The Film Daily (1930)

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THE THE NEWSPAPER OF FILM DOM AH THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LII No. 55 Wednesday, June 4, 1930 Price 5 Cents Paramount Hesitating on Wide Film, Zukor Says THEATERS SEEK DRASTIC OVERHEAD CUTS Brandt Tells Salesmen To Report Public Tastes The Mirror iSK THEIVI — a column of comment *HGHT TWO THACHER decrees, one finding the industry's credit system legally okay and the other stigmatizing compulsory group f^.rklr4(t i 1<\)YI + \X\ ft! arbitration as illegal, will get the <*% '!c%»j«*«i on Page s> Supreme Court test at Washing ton Oct. 27. An indication of the importance of these twins to the business is found in the fact that they have been given a preferred position on the court's calendar. Reversal of the Thacher decree will serve to further alter the industry's mechanical setup. Of the two cases the one which probably will attract the greater amount of attention from people engaged in making and peddling pictures is the distributors' appeal from the arbitration decision. Since signing of this decree the old arbitration system has been outlawed and the results, as every exhibitor knows, have been sadly chaotic. It is likely that numerous of the persons who once clamored for the junking of the arbitration plan will now park on the sidelines of the distributor forces as they go into the Washington legal fracas. * * * THE THEATER grab-bag party, under the rules of which a producerdistributor inserts his hands into a covered basket and pulls out a plum or else—-, is going merrily on. Everybody seems to think it's great fun — all except the chap whose property lacks purchase appeal. The guy with the happiest smile is he who sold his shooting gallery at de luxe prices. * * * * AMBITIOUS PRODUCTION programs in some instances are loudspeaking about wide film pictures to be made. At the moment there are mighty few enlarged screens in working position and fewer projection machines equipped to provide food for them. Seems like a long shot, highly Englished, at a somewhat obscure target. LIBERTY CO. MAY ADOPT 5-YEAR FRANCHISE PLAN A five-year franchise plan of distribution, involving independent exchanges, is under consideration by newly-formed Liberty Productions, M. H. Hoffman, head of the company, told THE FILM DAILY yesterday. He had intended to launch his own system of exchanges, Hoffman said, but distributor reaction to his program of 20 features has caused him to consider new plans. Provided the new plan is adopted, contracts with distributors will per(Continued on Page 4) Wobber and Crabill Assuming New Posts San Francisco — A number of changes are being made in the ranks of Paramount-Publix theater officials. Herman Wobber is resigning his the (Continued on Pane 8) Honor J. L. Warner West Coast Bur. THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — As a mark of recognition for his services to the University of Southern California, J. L. Warner will be awarded a diamond emblem by the university at its 50th anniversary celebration on Friday. WARNERS IN OKLA. DEAL INVOLVING $8,000,000 Oklahoma City — In a deal said to involve around $8,000,000, Warner Bros, is buying the six local houses operated by John Sinopoulo and Tom H. Poland. Houses included arc the Empress, Liberty, Folly, Orpheum, Palace and the $1,000,000 being built on Harvey St. Sinopoulo and Boland have just returned from conferences with the Warners in New York. Form Combine to Handle French Film Business Washington Bureau of THE FILM !>■<< Washington — Gallia Films I 'induction has been organized in France to handle commercial transactions in the motion picture field, according to information reaching the M. I'. Division of the Dept. of Commerce. The firm is capitalized at $30,000. This (Continued on Page 4) Will Wait for Wide Film To Prove Commercial Value PATHE 8 P. C. COMMITTEE REPORTED WASHED UP Lower Wage Scales Asked From Unions to Keep Houses Open Detroit — In line with similar efforts being made in various parts of the country, members of the M.I'. T.O. of Michigan are taking action toward a drastic cut in overhead to enable houses to keep operating through the summer. Unless a sub.stantial reduction in operating ex-" penses can be effected, from 50 to 75 theaters in this district will be (Continued mi Page S) BIG LIST OF CLOSINGS Chicago — Although wholesale closings generally do not occur till late in June, 11 houses in the Chicago district went dark in May, according to the monthly report of the Film Hoard of Trade, and it is predicted .hat at least 20 more will close this (Continued on Page A) $13,000,000 PROGRAM FOR F. W. C. Ill CALIF! San Francisco — More than $13,000000 is involved in new building plans already completed by Fox West Coast Theaters, it was announced In Harold B. Franklin while here to confer with (Confirmed on Page 8) ! May a . Efforts of the Protective Committee of 8 per cent Preferred Stockholders of 1'athe to swing proxies for a change in management at the next meeting were reported having been (Continued on Page 4) Until wide film definitely proves its commercial advantages, Paramount will not make enlarged pi< tures, Adolph Zukor told TIM FILM DAILY yesterday. Furthermore, he pointed out, the exhibition end of the industry is not financially in condition to accept the additional overhead incidental to such an evolution Quick settlement of the German (Continued en Page 4) June 4 Lane Chandler Richard Tucker Perry Altman r' (Continued on Page 4)