The Film Daily (1930)

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EDITION *iii ''-** *a. ;■:;/-.* tttl HOME EDITION EARLY WALL ST. PRICES Dirigible is R Miles Fn efTri Beaten in Twenty Hole Battle. •sing $8,075 i tROSSED EQC, Bi« Craft U Criwn Capital About Daws "astou, "SUhuU' afternoon match. American to cnl< May -m (A. P.).— XAnm Bk«n, film] ;rd JJiJIman, and Robert G. Lehman valued at $7,500 and J5J5J RA new star has *fr BarbaraSfan ansen,'n with." actress to reckon George Votgt of New York was the third the sixth round, — '} Jon**. .Johnston and VtH»t all wi« e^'*" i>'K',tfa comparative eaaa in the aiori jsrfjan, irtA^RTCO StfUlJ. May 2* **■->*The Gear croaaed the etpj-t.for the *ecor-<i Unw. 1*at night: CM was h**4»d up the •aitr-tra ctul I «T South An-ierka today Mcto than ■ half of it* ?.<*'<> ml'. flight f«im! P*rndmb<icn to Havana lay behind ■ thu diiiriM* this wontisi, pUciaj .arrival at th* Cuban ( '" imatefy *t dawn uJr. .u< 5*«, it tnilii wirual rectal « and p^ y-'PfSJ^] 'Jones aver. the paaaem •hfn. It re»o f>-*iy undo/ tb» heavy rats and etrclad Gtouja irrtnU time* baror* etralffctenbij out nosrtJvwar'J *n« aallin* away. Lajf* eMwrfc waved a fare-see il f. **♦ *Wp. wnich Had two here tin »*,Ajl c/i »*alt exeept for a wepR-end trip wiviRHeu ptj Xka da Jawttro. Among the boo Van pfrtaiy *>t djrfa-tfe)tt, Or. JCeJuftjr *tao taJa-rrasaed Pr« In rfie d. SENATE [OVE FOR |R POLLS Take Stand 'or of Slate Referendum*. 'hold Cozpart | Hope ■D«*wetrt. UMetf'l end 9f fivi i w..t rorty MMfwlt tor * of tan years tfce peeaeat Ml trttt" fct, ar>« **.«« of durcuas.oa on '•t*r CWanc* C n and itaausr lewd*, ir-viag: Stata* and . i* ■, -ordjitc; to On. ■ of tne r*/*rtn>iiiauf, but nc '■ » definite Seail* :« OO Ut* •jagflttOfl *r ttr*f praj-n Hearing* ,*«*l(cfl. ft opubUcan New y«r*. (sua Fttvum £**-»"<*. 1, May 29.— T am diatioctly itfc« a' only baseball game b« enninth iDmrijf/leadinninjt. ! ■■*■&*■ ol to* ■'tie fiireiy impioftebu now ■1 today thai tt urjr? oooald(ntl«a «t hJa ' uali: toer* ta * r bearlnyi. l^fTiator Jonea'i tl*t dacla i 3eaa(a y«aterday that voie tor repeoi of ttie t AraeodXAant "undar toy that Btvei tfta s»ii. ! ma.-k thei owa staad. citor fJiit tnuntdlatatji «fc*r ilda e-f the 1lr># Mue He )a,td frankly Vi« of h.« swte claarty \dfrtlza far rep««f or \ irould vote «^«.»d. ba fact that . for Coftg-reta the t aim wm on toe |pr«*i hfriiself to vote inj to the raaafte ■ ■ ■ Uu vott They vrvre or tt>» play a /« t itrolled h') P » Th* aojj off Havon for ita udg (jla»n«4 iil Bueaoa Atrca memed to be lmmiscnt today! Tfte orew. Cspt. Harbart Prodigy's ma i ■iviivo*. aide [ PaetrteJja, fi»ut. Comm«ad«r G, R^ C0(/W f^offttr Would Smt rldi «a compaxy rtptau »ot aa«a«wtry for ad-^t-»t» _ The feamwwii «n May 21 refuxed to axaat thta cam* r^rnaat. aa ftr%irtaity irtada, ia >Jta ground ft did r»o* aavjtitat* • pn»£ier annref •rter -Tha " .HICAOO AaKf*« Guardianship. Bieci, father