The Film Daily (1930)

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=^JX0^ DAILY Friday, February 28, 1930 22,624 MIITERS IN U. S. IN riLH BOARD CENSUS (^Continued from Page 1) being 1,485. Cincinnati is next with 1,315, followed by Minneapolis with 1,269, Kansas City with 1,120 and Boston with 1,119. New York City proper has 575 houses, the survey shows. . Detailed list of the zones, together with the number of theaters they include and the states in which the houses are located, follows : No. of Zone Houses Location Albany 535 (N. Y. 467, Vt. 51, Mass. 17) Atlanta 808 (Oa. 231, Ala. 188, '^ Fla. 232, Tenn. 157) Boston 1119 (Mass. 523, Me. 252. Vt. 112, R. I. 92. N. H. 140) Buffalo 512 (N. Y.) Ch^lotte 532 (N. C. 375, S. C. 157) Chkago 867 (111. 728 Ind 126, la. 6, Mich. 7) Cincinnati 1315 (O 601 Ky 342, \V Va. 323, Ind. 18, Va. 31) Cleveland 646 (Ohio) Dallas 1072 (Texas) Denver 512 (Colo. 276, Neb. 68, N. Mex. 91, S. D. 22, Wyo. 55) Des Moines 429 (Iowa) ^ Detroit 604 (Michigan) Indianapolis 744 (Indiana) Kansas aty 1120 (Kan. 600, Mo. 520) Los Angeles 559 (Cal. 474, Anr. 85) Memphis 460 (Ark. 276, Miss. 85, " ^ Tern. 99) Milwaukee 805 (Wis. 720. Mich. 85) Minneapolis 1269 (Minn. |14, ^N-^D 45) New Haven 242 (Conn. 208, Mass. 34) New Orleans 636 (Ala. 62, Ark. 14, Fla. 8, Tex. 27, La. 31.^ Miss. 212) New York 913 (N. Y. C. 575, L. I. 154, N. Y. 25, N. T. 159) Oklahoma City 616 (Okla. 525, Ark. 11, Tex. 80) Omaha 775 (Neb. 458, Ta. 262, S. D. 55) Philadelphia 598 (Pa. 480, N. J. 96. Del. 22) Pittsburgh 842 (Pa. 586. W. Va. 256) Portland 266 (Ore. 228. Id. 13, Wash. 25) St Louis 1485 (111. 558, Mn. 540, Ark. 198, Ky. 108, Tenn. 81) Salt Lake City 675 (ITtah 247. Td. 148, Mont. :20. Wvo. 22, Nev. 38) San Francisco 503 (Cal. 465, Ore. 11, Nev. 27) Seattle 470 (Wash. 406; Id. 36, Mont. 18, Alaska 10) Wash., D. C. 695 (O. C. 54, Md. 216, Va, 287. V^. Va. 107. Del 31) To Wire at Balaton Balaton, Minn. — H. F. Ankruni will wire the Gem for sound. Madison Theater Co. Madison, Wis. — Madison and Portage Theater Companies has been forined by Madison interests. Buys Ellsworth House Ellsworth, Minn. — J. F. Sanders has taken over the Majestic from Tohn and Mrs. Nordman. Waconia Lyric Wired Waconia, Minn. — E. A. Schultz has wired the Lyric for sound. Sells Table Rock House Table Rock, Neb. — L. S. Greene has sold his house to W. N. Hale. Sono Art Will Use 56 mm. Wide Film, States Weeks (Coittiiined from Page 1) Art-World Wide program will comprise between 20 and 25 features which is practically the same at it's .urrent schedule. As yet it has not oeen determined how much color will be used. Emil Jaimings Returning with English Vocabulary {Continued from Page 1) an English version of "The Blue Angel," German talker directed by Joseph von Sternberg, who has returned to the Coast. F. N. Announces Winners in Exploitation Contest (Continued from Page 1) toona, Pa., second; Richard A. Reilly, Regent, Elizabeth, N. J., third. Judges were Ned E. Depinet, Spyros Skouras and S. Charles Einfeld. (jold watches are the prizes. Wiring at Westbrook Westbrook, Minn. — E. T. Hopkins IS wiring the Star for sound. House to be reopened March 1. Mcintosh Reopening Mcintosh, S. D.— William Chaplin has reopened the Lyric after installing sound equipment. Buys Dexter House Dexter, la. — Haaken Gronn, of Anita, has taken over the local house. NEWYORK STATE CENSORS MAKING EEWER DELETIONS (Continued from Page 1) James Wingate, sole commissioner. Sixteen were entirely rejected, but eight of these obtained approval after revision. Eliminations were made for the following reasons: because the scenes were regarded as tending to incite crime, 1,479; indescent, 340; inhuman, J20; mimoral 485; sacrilegious, 80; obscene, 6. Wingate viewed 8,496,000 feet of .ilm, comprising 2,534 subjects, and 448 subjects had to undergo eliminations. Profit to the State from the censorship commission last year was $146,922.23. Since the office was established in 1921, $1,525,645.57 has been collected in license fees, and of this amount $895,219.19 represents net profit to the State. Universal Newsreel Now Accojnpanied by Music Music has been added to the Universal Newsreel. It will serve to gap the intervals of silence when Graham McNamee is not speaking. The first )rchestrated issue of the newsreel will be released to first-run houses tomorrow. The Beacon, Strand and Colony will show it along Broadway. Buy Eugene (Ore.) House Eugene, Ore. — George H. Godfrey and W. B. McDonald have taken over the Colonial and will install sound equipment. Film Boards of Trade Report Additional Theater Changes NORTH DAKOTA Changes in Ownership Hatton — Crescent, sold