The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Thursday, June 5, 1930 2^ DAILY Timely Topics A Digest of Current Opinion —€)— Exhibitors' Opinion on Percentage Booking EXHIBITORS throughout the territory here all voice the opinion that percentage booking will eventually be the long end of business transactions throughout the industry. However, they i are far from satisfied regarding guarantee and overage. Many of them recall the old legitimate j days when shows were booked I on a straight guarantee, straight percentage or guarantee and I percentage. . . .In fact, one exhibitor puts the issue before us in this manner: "If we are to stand the producer's losses, then I there should be a clause in the I contract whereby we can cancel I the balance of that producer's U product which has brought upon t1 us such losses. We are all in this business for a profit and if the . merchandise we buy to resell at jl a profit incurs such losses, evI erything indicates that it is a I fault of the merchandise. Any I manufacturer of standard merI chandise will stand behind his I product to the extent of taking 1 back the un-sold portion. Not I so with the motion picture, howI ever, we buy it to sell at a profit M on the spot and failing to do that we cannot put it back on the I shelf for tomorrow's customers. r. It is therefore my contention I that taking the good with the had it's a plain open road to || share and share alike; if the 1 overage must be paid on a I money maker, then the producer I, should stand the loss on the Joe II Magees." Warren Stokes in "Film Trade Topics" There are only 460 wired houses in Germany. Along The Rialto n-e-w-s 0-F with ^ r. Daly "flying director," will make a i New England and the South ...being a director, he finds United States London, Ont. — Financial statement for Loew's for the past year, just rei leased to shareholders, shows that the theater had a gross revenue of $278,794, an increase of 19 per cent over the previous year. I ndent-secretary-treasurer of Tifertown, and has been seeing so ley all look alike to him ire-seaters get their fillum buyer for an arty house picked ind without looking inside, asks: anger sez: "Von hundert dol Tll give you a finif." i't bargain.". Pampa, Tex. — Crescent was recently damaged by fire, the loss EN GOETZ, vice president of Consolidated Film Lab., is Clinton, Okla.— W. A. Weaver has resigned as manager of the Rialto, being succeeded by Robert Lewis. air. B] back from his European trip, and will breeze to H'lywood the end of the week Exhibitors' Hints: For that cool summery atmosphere, decorate your lobby with Christmas trees, and put your ushers on snow-shoes George Trilling, former house manager of the Gaiety, will be the new managing director of the Colony Unique News Item: A barker outside a Broadway theater announcing: "There are seats on all floors" we gathered that the theater management was trying to fill them Harry Rice, former manager of the Brooklyn Fox, has been transferred to the Keith-Albee in Boston COMPETITION PROMISES to be keen for possession of the Duffer's Cup at the Film Golf Tournament at Glen Oaks on June 17 looking over the past scores, it looks as if about 80 per cent of the entrants can qualify Joe Fliesler fcez he already has two legs on the cup, and is confident that he can go out this time and cinch ownership Joe invariably drives out of bounds, because running these imported pictures at his artie theater has given him a taste for foreign fields Mike Simmons, who won a recent booby prize at a film tournament, has dedecided to show up at this one with a tennis racket mebbe he's right, for our personal opinion is that the whole things a racket, anyway ........ KEARNEY, purcl EXPLOITETTES A Clearing House for Tabloid Exploitation Ideas €) Good Stunts for "One Romantic Night" J{ COMPREHENSIVE campaign was conducted in New Orleans, La., for the showing of "One Romantic Night" at the Strand theater. Five Chevrolet automobiles with police escorts were driven through the town from 10 A. M. until I P. M. on stock witri a 'nui..,.Uf.p<». <-o.«.ju. „. $1. Of this amount, 45,000 will be issued for private subscription. Leroy P. Sawyer, formerly vicepresident of RCA Photophone and previous to that with General Electric Mazda Lamp, is president of the Claude Illumination Co. Suit of Claude Xeon Lights to restrain Federal Electric. CQo.{gm\vTvh: tile pic" ture title and the theater name. — United Artists Special Feature Contest With Greta Garbo Film J^[ERB SHUSTERMAN of the Opera House theater in New Brunswick, N. J., tied up with local newspaper. The feature writer was persuaded to run a special feature contest on "Have You Perfect Symmetrical Features?" and comparing this with the peculiar beauty of Greta Garbo. This appeared on the opening day of the "Anna Christie" and ran for three days with a special story and picture each clay. M-G-M * * frague — iMlm-rnmimi.v... *.«. Horky has been founded here by Frant. Horky. The company has started work on its first production, a talker. -A gARNEY caused all work to cease temj he strolled in garbed in gorgeoi latest bootleg racket is a Ford a door gatherings, and the owner seat, and discloses a perfectly app 'n everythin' he even has a brass rail tor the rear bumper. Sam Perlman, former chief of service at the Rialto, has been appointed to assistant manager at the Mayfair, Asbury Park and mebbe Sam won't miss those bright lights of Broadway * * * * "pDGAR CARVER, composer and all-around wiz at orchestral arrangements, has sonic claim to being the originator of classical jazz 'way back in 1924, he handled the first classical jazz program of Hugo Riesenfeld at the Rialto Over at the Gospel Mission on Eighth Avenue they advertise: "A saved lawyer will speak tonight" the guy is a reformed film lawyer * * * * T)ERFECT SHOW: A cluck picture — bum sound recording — flicker screen. MANY HAPPY RETURNS Best wishes and congratulations are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays: June 5 William Boyd Garrett Fort Fred Mackaye Bess Clemens Marvin Kirsch