The Film Daily (1930)

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THE 10 A 0f* DAILY Thursday, June 5, 193 \: Latest Hollywood ippenings Four Films Under Way on First National Lot Production is in progress on four pictures at First National this week. They are "Broken Dishes," which Meryyn LeRoy is directing; "Queen of Main Street," which William Beaudine is handling; "Going Wild," a William A. Seiter production, and the Spanish version of "The Bad Man," starring Antonio Moreno. prcierea ro remove Combustible maerial from walls of theaters, the ommittee hit a snag when the quesion was turned over to the Superntendent of Buildings. There is a kelihood that a new ordinance may ave to be promulgated and a new ommittee formed, it is said. Since Betty Boyd in "French Kisses" Betty Boyd has the leading feminine role in 'French Kisses," a Tuxedo comedy being made for Educational release. Monty Collins and Bobby Agnew are also in the cast. Get "Devil with Women" Roles Fox has signed Lilliam Elliott and Walter Abel for roles in "Devil with Women," which Frank Borzage is directing with Charles Farrell and Rose Hobart as the leads. McCrea Gets "Silver Horde" Lead Joel McCrea has been assigned the leading role in "The Silver Horde,'" a Rex Beach story to be filmed in Alaska. William Sistrom will supervise the production for RKO. Raymond Cannon Assigned Raymond Cannon has been signed by Columbia to direct "Ladies Must Play," society drama with the actionlaid in New York and the exclusive resorts of Newport. A Little from "Lots" ,By RALPH W1LK Harry Woods As Pathe "Heavy" V Harry Woods will play the "heavy" in "Ranch House Blues," Pathe com-/ edy western in which Mildred Harris and Don Douglas have the chief roles. Hollywood £ARL McBRIDE is one of the busiest directors on the Coast. Among the Vitaphone subjects he has directed are "Collegiate Capers," "The Gateway of Happiness," "Old Seidelberg," "School Daze," "Russian Around" and "Legacy." In "Old Seidelberg," A Technicolor subject, he used 150 people. * * * Gladys Lehman, well known scenarist, who wrote the screen play and dialogue for "The Little Accident," is writing the screen play for "Sincerity," which John Stahl will direct for Universal. * * * Our Passing Show: Montague Glass, Sam Behrendt, James Seymour, Dr. H. Kahn, Wallace MacDonald and Kenneth McGaffey at the Writers' Club entertainment; Cornelius Keefe watching Warren Hymer and Johnny Risso in a tennis match. * * * William Boyd, former Broadway stage favorite, who appeared in "The Storm," for Universal, will play the "heavy" in "The Spoilers." His talking screen engagements have included "The Locked Door," "Those Who 'Dance" and "The Benson Murder Case." * * * Glenn Rominger, who was the sound technician on "Hold Everything" and "Broken Dishes," has been assigned to handle the sound on "Outward Bound," which will be made by Warner Bros. * * .... * orerl. 1-ept or handled as follows: (a) Ut> to 15 reels, aggregating not more lan 15.000 feet of film may be kept in Inter ti ate Commerce Comiv.ission shipping contain tl s, or approved cabinet ; (b) Tf the amount on hand is in excess 15,000 feet. tb-* \tire amount hut not i« TENJION! e Film Daily, 1650 Broadway! liars for the Spring Film Golf y, June 11th, at the Glen Oaks ck, L. I. mittee Don Mersereau Arthur Stebbins Jack Alicoate Named by .'trr-i Short Shots from New York Studios By HARRY N. BLAIR , A LTHOUGH the Paramount Ne\ York studio is busier than it ha been in many months, the studio wa entirely deserted on Monday. Th reason was that the "Heads Up" an "Sap From Syracuse" companie were both working on location, former aboard a yacht and the ,ai ter at the Soundview Golf Club. Fo the first time in history, three loca tion trucks were kept busy carryinj players to and from the studio. D To Play with Otis Skinner Loretta Young