by Joe Anderson; Kulm — Auditorium, sold to Theodore Sciiorzman by L. H. Brown ; RoUet — Arnold, sold to Mr. Porter by J. G. Arnold; Warwick — Community, sold to A. H. Hulgen by W. B. Whetham. OHIO Changes in Ownership Akron — Arcade, sold to C. J. Bolender by A. J. Hanze; Cincinnati — Variety, sold to Kay Alasil by J. F. Potts; Cleveland — Boulevard, sold to Alex Stark by H. J. Herkimer ; Moreland, sold to The Moreland Theater Co. by M. S. Fine; Princess, sold to Wallace J. Elliott and Louis Marcus by Abe Kramer ; Columbus — Pythian, sold to The Pythian Theater Co. by H & K Circuit ; Victor, sold to A. and F. Fox by J. M. Weiss; DeGraff — Lincoln, sold to R. S. and G. M. Dillow by G. W. Brehm ; Ft. Recovery — Royal, sold to E. Wagner & Son by E. T. Adams; Hopedale — Capitol, sold to W. J. Wanenmacher by H. Stringer; Lancaster — Hippodrome, sold to The Hocking Valley Arnusement Co. by Russell Evans ; Leetonia — American, sold to Sam Barck by Henry Laws; Lockland — Avenue, sold to James K. Barnett by A. P. Stauverman ; Rittman — Pastime, sold to R. L. Carmichael by A. J. Goffinet ; Saylor Park — Parkland, sold to B. E. Morehouse by G. H. Gorman ; Seneca'ville — (Thaise, sold to L. E. Laughlin by C. J. Spaid; Warren — Ohio, sold to The Robins Ent. Co. by •Smith Amusement Co. NORTH CAROLINA Changes in Ownership Andrews — Dreamland, sold to W. M. Bradley by T. M. Worthey ; Clayton — National, sold to G. H. Wright by Wade H. Ellis; E. Rockingham — Pleasu, sold to C. I. Gresliam by J. R. Crowson; Liberty — Curdts, sold to John W. Curtis by G. M. Haley; Smithfield — Sander's, sold to H. P. Howell by Bright Leaf Theater. Closings Bakersville — Pastime; Candor — Dixie; Clayton— National; Durham — Bluebird; Hertford— Rex: Maxton — Maxton ; Mebane — Majestic ; Morganton — New ; Randleman — Playhouse; Smithfield — Victory, Closings Loveland — Opera House; McDermott — Mc Dermott ; New Matamoras — Palace ; Portsmouth — Strand ; Sedalia — Auditorium ; Shawnee — Linda ; Yellow Springs — Opera House. OKLAHOMA Changes in Ownership Perry — Roxy, sold to Adolph and Cliarle^Wooleson by Mrs. Ella J. Huston. Closings Cherokee — Majestic; Davidson — Ritz ; Hunter — Limberick; Jennings — Crystal: Lindsey — Dixie; Braman — Olympic. OREGON Changes in Ownership Elgin — Opera House, sold to Myron Hug & Charles Earnhardt by E. F. and H. E. Hug; Springfield — Bell, sold to Herbert Weiss by J. M. Larson. Closings Arlington — Columbia : Butte Falls — Butte Falls ; Hermiston — Columbia : Umatilla — New. New Theaters Portland — Casino, owner — Bob Webster. $2 in Minneapolis Minneapolis — Something new for this city is being launched by the Century in fixing a $2 top and reserving all seats for the opening performance of "The Vagabond King,'' opening tonight. For the rest of the run the night top will be $1, against the regular price of 75 cents, and no reserved seats. EXCHANGES IN WAR ON (Continued from Page 1) against Harry M. Weber and Jack Beck of Liberty, N. Y., was settled before it reached trial. Attorney Louis N. Nizer is handling these cases for the exchanges. In Pittsburgh nine copyright violation cases are pending. Publix Makes Changes in Omaha Personnel Omaha — With the appointment of Lionel Wasson, manager of the World, to the post of assistant to Charles Pincus, city manager, George Munroe has been named house manager of the World. Wasson will continue to supervise the house. Chester Friedman, assistant manager oi\ the Paramount, has been transferred! to the Publix general offices in Newi| York, where he will assist in training house managers. Rowland Mil-1 ler, general publicity manager fori Publix in Lincoln, is assisting thei Omaha office pending the arrival olj a successor to Irvin Waterstrect. Blamed for Pathe Case Delay Blame for the delay in bringing the Pathe studio fire hearing to a coni:lusion has been placed on the office of District Attorney Thomas C. Tj Grain by P. A. Shay, counsel foi| Henry. Lally, one of the defendants.*! The first two adjournments of the)j case were requested by Grain's of-1 fice. Shay states. Following the third f adjournment Wednesday, the charges will be presented to the Grand Juryj on Monday. Closes After 15 Years Dresden, Tenn. — After being operated for 15 years, T. W. Cannon has| closed the Majestic. i>l I'hil.Hlclpli of Wasliington zxtintnbu. "The Pride of the East Coast" riie "Home Town Faiitis" of -I (iO(i tliealie o\\ nets. The most intensivcl.N read jou.nals in ilie industry — Keeping tverlastjigly at it for Ihc 12th successive year. 100% coverage of a 35',^ territory EMANUEL-GOOOWIN PUBLICATIONS > New York — Philadelphia — Washington Ma n Office, 219 N. BROAD ST., PHILA. i