The Film Daily (1930)

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Sunday, June 1. 1930 DAILY Theater 1 [uipment AFFILIATED SOUND, INC. HAS TURNTABLE DtVICI Magnification important uonal Program in Chicago, has been L wn«# •"> rilmo Camera rogra ippointed to the advertising and pubicity staff of Fox Wisconsin* in that city. , , " St. Louis — Stage shows will be re Due to lack of proper equipment „lvU at lhe Missouri in July. in certain radio stations where elec trically transcribed programs havt Omaha— A. Melcher has sold the been sent, these stations have failecisjs io \[ j Nathan. to compare to some degree with chain broadcasts, says Andre F. Mt. Washington, Pa. — John Keil Johnson, manager of the radio de-of Pittsburgh has taken over the partment of Affiliated Sound Record-Lincoln, which seats 400. The house ings. Inc., who has just returned fromivill close in August for alterations. a tour of various parts of the court _. , ... ,ir .7 _ T „ t Moundsville, W. Va. — T. L. Rog "I have arrived at this conclusion,"-rson Co. has disposed of the Strand continued Johnson, 'after carefully'nd Park to A. G. Constant, going over the questionnaire returned Benwood W Va.-G. E. Fisher to us by the stations wherein they b h hfi State from Thomas ga\e full length details of their equlP-;carnecma ment, and incidentally this informa ' tion has placed Affiliated in the position of having the most complete data on this subject which is obtainable, and also from personal observation during my recent tour. "As a result of these investigations and at the same time to rectify this >ituation, Affiliated has constructed a turntable which will perform the two vital requirements namely, the revolving at the proper RPM and the maintenance of a constant speed throughout the duration of its playing time. "Therefore Affiliated is now in a position to offer radio stations and advertising agencies equipment which is especially designed for the perfect reproduction of electrically transcribed programs, plus the additional service obtained from the stations through its questionnaire, thereby permitting an intelligent selection of stations through which recorded programs may be properly broadcast." r Pji/lati f"Sf*r _ \X7 \/a \riro-»nio Via _ of focus and the consequent difficulty of focusing. At the same time, a sufficiently high magnification has to be used to register the small particles on the film. "A series of tests was conducted, using both 16 mm. FILMO and 35 mm. EYEMO cameras in conjunction with different iliuminants. Different magnifications were tried so as to provide a comprehensive comparison of the results obtained under different conditions. "Incandescent lights were found of insufficient power to permit motion pictures being taken at the magnifications used, so that arc lamps had to be employed. The tendency of the arc crater to move during operation, necessitated watching the subject while photographing. A microphote, the essential of which is a split-beam prism passing five per cent of the light and reflecting 95 per cent of the light, was found very satisfactory. A reflex device, permitting a prism to slide in front of the camera aperture, was used to focus the very small particles which could not be seen through the microphote. The eyepieces of the microphote and reflex were adjusted so that alter fine focusing was obtained in the reflex, the focus could be checked in the microphote while actually filming. "For extremely high magnifications, a combination of therapeutic carbons and 16 mm. orthochromatio film was found best. For smaller magnifications, a combination of 16 mm. panchromatic film with thin core sunshine carbons was found more satisfactory. A chart is given showing the spectral sensitivity of the panchromatic and orthochromatic films as compared to the spectral energy distribution of the two types of carbons. "The actual airangement of the apparatus is shown and the sequence of adjustments are detailed very carefully, to assist others in duplicating the results with certainty. Cuts are shown, made of short strips taken from various scenes, and demonstrates the effectiveness of the method for taking motion pictures of such small objects. Blood cells of 1 or 2 microns diameter were enlarged so as to more than fill up a 16 mm. motion picture frame. Showing these pictures on a screen 8' x 10', gives a magnification of about 250,000." Reports Greater Demand for Clarage HV Fans Kalamazoo, Mich. — Popularity of the Clarage Type HV fans and three type V washers is increasing, it is declared by the Clarage Fan Co., manufacturers of fans, air washers, unit heaters and engines. Installations include many of the circuit houses in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Allentown, Washington, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh and many other cities. The company claims that it has over 2,000 fans installed in the country's leading buildings, theaters, churches and schools. M-G-M Installs Cooler for Home Office Staff The first of the motion picture companies to install refrigerating systems in its home office is M-G-M, which is now having the entire seventh floor provided with an apparatus to supply cool air waves during the summer. The installation will be completed within a few days. W. B. King Making Trip for New Season Lineup Dallas— W. B. King of King Studios is now en route to the East on a tour that will take him to a number of factories and mills which supply him with equipment. He will also visit several northern cities and line *'" — «*«<*t and apparatus for a new Kerkhoven, Minn.— The O.K. thetter has been reopened by Mrs. M. E. Chambers with silent picture polcy. House will operate only on •"riday and Saturday evenings. Says Blue Seal Cement Will Not Buckle Film Film cement that is said will not buckle under any conditions and makes a clean cut patch is a product of Blue Seal Products of Brooklyn. The company states that the cement will not discolor the film and has been successfully sold for over 12 years and is unexcelled for quick action and tenacity of hold. MATCHES COLORED GLASS WITH THEATER SCHEME Chicago — Matching colored glass plates with shades of walls, woodwork, fixtures and other equipment is claimed a specialty of Reynolds Electric Co., which keeps on hand a supply of everything in theater color lighting as well as natural colored glass plates for keeping with the harmony of colors throughout the theater. Glass plates in ruby, amber, green and blue with metal frame are most in demand, it is said. Adjustable Exhaust Fans Available in Six Sizes Lancaster, Pa. — Adjustable exhaust fans with double bearings on each side of the pulley, equalizing the strain on both bearings, which gives an overhung pulley drive are among the essential points outlined by the Champion Blower & Forge Co., manufacturers of the cast iron adjustable exhaust fan. The type "A" fan is said to be adjustable both as to discharge and hand, and is built in six different sizes. Air System for Iris, Dallas El Paso, Tex. — Another Buffalo cooling installation is to be made at the Iris. Installing New Seats Maauoketa, la. — New leather un Vinnipeg, which netted them $800, lethodical burglars cut a hole irough the roof of the College Theter, North Main Street, during the ight, and removed the office ^aj^ 7s*fiavYng a $6,000 cooling system ini stalled. FLAME PROOF IT JUST WONT BURN HEWES-GOTHAM CO. 520 West 47th St., New York Tel. Chickering 4531 Weston Electrical Co. Has Capacity Measuring Devic Newark, N. J. — Weston Electric Instrument Corp. has manufacture a Microfaradmeter for capacity mea urements where speed and accurae are very essential. The Electrodyn mometer type only comes in A.1 CINEMA Write For Trial Sample KING NEEDLES XL-KANE NEEDLE MFG. CO., Inc. 2 14th Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y FIRE-PROOF WATER-PROOF Ruscus Trees. Hedges, FUme-Proof, also Water-Proof for indoor and outdoor use. Artificial Flowers, Plants, Trees. Vines, Iron Wrought Decorated Stands for Lobby, Theatre and Hall Decorations Illustrated in Our SEASONABLE CATALOGUE No. 3. MAILED FREE ON APPLICATION. Suggestions and Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. FRANK NETSCHERT, Inc. 61 Barclay Street New York, N. Y.