The Film Daily (1930)

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cratches Removed from Negatives! Positive and Negative Costs Reduced With the RECONO TREATMENTS AMERICAN RECONO, INC. now offers to the motion picture industry the scientific film treatments evolved by J. J. F. Stock of Berlin, prominent among the scientists active in the European field of photo-chemistry. Three complete and distinct treatments are offered: First — The scratch removing treatment for negatives and positives (including color) : actually removes scratches and other abrasions from both cellu* loid and emulsion sides of the film. Second — The Impregnation yTreatment for preserving new negatives and positives. This process actually prolongs the life of negatives or positives, rendering them impervious to scratches, to absorption of oil and to other deteriorating conditions to which film is subjected. Retards brittleness, actually improves the projected image, and clarifies the sound track. Third — The Rejuvenation Treatment. This treatment successfully restores damaged or worn negatives and positives (including color). The film is completely rejuvenated, eliminating shrinkage and brittleness. Each of the treatments attains its effects by the impregnation into the film of a scientifically balanced solution of certain chemicals by means of precision-gauged mechanical devices entirely automatic in their operation. No coatings or lacquers are used in any of the treatments. The processes are covered by basic patents which have been under successful commercial operation in Berlin for the past seven years. During several months of trial demonstrations in New York City, we have proven to most of the major motion picture companies our ability to treat negatives and positives (including color) in line with the above claims. Effective with this issue of Film Daily, our new and specially constructed laboratory is open for business at 245 W. 55th Street. We have the most modern equipment, thus insuring the proper treatment and handling of all film. The actual work is performed by skilled technicians who have had years of training in the plant of the parent company in Berlin. AMERICAN RECONO, Inc. 24S WEST SSth STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone Cotumbus 6746