of ntnr-y«*r-oid KlttO. *i(rttB prodijar-, ttaa MATS LAKPmCi. *a>4 Oraad, |w*t why n:-'.ic 1 after Tho faea rat" the Lafcourt ■were tt-miei coinptr'Oii*r, r-tn «H«w that the fol had In at) beaa oa ft«j5*a«t»er lfi^s Bar r L#fec*irt eotifrpn»«e Doyffl r-tfMiived in Mi work for the i Bumiait. la addlnon, S*r, Tw««# j^j^|l^|^j[g^^»j: ftoy to J>y J I :r»ham :ii»be-th L au w brfBf 0?ar»)tt, |0fIHht h^ obtain ra re»e (tw L* tlforhh njahta t*r«Jj| arma Ul and Mia' tog Rttairtero (Ueel i teaet^d b*in to ■!▼» loa pttWlc «m j mi j^ tvmity had th< Way 2* ~^r*n ; oerta wtthtn a «hort Umf, wTiipn the j let areata. Mr. CJoldlaff DENVER POST "Establishes her both as a comedienne and emotional actress to be reckoned with." tBlgb< burin en .»r> «** *J~««oi (fe «»ir»d «.t inc Cojbidshtanday hod a cnnir^e<* **'lar'» tuot* 1» hl.t room at tb* K«te» >Ua«»r. tat poifaw iaM, and ha bad aleo thara « "bull rin* of key/ um« eompoattioa btat by wipert!: porary h«^-a. a pale of whtt» htotaari, a hartdkereJalcf containing wlWch nuv tte of ht»od and a receipt i-l hill from a Hot 9pi r*frt*I NEW YORK ■ 0( Barba' hoth Ja llreod to be owned by ajorJty pf returned, tocludinj under the .»<*ct La] a rnaaienrim ItDti ln>tirl»i>nfi'.<*nt Maimed with vocdatna. Tbay itlagal **]* and fsillnu iLjuof. ths nutfanec ai : . %, "Selr* a. I... . S°U^r°^ of ■ S'rsi' -Jifttatlon ns drj> a< ■ held for hca^rer, ch»fif*d. ■ ■ M fon* " the S<ate va anr) i*f«ry law naa**d ba euhmittea «non petition L<tfrary Dj»»'! Mfarea. 4 from Oraffca. *'x*a «■ AJnaad -?>0 fitter 'I, ^ost 0r>tf,e f/Mt**r* •aes* h**j »•■.■>*, aki»« . . r-«* .-a e**i*tr f-me «f«n* rif** »-. it -a <**«M Today ***** it Wawaa'*.. . . r*« ■ «-***! ».„ • Meew* eettt(«-a 4*4/. Coetway, fiwmor Aehmtic City I father SiipeTrntjtndenJ of Buttdta**. today } to lh« etatadn ae^ultted by * Jury of a chars* nf rottorti'*n . i*onwmy waw triad on ta,o Mtordnn :tortiem f*-iod MM rteafp^** and | yadUrday In { Vkd-Ado-trat Wr»t •OIWttBMd th* JtJ.notvt'ra Da j**** moid h« hnaclMd w } ite-nd* w>yld ba JnhJtioua V>th Mr. Tut«e and Mi rv>ytfth*db*en aatd |**,5te. *&>.rj(M waa In raab. atrx*c J rej-reaant a rt'-r/ih*r of haforn Wattb'a ht waa fJi.Au. eaah, palu lh hoard ttia bull. ■ biUldmB l>np/r.-nt leaa offlea nd Ootajtjcl assutea -The vvork frequency w blai i th# toir»o/y«w. Memorial D»f. AVpreJK. Uy tartvoth trie at»-too« ■ •■'■.roSina; need Vai»u M :d n« p»y raor* rttfftrilaAB of MM pottoa taJd. myatari ewtoKty Orle of tlw-'ii. Mk« Vtter frona th* to hJ-i (Ma* CfclMflS # don.arrlhad ■ the « eharg. >f ltq>i->r from Car? by anoiene. Th* *tr r tha -fartj; ■ trtgatar-i said that ■ aa M»u*f.i»a by ait dlaeloaed that ** fry *•< tfurrj »-.. a »«-f|OB «t)'r»-"<l VI nil Mala." h» m,: * f«.(-»t1v-»:i-.nrn»*d |*(i|-*atn* i-y qor»-'-:'i d* hv ta* raauft m ll aoaiUou N^l»v* In t* bagtn an •ffore aara Stat« i* nd "ha* a refd b* a aauroi COLUMBIA WILL MAKE THRH WITH BARBARA STANWYCK f OR 1930-1931