The Film Daily (1930)

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THE THE NEWSPAPER OF HIM DOM >s: ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LII No. 54 Tuesday, June 3, 1930 Price 5 Cents Columbia Adopts Individual Selling for 1930-31 AUTOMATIC COPYRIGHT PR0P0SEDJN BILL New Indie Producing Unit Ready for First Talker ii The Worm Turns — or criticizing the critic — By JACK ALICOATE=; ANDRE CHARMEL, distinguished French dramatist, who probably knows his Parisian critics as well as he does the atmosphere of Barbizon, the boulevards of Paris or the wines of Burgundy, but, most likely, with slightly less love and affection, turns his attention to this self-esteemed vocation with a few well-chosen staccato thoughts in his "Breviary of Critics." Inasmuch as critics are pretty much the same the world over, regardless of color, race or creed, we pass this observation along to our brothers and sisters in crime in the fond anticipation that it might better guide them somewhat along the righteous paths of their chosen profession and, all in all, make of them better men and women. To get back to Mons. Charmel. He opines: "Do not consider a new author a beginner. If he is making his debut before you, you are likewise making a debut before him. "Do not expect the author to show the same qualities you think you possess and do not mind his having qualities you miss; but do not let him seduce you by having the same faults. "Do not try to imagine how you would have treated the subject. A dream cannot be compared with a production. "Do not improvise; 'he should have had such and such ideas.' Maybe he had them and was right in discarding them. "Beware of the first impression; your enthusiasm might come from your own weakness — the author's strength might very well cause your aversion. "Neglect the audience to look at (Continued on Page 2) Releasing Arrangements to be Announced Shortly West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — With plans for remodeling the Flying A studios in Stanta Barbara and arrangements being made whereby the firm will have a selection from the Gene Stratton Porter stories for its first talker production, the newly organized independent producing company known (Continued on Page 4) SOL WURTZEL SIGNED FOR FIVE MORE YEARS West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Sol M. Wurtzel has signed to continue in his present post as general superintendent of Fox studios here for another five years, it is announced by Winfield Sheehan. Wurtzel already has been at the Fox plant 14 years. RKO Forces Wind Up Regional Convention RKO's New York regional meeting, which adjourned Sunday owing to the death of Sydney Katz, brotherin-law of J. I. Schnitzer, was resumed and completed yesterday at the Park Central Hotel. Lee Marcus opened the session, at which Charles Rosenzweig, general sales manager, presided. Hearings Set Wash. Bur. of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Supreme Court yesterday granted the petitions for review of the First National and Paramount decisions rendered last winter by Judge Thacher and ordered them set for hearing Oct. 27. io more ohio maims ACQUIRED BY WARNERS Cleveland — In addition to taking over the Schine houses, Warner Bros, is reported having acquired 10 other Ohio theaters, including seven in Lima and Tiffin operated by Ad Ritzier, two houses in Steubenville and George Schade's theater in Sandusky. The Schine theaters are the Morrison and Strand, Alliance; Kenton, Kenton; Ohio, Lima; Lincoln, Massilon; Plaza and State, Sandusky, and Capitol and Ohio, Sidney. The Ritzier houses are the Faurot, Lyric, Majestic, Sigma and State, Lima, and Grand, Tiffin. Henry Siegel Will Direct Special "All Quiet" Runs Henry Siegel, formerly managing director of the Colony, has been assigned by Universal to direct its newly organized special roadshow department for runs of "All Quiet on (Continued on Page 5) Authors' Rights Extended Under New Measure in House Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A bill which would create automatic copyright and, among other things, extend the life of copyrights to the life of the author and 50 years thereafter, instead of the present 28 years of renewal, has been reported to the House by the Committee on Patents with a view to a general revision of the copyright laws to amend and consolidate the acts respecting copyright and to permit the U. S. to enter the International Copyright Union. The measure (H.R. (Continued on Page 5) CARL LAEMMLE, JR. SIGNS NEW LONG TERM CONTRACT West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Carl Laemmle, Jr., is understood to have signed a new long-term contract as general manager of Universal City. New Columbia Sales Policy Announced at Convention 11 PRIZES ALREADY IN FOR FILM GOLF TOURNEY With 22 prizes already in, more than 100 entries listed and exactly two weeks more to go before the big film golf event of the season gets under way at the Glen Oaks Goli & Coun(Continued on Page 5) Individual selling of feature product is embodied in the Columbia sales policy for 1930-31, Joe Goldberg, sales manager, told the New York regional convention at the Park Central yesterday. The gathering will conclude tonight with a banquet at the hotel, following morning and afternoon business sessions. Goldberg presided at the opening session and introduced Joe Brandt (Continued on Page 4) TO PRODUCE INDUSTRIALS Cleveland — Jack Flanagan, of TriState M. P. Co., and C. H. Quackenbush are leaving for Hollywood to open a studio for production of industrial, commercial and miniature pictures. The local office will be maintained under the direction of Jerry Strauber, in charge of the plant, and Bon Sable, handling photography. New Menace Miniature golf courses known as "Tom Thumb" courses are springing up throughout the country, and the fad is keeping a lot of people out-of-doors and offering serious competition to houses, exhibs report.