The Film Daily (1930)

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THE -s&s^ DAILV Thursday, April 10, 19 V9l Lll N«. 9 Tbvfsdair, AprH 10, 1930 Price 5 Csots JiSN R A.ICOATE £ittot and PdIiIIsImi Publubcd daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, H. Y., and copyright (1930) by Wid's Films and Fikn Poliia, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Sacretary-Treasarer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Uanaglng Editor. Catered as second class matter. May 21, 19 IB, at the post office at New York^ N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, SS.OO; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communicatK)ns to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736 4737 4738 4739. Cable address: FOmday, Mew York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Gramte 0607 London— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St.. W. I Berlin— Karl Wolff sohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Fr>edrichstra»se. 225. Paris— P. A. Harle. La Cineroatographie Francaise, Rue de la Cour-Hes-Noues. 19. Financial NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Sales •Am. Seat 22/^ .... Con. tm. Ind 26/2 24^ 2bV2 5,300 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. 27 24 27 8.700 Con. Film rts Vi V2 Vs 12,500 East. Kodak 240 232J4 239J4 10,900 Fox Fm. "A" .... 49J4 465^ 47!4 45,200 Gen. Thea. Equ.. SOJ/j 48M SO'A 75,400 •Keith AG 4254 ..•■ do pfd 135^^ 132 135^ 700 Loew's, Inc 90 i7H 88H 26.800 do pfd. WW (.6yi)A07'/s iney, iota soo do pfd. xw (6/2).. 92f^ 917^ 91 ?i 200 M-G-M pfd 25H 2544 25J4 100 Para. F-L 747/i 73^ 74/, 29,900 Pathe Exch 6^ SVi SJi 12,300 do "A" 14 im 12/2 8,500 R-K-O 45^ 43'/i 44J4208,500 Warner Bros 76'4 73M 75/2106.000 do pfd 64H 65S4 64^ 200 NEW YORK CURB MARKET •Bal. & Katz 79H •••• Columbia Pets 44 42!^ 43/2 3,100 Fox Thea. "A" .. 14-5^ 13^ 14-^ 22,100 •Intern. Proj 25 .... Loew do deb rts... 56 56 56 100 Loew, Inc., war... 17 15^ 16 2,200 Nat. Scr. Ser 29^ 2914 297^ 5.000 Nat. Thea. Sup. ..25 25 25 100 •Univ. Pict 18 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith A-O 6s 46.. 89^ 89^4 89^ 10 Loew 6s 41WW....127 125 126 470 do 6s 41 x-war.... 99/2 985^ 98Ji 1,420 Paramount 6s 47..101J4 101^ 10114 70 Par. By 5'/$s51 102 102 102 20 Pathe 7s37 67/2 64/2 64/ 190 •LAST PRICE QUOTED <««««»»»»:«*»»»»«a««««««K<^ New York IS40 Broadway BRYant 4712 ^ong Island City '■ 54 Crescent 8t STIllwell 7940 Films J. E. Brulatour, Inc. Chicago Hollywood .111 Indiana Ave. 6700 8a«ta^M«u«. CALamet 2691 HOLlyvoed 4121 Television — a current ohservation (Continued from Page 1) with this term, an "Ikonophone" occupies the same geographical location and social status in television circles that the microphone does in radio society. The door was then gently closed behind us and lo and behold there was Don Mersereau standing directly before this reporter, as in flesh and blood, when in reality 1 was at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Bethune Street and he was at 195 Broadway, miles away. The effect was uncanny. We talked for several minutes in an ordinary tone of voice and with every feature as visible as in real life. After covering the weather, prohibition, high rents in Hollywood, the problem of short skirts and the amount of advertising in sight for the coming week we called it a day. Television Must Be Watched Television is here. Not one shadow of a doubt about it. The aforementioned experience is the truth, th^ whole truth and nothing but the truth. Being of an inquisitive nature we gathered from one of the big guns of the AT&T outfit that television is still highly complicated and terribly expensive. That its commercial application is a matter of years but that it WILL come, sooner or later, just like the telephone, the movies and radio. An afternoon of unusual interest leaves us with the following industry observations: 1st, television is a fact and one of the greatest inventions of the age. 2nd, that it is still in its technical stage but constantly making progress. 