The Film Daily (1930)

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Wednesday, June 4, 1930 :the IK NtKMHB Of HIMtOJW ViL HI Ni. 55 Wednesday, June 4. 1930: .Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays »t 16S0 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright '1930) by Wid's Films and Film Folks. Inc. J. W. Alicoate^ President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; JJob Carle Gillette. Managing Editor En tered as second class matter. May 21, 1V18, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; J months. $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers jllywood. C !5 Hollywood U 89-91 I Berlin— Karl Wolffaohn. Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse. 225. Paris P. A. Harle. La Cinematographic Francaise. Kue de ia Cour-des-Noues, 19. FOREIGN STAFF ARE MADE BY Financial NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. Am. Seat 16 16 16 ■■■ ■■ Con. Fm. Ind. .. 24 24 24 + H Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 24 23?/g 24 + V» East. Kodak ....247 24 VA 243^8 + % Fox Fm. "A" .. S3>/2 Sl/2 51!4 — Hi Gen. Thea. Equ.. 46'A *S'A 46/; ..... Loew's, Inc 90'/8 88^8 »»Vs — 1 do pfd. ww (6J4). 112»« 111'/ 11154 — 'A do pfd. xw (6'A). 95J4 9S'A 95'4 ■■■■■ M-G-M pfd 26!4 26J4 2654 — V\ Para. F-L 70J4 69/8 69/, Pathe Exch S'A 5 SJ/k + do "A" 11/8 107/4 11 — R-K-O 42*4 4174 42 — Warner Bros 64/ 63/ 63*4 — NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. . 44/ 43*i 44/ + / Fox Thea. "A" -.13 12*4 12 — / Loew, Inc., war.. 17/ 16*4 16*4 — H Nat. Scr. Ser... 32*4 32/ 32/ Univ. Pict 20 20 20 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 98*4 98*4 98*4 Keith A O 6s 46. 86*4 86*4 86*4 — 1/ Loew 6s 41ww..l26/ 126/ 126/ — / do 6s 41 x-war.. 99 98*4 99 Paramount 6s 47.101/ 101/ 101*4 — / Par. By. 5/s 51.102*4 102*4 102*4 Pathe 7s 37 .... 65/ 65/ 65/ — 1*4 New York Long liland City \i llTAt national Picture* T Five changes in the foreign personnel of Paramount are announced by J. H. Seidelman on his return from Europe. Gus J. Schaefer, formerly general sales manager for Central Europe, is now general manager of distribution for Continental Europe, with headquarters in Paris. David Souhami, formerly general manager of the Italian organization, becomes general manager for France, Belgium, Switzerland and Egypt, succeeding A. Osso, resigned, with headquarters in Paris. the Baltics, becomes district manager for Austria, Poland and the Baltics, with headquarters at Vienna. A. Ullmann, formerly manager of the Paramount in Paris, is appointed general manager of all Paramount theaters in France and Belgium, with headquarters in Paris. HOLOGRAPH IS LICENSED UNDER NAKKEN PATENTS A 10-year license for the use of the electrical sound reproducing equipment under the Nakken patents for non-theatrical, commercial, educational and industrial talkers, has been granted by the Nakken Patents Corp. and Warner Bros., who recently bought an interest in the company, to Emil K. Harris, New York attorney, on behalf of interests identified with the expansion of the Kolograph portable projection. Kolograph projectors have been used for some time past by the commercial division of Fox Case Corp. The Industry's Date Book frner Brothers Hollywood Theatre, N rior, Walter Pidgeon, Louise Fazenaj na Loy and Lupino Lane. All Technj June 2-7 International Cinema Congress at Brussels. June 6-7 Regional Columbia confab at Stevens Hotel, Chicago. June 7-8 Regional joint meet of F. N. and W. B. sales forces at Chicago. June 8-9 Theater owners of North and South Carolina, meet at the Ocean Forest Hotel, Myrtle Beach, S. C. June 9 Postponed Annual Meeting of Pathe Exchanges, New York. June 12-13 Columbia regional meet at Roosevelt Hotel, Hollywood. June 12 M.P.T.O. of Eastern Pennsylvania, Adelphia Hotel, Philadelphia. June 13 Minneapolis Film Board holds second annual golf tournament at Oak Ridge golf course. June 14-15 Warner Bros, and First National regional confab at San Francisco 18th Film Golf Tournament It Glen Oaks Golf and Country Club. Great Neck, L. I. Rochester Division of Northwest Theater Owners meet at Minneapolis, une 21-22 Joint sales regional confab of Warner and First National at New Orleans. |une 17 une 17 Better Austrian Market Is Expected Shortly Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAI I. Washington — As a result of the talker situation, which has made production in Austria impossible for the present, an increase in film imports by the country is expected to take place shortly, the Department of Commerce learns. Peggy Wood in "Bitter Sweet" London (By Cable) — Peggy Wood, American actress who appeared in the stage production of Noel Coward's operetta, "Bitter Sweet" will play the same part in the talker version to be made here. The picture will be done in three languages, English, German and French. COMING & GOING Menjou Talker Wins Praise Paris (By Cable)— Adolphe Menjou's first French talker, "My Kid Father," with English dialogue version, has received an enthusiastic reception on its showing here. CYRIL MAUDE, who has been making li is talker debut in "Grumpy" for Paramount, arrives in New York tomorrow from the Coast en route to his home in England. SAM KATZ, accompanied by Arthur Cohen, has been on a tour of inspection of ;he Canadian circuit acquired by Paramount. R. E. JOHNSON, RCA Photophone engineer, is on his way to Maracaibo, Venezuela, in company with E. A. Finol, theater manager for Juan E. Paris & Co., to install the first sound equipment in that coun try. WILLIAM YOUNG, Bermuda theater man, is in New York on business. J. H. SEIDELMAN, of Paramount's foreign department, has returned from abroad. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Young lady, employed six years as confidential assistant to head of theatre circuit, desires connection with theatre operator or distributor. Experience includes theatre accounting, office management, preparation of financial and income tax statements. Expert stenographer and correspondent, Box 198, Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. CINEMA Write For Trial Sample TALKING NEEDLES WALL-KANE NEEDLE MFG. CO., Inc 3922 14th Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Let Us Solve Your Problems ! Over 20 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialists in MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 3040 AD -VANCE -AD "Your service so far has been very good. Many thanks." Gautier Theatre, Kansas City, Kansas. 'WE NEVER DISAPPOINT' PRDHIOWFIIM miMm INCORPORATED 220 WEST 42N-D STREET NEW YORK Phone: WIScon»in 6876 ALLAN A.LOWNES, CEN.MCR.