The Film Daily (1930)

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DAILY Wednesday, June 4, 1930 1930-3 1 M SCHEDULE ._ (.Continued from Page 1) at 1650 Broadway, inrw iv«, •.. ^-i,—«nu copyright M930) by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager ; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Dob Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months. $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers j-ith order Addfcsi all com rk, N. Y jllywood, ! 6*25 Hollywood B1 89-91 I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn. Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematograohie Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. J. L. Warner Outlines 35 New Features] CIRCULATING HOME FILMS PLANNED BY WARNERS Changing Tastes Due to the general speed of the present age, public tastes in amusements are changing more rapidly now than at any time in history, according to the analysts who keep tab of such matters for Paramount. Financial NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge Am. Seat 16 Con. Fm. Ind. . . 24 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 24 East. Kodak 247 Fox Fm. "A" .. 5354 Gen. Thea. Equ. . 46 'A Loew's, Inc 90J^ do pfd. ww (6J4). 112H do pfd. xw (6'A) 9SJ4 M-G-M pfd 26!4 Para. F-L 70J4 Pathe Exch S'A do "A" ua R-K-O 42}4 Warner Bros 64 % 16 16 24 24 2iYt 24 241 }4 24334 51/2 51/8 45/ 46/ 885/3 8854 — 1 111/ 111/ — / 95/ 95'/ 26/ + H + Vi + % — Wa 26/ — 69/ 69/ — 5 5/ + 10% 11 — 41% 42 — 63/ 635/ — NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. .44/ 43 Vt, 44/ + / Fox Thea. "A" .. 13 12% 12 — / Loew, Inc., war.. 17/ 16% 16% — H Nat. Scr. Ser... 325/ 32/ 32/ Univ. Pict 20 20 20 Paramount Hesitating on Wide Film, Zukor Says (Continued from Page 1) patent tangle is expected by the Paramount chieftain, who has just returned from abroad after devoting some time to the situation. He called attention to the fact that representatives of Tobis-Klangfilni and Western Electric are to meet this month in a preliminary effort to solve the problem. Theater business in Europe is somewhat "off", said Zukor. and partly attributed the condition to summer weather. Television, he believes, will never constitute a menace to the picture business. Productions such as the public sees screened in the theaters will never be effectively presented in the home through this medium. Zukor thinks. and therefore their pulling power will be limited. Amount of color being used in new season pictures said the Paramount president, is not varying much as compared with the past year. Warners to Soonsor Two Stage Musicals Among the legitimate productions to be sponsored bv Warner Bros, next season will be two musical shows produced by Connolly & Swanstrom, it is announced by Bobby Connolly. NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 98% 98J4 98J4 Keith A-O 6s 46. 86% 86% 86% — 1/ Loew 6s 41ww..l26/ 126/ 126/ — / do 6s 41 x-war.. 99 98J4 99 Paramount 6s 47.101/ 101/ 101/ — / Par. By. 5/s 51.102J4 102J* 102^ Pathe 7s 37 .... 65/ 65/ 65/ — 1% « » H New York Long Iiland City K EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Young lady, employed six years as confidential assistant to head of theatre circuit, desires connection with theatre operator or distributor. Experience includes theatre accounting, office management, preparation of financial and income tax statements. Expert stenographer and correspondent. Box 198, Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. Let Us Solve Y Over 20 Years of Experience MOTION PICTU Stebbins, Letei INCORPO 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. Big List of Closings in Chicago District (Continued from Page 1) month. The closed houses include the Gem, Bishop and Garden, Chicago; Grant, Cicero; Majestic, Bluffs; Opera House, Camp Point; Central. Danville; Delavan, Delavan; Lion, Hammond; Port, Livingston; Opera House, Orion. Sixteen other houses changed hands in May. Most prominent of the transfers was the acquisition of the Coston circuit of nine de luxe theaters by Federal Theaters. These houses, it is reported, eventually will go to Warners who are planning expansion here. Mitchell Camera Delivers Two More to Technicolor Wert Coast Bureau. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Mitchell Camera Corp. has made delivery of the first two of 18 additional color cameras being made for Technicolor. Mitchell has made all of the Technical cameras with the exception of the 'first experimental ones. Pathe 8 P. C. Committee Reported Washed Up (Continued from Pane 1) abandoned yesterday. Attorneys in the case, Root, Clark. Buckner & Ballantine, are understood to have withdrawn. The committee consisted of Richard A. Rowland. Frederick R. Ryan, Robert W. Daniel and W. V. A. Waterman. Liberty Co. May Adopt Five-Year Franchise Plan (Continued from Page 1) mit flexibility of programs to suit their needs, said Hoffman. Libertv will handle all advertising and exnloitation for them. Projector lenses for use in connection with Giant Screen pictures will be leased to exhibitors at a cost of approximately $100 per v" TT ^ man stated. Production will be a' the Coast and some color will be used in the 1930-31 product. Hoffman believes that television some distance off, will Drove an adjunct rather than an injurv to the film industry. Form Combine to Handle French FMm Business (Continued from Pnge 11 capital can be increased to $250,000. On the board are Tean de Montesnuieu-Fezensac. Charles Jourjon. Leon Bardac. Zavier-Marie de Montgolfier and Les Films Cosmograph. Plans are understood to be under way by Warner Bros, for a home apparatus embodying a radio receiver, phonograph machine, facsimile tlevision reproducer and talking picture projector, with the latter being supplied films on a circulating library basis. SPRINKLERS BY JULY 25, r BOSTON MAYOR ORDERS Boston — Over the protests of theater men, who contended that automatic sprinklers over stages will not prevent panics but may create them if a sprinkler head should suddenly burst, Mayor Curley has ordered the installation of sprinklers in all houses by July 25. If the order is not complied with voluntarily, the mayor will ask the council to pass an ordinance making such action mandatory. George A. Giles, president of the Allied Theaters Ass'n, suggested that the fireproofing of all stage equipment would adequately meet the mayor's requirements for safety. TEWYFARS AGO TO-DAY IN II NraSMIU ^M I fc 411 INI 4" Of HIM DOM ^^YMK m ■ ^^ All JW IIMI Move under way to hold one convention of exhibitors in Cleveland. * * * Plan monster booking and sales combine to be divulged at Cleveland convention. * * * Famous Players plan many specials for coming year. * * * Carl Laemmle again pledges his support to the independent exhibitors, and would dispose of several theaters to show his good will. Reviving Montreal Exhib Assn. Montreal — An effort is being made to revive the Province of Quebec Theater Managers' Ass'n, which gave | up the ghost when the Quebec Government decided to enforce the law prohibiting the admission of children under 16 years of age to any theater where pictures were screened. The leaders in the revival movement are George Rotsky, manager of the Palace, and B. M. Garfield, manager of the Rialto.