other existing theatrical or motion enterprise or corporation has a lo/iopoly on '.he motion picture output of \f. United States, has given you misinforma l/m. "There is no disputing the fact that Mr. ike Wells and Messrs. Wilmer and Vincent jntiol all of the theaters in Norfolk, but ider no circumstances or conditions on irth could they control all of the motion ctures available for Norfolk or any other ty in the United States. It may be, and )ubtless is true that they control the fran ise for certain releases of certain produc g and distributing organizations, but I buld call your attention to the fact that [dependent producers and independent dis butors are a factor to be reckoned with the motion picture industry, and if you sire to erect a theater in Norfolk you may st assured that you will be offered so many jctures by independent producers and dis ibutors that you could supply a second eater and even a third theater. So that you can check up my statements, would advise you to get in touch with the Impendent exchangemen in the City of pshington, and Baltimore. For your in imation the United States is divided into lups or zones, and independent producers 1\ what is known as state rights to inde n lent exchangemen or state rights buyers they are commonly called, and they in i serve the exhibitors of the various ter iries. 'For instance. Norfolk, Virginia is supcd from Washington, D. C, and Balti>re. That particular group includes the tes of Delaware. Maryland. Virginia and i District of Columbia. Occasionally a te rights buyer with headquarters in rlotte, North Carolina, will buy the state ts to Virginia, and in that event you Id get also service from Charlotte. Do not. under any circumstances, permit man, or group of men to tell you that or I hey absolutely control all of the mopicture photoplays for any particular e, because such a statement is absolutely out foundation in fact." Backer Releases "Western" A Western Thoroughbred" is dy for immediate release accordto Franklyn E. Backer, of Hori ,\ Pictures, Inc., with offices in the Ses Bldg. tvwas the original intention to re , \ Western Thoroughbred" in FU1, but Horizon decided to put picture on the market now so to give the independents another d picture. \ • Lesser Buys Burr Francise C. C. Burr, president of Affiliated Distributors, Inc., has completed negotiations with the Los Angeles firm of independent exchange operators. The All-Star Feature Distributors, Inc., of which Louis Hyman is general manager, whereby that organization will distribute the Affiliated product on the Coast under the franchise plan. Mildred Rosenfield represented her principal, Sol Lesser, in the negotiations. Booked 100% Tlie Fox and Loew Circuits have booked the entire feature output thus far of the Federated Film Exchanges of America, Inc. Among the films now playing those circuits are: "Hearts and Masks," "Penny of Top Hill Trail," and "Dangerous Toys." Making Westerns (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — The Russell-Coverdale-Russell Studios announce that they have in production 26 two reel outdoor westerns which will feature Frank Braidwood. TRADITION NOW PLAYING New York Hippodrome Kane Sails In the interests of Adolphe N. Dumahaut-Edward L. Klein, 1664 Broadway, Michael Kane has gone to Europe. His first stop will be Paris, and from France he will visit Berlin, Rome, London and other important European film centers. Kane is also taking over to the other side several American productions. He will visit the London and Paris offices of Dumahaut-Klein and will complete arrangements for agencies in Berlin, Rome, Prague and other cities. Review Sold to Peacock Shadow-land Screen Review, released by Storey Pictures, Inc., has been sold to Peacock Prod. Inc. of K msas City, Dallas, St. Louis and Oklahoma City for Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Southern Illinois. This reel is produced in co-operation with the Brewster publications: "Sliadowlaud," "Motion Picture Magazine" and "Motion Picture Classic." Another Foreign Sale "The Adventures of Tarzan" serial has been sold by Adventures of Tarzan Serial Sales Corp. for Germany and Austria-Hungary to the Heminger Film Co., with headquarters in Berlin. The negotiations for the sale were handlel by Louis Weiss, acting in behalf of the Tarzan organization. / Fiiy Open for Your Inspection Our Branch Shop at Hotel Ambassador LOS ANGELES Richardson's* 1>itlTOla.S TELEPHONE 6495S ^Pianos 727 WEST SEVENTH STREET and AMBASSADOR HOTEL THE NEW JACKSON STUDIO The last word in modern studio and electrical equipment. Covers three blocks. Five stages. Direct current. Remote control. 15 minutes from Times Sq. 50 dressing rooms and offices. All electrical apparatus and lamps complete. Ready to begin work at once. Now ready for lease in whole or in part. JACKSON FILM STUDIO CORPORATION W. H. Weissager, Pres. Westchester, Forest and Jackson Aves. Tel. Melrose 4385 Bronx, New York Downtown Office W. H. Weissager E. Davidow, Putnam Building * Personally on ground Studio Bulletin — CUSS OF SERVICE SYMBOL Telegram Day Letter Blue Night Message Nile Night Letter NL If none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this is a telegram. Other* wise Its character Is Indicated by the symbol appearing after the check. WESTERN UNION TEL NEWCOMB CARLTON, president AM GEORGE W. E. ATKINS, first vice-president CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOL Telegrerrt Ply Letter Blue Night Mui|l NK* Night Letter NL It none of these three symbols appears alter the check (number of words) this ie a telegram. -Otherwise Its character is Indicated by the symbol appearing after (he cheek. 12 JL 2NL DOBBSFERRY NY HIRAM ABRAMS PRESIDENT UNITED ARTISTS 729 SEVENTH AVE NEWYORK NY PART OP MY COMPANY HAS RETURNED FROM ALASKA WITH THE MOST REMARKABLE ICE SCENES EVER SECURED STOP THE IRON TRAIL OUR FIRST PICTURE FOR UNITED ARTISTS WILL BE A STUPENDOUS THRILLING DRAMA AND THIS ALASKA MATERIAL WE HAVE SECURED IS THE REAL THING STOP PRODUCTION IS GOING ALONG SPLENDIDLY AND YOU CAN GIVE ANY ASSURANCES YOU DESIRE THAT YOU WILL GET A REMARKABLE PICTURE AS YOUR FIRST RELEASE FROM US STOP BEST WISHES TO YOU REX BEACH JUNE 24 1921