and David Manners have been engaged by First National to support Otis Skinner in "Kismet," which John Francis Dillon will direct. Thorpe to Direct Tiffany Film Tiffany has signed Richard Thorpe to direct "His Last Race," written by Jack Natteford of the scenario force. John Sheehan, who was brought to the Coast by Pathe to appear in "Swing High," has completed his contract. He is free-lancing and his first screen engagement since leaving Pathe was a role in "Broken Dishes," which was made by First National. * * * Harry Tierney, RKO composer, is practically through working on "Heart of the Rockies," the musical production in which Everett Marshall, Metropolitan baritone, is being starred. W •» * *v 43LA9 y-f I3syf4-l* SI "Her Man" Role for Gleason Pathe has given James Gleason a role in "H,er Man," written by Tay Garnett and Howard Higgin and adapted by Tom Buckingham. Other players are Marjorie Rambeau and Helen Twelvetrees. With Robert L. Ripley's seconi "Believe It or Not" film in the cut\ ting room., Murray Roth has jus, finished direction of the third of th\ cartoonist's Vitaphone Varieties se\ ries. Ripley introduces Clarencl Willard, "The Man Who Grows," ii this short. Willard extends hi* height several inches at will. Babies in Comedy Cast Twenty babies and small children are used in the cast of "How's My Baby?" an Educational-Mermaid Comedy in which there are only three principals, T. Roy Barnes, Monty Collins and Addie McPhail. Added to Cast of "Adios" Arthur Stone and Mathilde Comont are the latest additions to the cast of "Adios," Richard Barthelmess' next First National picture. Marian Nixon will play the leading feminine role, with Fred Kohler, James Rennie and Robert Edeson also in the lineup. Frank Lloyd will direct. Pathe Borrows Phillips Holmes Pathe has borrowed Phillips Holmes from Paramount for a principal role in "Her Man," featuring Helen Twelvetrees. Other performers are Marjorie Rambeau, James Gleason and Harry Sweet. New Role for Daphne Pollard Daphne Pollard is in the cast of "Goodbye Legs," a Mack Sennett talking corned}'. With her are Nick Stuart, Andy Clyde and Ann Christy. Dorothy Matthews for Leads J. L. Warner has signed Dorothy Matthews for leading roles in Warner pictures. Lige Conley in "Hank Your Horn" Lige Conley has an important role in "Honk Your Horn," Lloyd Hamilton's latest comedy for Educational release. . Frank Kirby, cameraman at th< Paramount New York studio, re cently returned from Labrador afteii helping to film "Vikings of thJ North," for Audio Cinema. Kirbjl made a great collection of picture; showing life among the seal hunter; of the ice country. Charles Sterrett, leading man h\ "Vikings of the North," reveals tha the "ice country" really isn't countrt at all, but actually large pieces oj, ice floating in the ocean, more thai 12 miles offshore. And thereby hangs a tale! George Folsey, chief cameraman all the Paramount New York studios! suffered defeat in the tennis tournament held at the Crescent Club,; Brooklyn, at the hands of Dr. R. C, McKay, whom George taught to play tennis six years ago! Erwin Gelsey, Chick Kirk, Georgt Folsey, Victor Schertzinger and George New are among the leading tennis enthusiasts at the Paramount New York studio. H. I. Phillips, columnist on "The Sun" and widely read humorist, is the author of "The Substitute," a comedy based on his own experiences as a radio announcer, which has been filmed for Vitaphone Varieties at the Brooklyn studio. In the cast are! Charles Lawrence, Ray Collins, Walter Regan and Marge McKay. Harold Beaudine directed. Just a few years ago, Jack Oakie was a member of Lulu McConnell's vaudeville act — now he's a Paramount star. Lulu is also making' shorts for the same company over at the New York studio. Her latest is called "Red, Green and Yellow" and was directed by Mort Blumenstock.