The Film Daily (1930)

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THE THE NEWSPAPER FILM DOM All THE NEWS ALL THE TIME Thursday, June 5, 1930 Price 5 Cents 15 De Luxers, 20 Specials on First Nat' I List FIRE COplTTEE WINS^ TWO VITAJTPOINTS Directors Named by Protective Group and Pathe An Experiment — noble or otherwise = By JACK ALICOATE^= OUR HOUSE is anything if not argumentative. Around our dinner table we have controvertive minds of every degree, age and sex. Here is settled many of the problems of today with yours truly, as a matter of selfprotection, mostly in the role of official arbitrator. The latest rough and tumble word altercation centered around the silent picture. Was it dead or merely playing possum? Thinking the experiment a noble one we packed 'em all off to a theater showing a good old-fashioned silent program from announcement to final fade out. What they saw but did not hear convinced even the last hold-out. Imagine a cast of deaf and dumb people doing a Shaw comedy or a Viennese operetta. Their mouths trying to say something but nothing coming out. With deadly silence replacing dialogue, witty or otherwise, and with cannons that shoot and violins that play, noiselessly. Try this idea on yourself if you think the silents, exctpt as pictorials, may yet stage a comeback. After this "Noble Experiment" of complete domestic proportions we are still convinced that the silent picture has no more chance than a John at a chorus girls' convention. Debunking Advertising William Nelson Taft speaking. Editor of the Retail Ledger and shooting a few facts before the Advertising Federation of America. What he says should interest those exhibitors who advertise, and that means all of them. He says: "Many retail advertisers rely principally on impossible claims, couched in wild-eyed superlatives, to ensnare the fleeting attention (Continued on Page 2) Preferred Stockholders' Committee Continuing Activity With announcement of the names of the eight men proposed as directors on behalf of the 8 per cent preferred stockholders, the recently formed Protective Committee of Pathe yesterday issued a statement through Richard A. Rowland, chairman, denying it had any intention of (Continued on Page 8) J. E. OTTERSON SAILING; MAY CONFER ON PATENTS J. E. Otterson sails on the Majestic tomorrow night for Europe. Although his trip is concerning "general company business," it is understood that he will meet representatives of Tobis Klangfilm in an effort to straighten out the German sound patents situation. Fewer Musicals Only three all-musical productions are included in the First National lineup for 193031. Last season the company had six musical pictures, and the number with incidental music also exceeded the same class on the current schedule. Columbia Names Baker Chicago Shorts Manager Columbia announces the appointment of Will Baker, formerly branch manager for the company in St. Louis, as short subject sales manager in the Chicago territory. Baker was Chicago short subject manager for Universal before his joining Columbia. * STORIN NAMED BY R-K-0 AS GEN. MANAGER FOR R.I. Providence — Harry F. Storin, manager of the Victory, has assumed the general managership of the R-KO houses in Rhode Island, succeeding Foster Lardner. Lardner has been identified with the Providence theatrical field for the past 26 years. Following a vacation he will return to this state to resume activities in the theater business. (Continued on Page 2) Only Six Films Held O. K. for Children in Canada Ottawa — Only six films are given complete sanction for presentation to children in the so-called "white list" of the Canadian Council on Child Welfare for 1930. They comprise "The Aviator," "The Cohens and the Kellys in Scotland," "His First Command," "Honey," "Only the Brave" and "The Vagabond King." Storage Limit Increased and Sprinklers Eliminated With one major issue yet to be discussed, the committee appointed by the New York Fire Commissioner for amending the present Code of Ordinances has succeeded in putting through two vital points favoring exhibitors. The one concerns increasing footage requirements five times the old figure of 5,000 feet, bringing the (Continued on Page 8) 75 EXHIBS APPEALING FIRE RULE VIOLATIONS m,pUM» LANDDW. MM «*-*»• "Wl""" UBtt «• *jpertat*»«r»# of MUtaW* *o-*«r "> «* *" „v.r tt>» rt*adi! *«|uKWd bp » i<*rr rt « at tftj-ri th*rf£« of wWwti'rfi *rttd ws twA MttoHten TM»*^^0fcwrK>rUw itim «f<fltt trwU b» JbM1u*» »->th Mr. Turti* m*4 Mr. Crtln 1 | i» rtoft wu Ja e*«h ito" Jiiii' i^ . r»(>t**M»t a oiimh*t (rf rtfcfclta Mfort WM»*« bo«r<J t Ml U.W. I SIX LAWRENCE HOUSES SOUGHT BY WARNER BROS. Lawrence, Mass. — Warner Bros. arc dickering for the Empire chain of six local houses. They are the Palace, Broadway, Empire, Colonial, Premiere and Star, combined seating capacities of these houses totals up to 8,880. In order to avoid having their houses closed on grounds of failure to comply with the New York Fire Department's 10-day order to remove all inflammable material, about 75 exhibitors belonging to the Theater Owners' Chamber of Commerce are filing appeals to the fire department through their organization. Amendments to Sections 5 and 10 of the Code of Ordinances and Rules of the Board of Standards and Appeals, now being worked out by the committee appointed by the Fire Commissioner, soon will be in the hands of the corporation counsel and then to the Board of Aldermen. 19 Counties in Nebraska Have No Picture Shows Omaha— Nineteen of the 93 counties in Nebraska have never had picture shows, R. J. Miller, theatrical advertising man, lias informed the local Chamber of Commerce following a survey by film interests MAKETH (Continued on Page 11) Day Off Fredericton, N. B. — While "Disraeli" was playing at the Gayety here the New Brunswick legislature adjourned for one afternoon to permit members to attend a performance. First time any talker was so honored.