The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Thursday, June 5, 1930 -swmk DAILV u 1930-31 First National Films Outlined 15 DELUXE PICTURES, 20 SPECIALSON F. N. LIST 1_. i (Continued from Page 1) HEIGHTJS 75 P. C. Sou United States London, Ont. — Financial statement for Loew's for the past year, just released to shareholders, shows that the theater had a gross revenue of $278,794, an increase of 19 per cent over the previous year. Few Words — on a big subject ■ By JACK ALICOATE THIS IS probably the shortes column we ever wrote. Foi a picture story far more compelling than our words could paint it pleas< turn to page 5. FILM GOLFfOURNAMENT NMBBKSPI Going through the motions of taking part in a very important ceremony, several of the committee members promoting this Spring Filn Golf Tournament and who request that their names be withheld, journeyed out to the Glen Oaks Countn Club at Great Neck to see tha everything is all set for the fraca: scheduled to take place on Tuesday June 17. The truth of the matter is tha (Continued on Page 6) 15 P. C. AMUSEMENT TAX LI Clinton, Okla. — W. A. Weaver has resigned as manager of the Rialto, being succeeded by Robert Lewis. Pampa, Tex. — Crescent was recently damaged by fire, the loss being estimated at $50,000. Mountain Grove, Mo. — Dean Davis is erecting a theater here. It will be known as the Cameo. Independence, Kan. — Glen Carver of the Rivoli, Falls City, Neb., is temporarily manager of the Booth and Beldorf here in place of Frank Barnes, who is suffering from a serious foot infection. Burlington, Vt. — The Flynn Paramount being erected here for the Maine and New Hampshire Theaters Corp. is expected to be opened not later than Oct. 15. Mount Ayr, la. — The ordinance against Sunday shows here has been repealed by the town council. Baton Rouge, La. — A bill proposin a tax of 15 per cent on all amus< ments has been introduced in tl Louisiana Legislature. Proceeds ai intended for public school purpose Two additional measures, one callii for a levy of 3 cents a square foot c billboards and the other providing tax of $1 to $5 for each billboard, ai proposed as a source of revenue fo the state library commission. Swea City, Minn. — Protesting that closing of the local house has hurt business, merchants are asking for a special election on Sunday shows. The house could not operate profitably on the six day week, and likewise could not compete against neighboring towns with talking shows. Middletown, O. — Gus and Theodore Chifos have purchased the Gordon from George Turlukis and Peter Chakeras. Film Notables Attend New Pantages Opening West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — One of the biggest gatherings of local celebrities ever brought together turned out for the opening of the new Pantages and the premiere here of the new Marion (Continued on Page 2) Appalachia, Va. — A p p a 1 a c h i a Amusement Corp. has been chartered with an authorized maximum capital stock of $10,000. R. W. Holley is president; H. H. Hull, vice-president, and J. F. Richmond, secretary-treasurer. All are of this city. Clarksville, Tex. — Mission and Colonial have been purchased by Englebrecht & Wolf. Seattle — The Pantages has been renamed the Follies as a result of a contt st conducted among the patrons. Spokane — J. Knox Strachan has succeeded Lawrence J. Carkley as manager of the RKO Orpheum. Minneapolis — Second annual golf tournament of the local film board will be held June 13 at the Oak Ridge golf course. Alice, Tex. — City commission has given theaters here permission for Sunday shows. Elkins, W. Va.— The Grand has been bought by Frank Shomo, who will reopen it after sound equipment has been installed. Oil City, Pa.— Fred E. Johnson has resigned as manager of the Drake to take a similar position at the Latonia, operated by the Imperial Chain Theater Co. Foreign Prague — Film-Produktion Frant. Horky has been founded here by Frant. Horky. The company has started work on its first production, a talker. TIFFANY SALES MEETING IN CHICAGO ON JUNE 2: Annual sales convention of Titian will be held at the Congress Hote Chicago, June 23, 24 and 25, Osca (Continued on Page 8) Berlin — Two hundred and nine educational films of an aggregate length of 129,365 meters passed through the censors' hands in Germany in the first quarter of the current year. This compares with 207 films totaling 129,164 meters censored in the same period of last year. Prague — "Saint Wenceslaw," the first Czechoslovakian production, is being exhibited to great success. Berlin — Ufa has started work at its Neubabclsbcrg sound studio on "The Shot in the Sound Film Studio." The leading players are Gerda Maurus and Stahl-Nachbauer. CLAUDE NEON ENTERING NEW ILLUMINATION FIELD A new unit, known as the Claude Illumination Co., has been incorporated in Delaware by Claude Neon Lights to manufacture and market illuminating devices in the low voltage field of gaseous tube lighting. The new company has a capitalization of 100.000 shares of common stock with a nominal par value of $1. Of this amount. 45,000 will be issued for private subscription. Leroy P. Sawyer, formerly vicepresident of RCA Photophone and previous to that with General Electric Mazda Lamp, is president of the Claude Illumination Co. Suit of Claude Neon Lights to restrain Federal Electric Co. from selling controlling stock interest in the Claude Neon Federal Co., patent licensee under Claude Neon patents in Id western states, to Rainbow Lights and Rainbow Luminous Products has heen dismissed in New York Supreme Court. No Date Yet for Argument In DeForest-W. E. Action Wilmington, Del.— Xo date has been set yet by the Federal Court for argument on the recently heard testimony in the patent infringement suit brought by DeForest against Western Electric. M-G-M Signs Czech Artists Prague — Jiri Sedlacek, Czech actor, and Slavaka Tauberova of the Prague Grand Opera have been signed by M-G-M here to sing in "The Hollywood Revue." TEN YEARS AGO TO-DAY : : in THE IRI NHHMfn Of HIM DOM Allen Theatrical Enterprises of Canada announce plans for theater building in Europe. Committee representing M. P. Theater Owners of America and Independent M. P. Exhibitors to meet in Cleveland. Capitol reopens with typical Rothapfel program.