The Film Daily (1930)

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THE &Mi DAILY Tuesday, June 3, 1930 Columbia Opens Annual Sales Meetings FEW NEW FACES SEEN AT EASTERN REGIONAL (Continued from Page 1) and Jack Cohn. The latter remarked on the fact that but few new faces were in evidence as compared with the convention last year. He pointed out that nearly every Columbia salesman and branch manager is a stockholder in the company. Speaking of the new season program, Cohn said that several companies have endeavored to buy plays acquired by his company. Brandt said that Columbia now has the confidence of Wall Street. Hal Hodes, in charge of the new accessory department, explained his plan of operation and told of arrangements for the accessory drive scheduled. At the afternoon session Goldberg dealt with the new year sales policy. No silent versions will be made of the 1930-31 pictures, stated Goldberg. Feature product is to be known as the "Superior Twenty" and will be classified as follows: 14 "Proven Specials" to be sold at the beginning of the season in block on guarantees and percentages, and six "Extended Run Giants" which are to be offered on percentage independently as released. Goldberg reiterated that the company will release 104 shorts and make no program pictures. COLUMBIA NET THIS YEAR SET AT $7.83 A SHARE Earnings of Columbia for the fiscal vear ending June 30 are expected to reach a net of $1,250,000, or $7.83 a share on the common, after charges, according to Wall St. estimates officially credited to Harry Cohn. In the previous year the company earned $3.17 a share. RCA May Wire Whole Circuit RCA Photophone, through its Cleveland manager, Van Wyck Benner, has been commissioned to install equipment in three of the 15 Consolidation Coal Co. houses in Kentucky and West Virginia, with a possibility of receiving similar orders for the remainder of the theaters. "^ Strand Previews The Strand has joined the list of Broadway houses that are giving Thursday night previews of pictures due to open Friday. First of the three Columbia regional sessions got under way at the Park Central yesterday with Joe Goldberg, general sales manager, calling the meeting to order. Jack Cohn, the first of the executives to be called upon for a speech, opened his address with the remark that this is the first Columbia meeting in New York which was ever attended by Joe Brandt. Jack welcomed the bunch and was proud of the fact that the staff hasn't changed much. The highlight of Joe Brandt's talk was the fact that he didn't have to go to Europe this time for money, as there was plenty .in U. S., and when he learned of the new season's line up, he immediately started wondering how fast the sales staff will have to step. It was funny the ivay the rest of the men set back and conceded the beau bntmmel title to Sam Galanty, head man of the Washington exchange. Sam blossomed forth in his best grey and smart oxford shoes. Some man. Columbia's New England division twins were present in persons of Abe Montague and Toe McConville. These two chaps had little to say and did it well. Harry Weiner of the Philadelphia exchange c/ot himself a number of lauahs with the bright red tie he had the nerve to wear. Of course, Harry forgot this was New York. The nerviest guv at the session was Frank Shepard of Philadelphia. Frank was operated on the other day and thought so much of this convention that with his neck completely bandaged up, he put in an appearT ance. Joe Miller, branch manager of the Buffalo office was around doing his usual handshaking stuff and also nave the boys the new loiv-down on f>is telephone experience. Joe likes New York because it's so close to Buffalo. Hal Hodes. recently appointed manager of the Sales Accessory Denartment. after telling the bovs how to sell accessories, finally mentioned the fact that he's pot a new assistant in the poison of Al Seligman. J. F. Sharkey, recently appointed Eastern district manager, was getting the usual round of congratulations and such from most of his friends in the Pittsburgh territory. * * * Head man of the New York exchange, Jack Bellman, was present and in his usual manner wishes to state that, after all the smoke, watch the New York aggregation. * * * Frank Price of the Whitehurst Amusement Co., Baltimore, was also a guest at the Park Central and had considerable fun with the Columbia boys. * * * The three most popular fellows at the convention were Rube Jackter, Lou Weinberg and Morris Safier, all aides to General Sales Manager J. H. Goldberg. If you want anything, just ask them — was the keynote. * * * When H. C. Bissel first walked into the Park Central three young ladies thought he was Broadway's most recent villain. H. C. carries one of those dashing little moustaches and hails from Albany. Julius Becker of the New York short subject division was telling all the boys about a hitching that's to take place this Thursday. Julius is getting married. * * * Ben Rarrpaport, also from the New York exchange, managed to squeeze into the session rooms just as the door closed. Good thing they didn't close on him, for Ben could stand the loss of some weight. Among some of the leading Canadian representatives attending the session were Louis Rosenfeld. D. H. Caolan and Jules Levine. M. Bernstein, and Joe Leiberman. New Haven was represented by Louis Astor. and it is claimed there isn't an exhibitor in that section not acauainted with Lou's pep, personality and punch. Some kid. Maurice White, branch -manager of the Cincinnati office, was teamed with Joe Wolf, manager of the Pittsburgh office, and if you think thev had any fun — well, ask Joe. Maurice's ties are too loud. Herbert Kaufman rolled in from Cleveland with G. J. Becker. ARBITRATION, DEPOSITS COVERED BY COLUMBIA Both arbitration and deposits are provided for in the new Columbia contract. Under the arbitration plan the exhibitor and distributor will each appoint an arbiter and agree upon a third in event of a deadlock. ACCESSORY SALES DRIVES PLANNED BY HAL HODES A series of accessory sales drives, each lasting 13 weeks, is planned by Hal Hodes, in charge of Columbia's new accessory department. The first campaign gets under way June 22 and the second will follow immediately upon termination of the first. Prizes will be awarded and at the conclusion of the first year, a grand ' award will be made. Assisting Hodes is Al Seligman, formerly with Consolidated Film Inji dustries, who is now on a tour of exchanges at New Haven, Albany, Bufr falo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. New Indie Producing Co. Ready for First Talker (Continued from Page 1) as American Motion Picture Corp. will be ready to begin work within the next few days. Robert E. Welsh, formerly general manager of Universal City, and John Lynch, who was associated in supervising posts with Paramount, MG-M, Cosmopolitan and as a member of the original Thomas H. Ince company, are associated with A. H. Alexander, Eastern Industrialist, in the company. Leo Meehan who has been assigned to direct the initial picture, is now busy getting together his working staff. Releasing arrangements will be announced in about a week. TEN YEARS AGO TO-DAY IN RobertsonCole to build studios in California. * * * Joseph L. Plunkett to again assume management of Strand. * * * Famous Players plan 104 for next year. * * * Sam Goldwyn has founded a short subjects department.