3rd, that its commercial application is not immediate, but is just as positive, in years to come. 4th, that ultimately it might prove an irritating rival to the theater. 5th, that it would be .suicide for the big minds of this great industry to close their eyes to television and its unlimited possibilities. Monte Carlo Night Celebrated Many film notables and executives were on hand last night at the M. P. Club which celebrated "Monte Carlo Night." Fairmont Exhibitor Dies Fairmount, W. Va. — Bert Linn, former local exhibitor, died recently at his home here. AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Tlieatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Braadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580 Oakie to Lasky Jesse L. Lasky was introducing Jack Oakie at yesterday's Ritz reception to Marlene Dietrich. After referring to Jack as "the world's greatest tragedian — a man who has made millions cry," Lasky said "Jack is now going to play in 'The Sap from Syracuse.' Do you know what a sap is. Miss Dietrich? Well, Jack is the sap. Aren't you Jack?" "Oh, yes," replied Oakie. I'm a sap now. But keep in touch with me." Reception is Given for Marlene Dietrich Marlene Dietrich, who arrived in New York Tuesday night from Germany en route to Hollywood to appear in Paramount pictures, was guest of honor at a reception yesterday at the Ritz. Jesse L. Lasky presided and among others present were .^dolph Zukor, Gilbert Miller. Walter Wanger, Jack Oakie, Stanley Smith, Ginger Rogers, Monta Bell, Ike Blumenthal, Henry Salsbury and a large delegation of the press. Lasky, in a short speech, predicted that Miss Dietrich, who bears a resemblance to Jeanne Eagels and Greta Garbo, and who speaks fairly good English, will repeat the successes achieved by other Paramount importations like Emil Jannings, Pola Negri and Maurice Chevalier. Garj' Cooper is to appear opposite Miss Dietrich in her first picture, based on a story selected by the German star. Josef \'on Sternberg will direct. "Benson Case" at Paramount "The Benson Murder Case," in which William PoweTl again plays the character of Philo Vance, comes to the New York and Brooklyn Paramount theaters tomorrow. WE BUILD. BUY, LEASE, OPERATE OR MANAGE MOTION PICTURE THEATRES IN PENNA.-NEW JERSEY DELAWARE— MARYLAND —DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAVIRGINIA AND W. VIRGINIA 1700 SANSOM STREET Philaoelphia.Pa. The Industry's Date Book Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May IS Annual meeting of Fox stockholdi at N. Y. 17 Opening of Warner HoUywo 1 heater in New York. 18 Meeting of Tri-State Theater Ow era of Pennsylvania, West Virgin and Ohio at Windsor Hot Wheeling, W. Va. 22-23 Annual Convention of Nort west Theater Owners at NicoU Hotel. Minneapolis. 5-8 S.M.P.E. Spring Meeting at ti Wardman Park Hotel. Washini ton, D. C. 16-17-18-19 Paramount Eastern man: gers bold annual sales meet Atlantic City. 24-25-26-27 Paramount western man gers will hold annual sales met at San Francisco. Sunday Shows Favored in Peeiiskill Electioi Peekskill, N. Y.— With the eled tion of the two Republican trustt candidates who were in favor of thi Sunday shows question, official ac tion by the board of six on Sabbatl; amusements is expected shortly. Ai unofficial referendum showed thai 3,452 were in favor of Sunday enter tainment while 519 were against. May Reopen Coast House West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAIl) Los Angeles — Fred Miller is reported planning to reopen the California here with sound equipment installed. ELMER PEARSON Business Counsel and Producers' Representative 17 EAST 45TH STREET N. Y. C. Illinois Avenue Overlooking Boardwalk and Ocean "A Hotel Distioctlvely Different" UNEXCELLED COLONIAL HOSPITALITY JUST COMPLETED IN ATLANTIC CITY Now Ready for YOU! Fireproof — Showers and Baths Throughout From $4.00 Daily. European Plan From $7.00 Daily. American Plan FETTER & BOLLINGER. Inc. EUGENE C. FETTER, ManagingDirector