The Film Daily (1930)

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THE 2 m :the rat newmpoi Of HLMDOJM Vol. Lll No. 60 Tuesday, June 10, 1930 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publish* Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address : Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematogranhie Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. Financial NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. Con. Fm. Ind. .. 22'A 21J6 Z1H — l'A Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 23 }4 21'A 22 — ]/2 East. Kodak ....234^ 220-^ 222% — 8/2 Fox Fm. "A" .. 49M 45J^ 46 — 3 Gen. Thea. Equ. . 43J4 38'4 40 — 3 Keith A-O 117 117 117 — 8 Loew's, Inc 83J4 75$<6 75% —TV* do pfd. ww (6%). 109 106% 106J4 — 3 do pfd. xw (6%). 94% 94% 94% — % M-G-M pfd 26 25J4 25% — % Para. F-L 65% 61% 62% —3 Pathe Exch 5 4% 4% — % do "A" 10% 9 9—1% R-K-O 36% 30 30 —6% Warner Bros 5854 50% 50% — 8% do pfd 53 53 53 — 2 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Vtc. ... 41% 40 40 — 2'A Columbia Pets. ... 39 39 39 — 2% Fox Thea. "A" .. 11% 10% 1054 — 1% Loew, Inc., war. 14 Ji 11 11 — 4lA Nat. Scr. Ser. ... 32% 21% 32^ — % NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 98% Loew 6s 41xw.... 98% do 6s 41ww 123 Paramount 6s 47^ .10151) Par. By. 5%s51.103 Pathe 7s 37 69% Warner Pets. 6s39.104% Co-operation — if you ask it, give it (.Continued from Page 1) line of the parade and growing bigger and more important all the time. More power to them. This Columbia outfit reached the heights through demonstrated ability, integrity, understanding and a never-saydie spirit. The success of Columbia is a demonstrating example of the fact that there is always room in pictures for those who first know how to do things and then go out and do 'em. Dr. Stebbins Stebbins, Leterman & Gates, insurance specialists in film matters of which Dr. Stebbins is the head man, have just been awarded a bronze tablet by the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., for writing over $7,000,000 worth of life insurance in the motion picture industry during the past five years without suffering a single loss. In other words, executives and stars in pictures, after all, are not such bad risks as some bitter critics would have us believe. There must be something to that golf prescription of old Doc Stebbins after all. 98 98 9854 98% 122 122 101'A 101% 103 103 67 54 67% 103 103 % V2 254 — 1% J«t *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦>♦>♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦* ♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•*> y New York H 1540 Broadway $ BRYant 4712 8 8 Long Island City Jf 154 Crescent St. ft STIllwell 7940 ft H » § Eastman Films | H J. E. Brulatour, Inc, g Hollywood 6700 Santa Monica ft ft Chicago K 1727 Indiana Ave. ft CALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 8 Harold Lloyd Party Sails to Shoot Pacific Scenes West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Harold Lloyd, accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd and a party of about 50 directors, players, writers, actors, electricians, cameramen and others, sailed yesterday on the Malolo to shoot ocean sequences and scenes in Honolulu for "Feet First." Members of the supporting cast who are aboard include Barbara Kent, Robert McWade, Lillian Leighton, Noah Young and Jean Barry. Farjeon Will Handle Liberty Stage Tryouts West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Herbert Farjeon, stage director, who was with Victor and Edward Halperin before the formation of Liberty Productions with M. H. Hoffman, will have charge of the stage tryouts of plays intended for talker production by this new organization. Arrangements have been made by Hoffman and the Halperins with Loring Kelly of the Manhattan Players, a repertoire company, for the legitimate presentation of the plays, and among the theaters where the small-town reaction will be tested are the Oriental at North Long Beach, the Largo at Watts and the Orange at Orange. The first two productions to be placed in rehearsal under the new plan are "Dancing Fathers" and "In Oklahoma," written by Loring Kelly and May Sheldon. The Industry's Date Book Depinet and Sears on Coast for Meeting West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Ned E. Depinet and Gradwell L. Sears arrive at the Burbank Studios of First National today enroute to the company's regional sales meeting in San Francisco. While here Depinet and Sears will see several new productions in the making and confer with Jack L. Warner on distribution of the forthcoming product. June June June une June |une June June June June 12-13 Columbia regional meet at Room velt Hotel, Hollywood. 12 M.P.T.O. of Eastern Pennsylvania Southern New Jersey and Delaware, Adelphia Hotel, Philadelphia S.M.P.E. meeting, Engineering Society Bldg., New York City. 13 Minneapolis Film Board holds sec ond annual golf tournament at Oak Ridge golf course. 14-15 EKPI Golf Tournament, Briarcliff Lodge, N. Y. 14-15 Warner Bros, and First National regional confab at San Francisco. 17 18th Film Golf Tournament at Glen Oaks Golf and Country Club. Great Neck, L. I. Rochester Division of Northwest Theater Owners meet at Minneapolis. 20 Opening of "With Byrd at the South Pole" at the Rialto, New York. 21-22 Joint sales regional confab ol Warner and First National at New Orleans. 23-24-25 Tiffany Annual Sales Convention, Hotel Congress, Chicago. 24 25 Annual convention of M.P.T.O. of Kansas and Western Missouri, Topeka, Kan. COMING & GOING JOSEPH I. SCHNITZER sails for Europe this week on the Leviathan C C. PETTIJOHN arrives today from he West Coast. OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN 2d has returned to New York from Hollywood after completing his first screen operetta, "Viennese Nights." He goes west in about a week to supervise his second production. SPANISH PUBLICIST Young lady, Spanish-American, who has been handling Latin-American publicity for one of big distributing companies, is at liberty. Thoroughly capable publicist. References. Box 109B The Film Daily 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. Swenson to Assist Yorke on Fox Theaters Publicity Joe Swenson, formerly of Fox News, has been appointed assistant to Gabe Yorke, director of publicity and advertising for all Fox theaters east of the Mississipi. Swenson has been with the Fox organization for more than three years, first with the publicity department, from which he later switched to the newsreel end. Warner Bros. Holding Six Berinstein Houses Reports that Publix has closed a deal for the six Berinstein circuit houses in Elmira and Dunkirk are denied by Warner Bros., who now control the houses and intend to hold on to them. WALTER STRE;NGE FIRST CAMERAMAN AVAILABLE AFTER JUNE 14 International Photographers, Local 644 233 W. 42nd St. Tel. Wisconsin 3465 "Big Fight" Preview At N. Y. Athletic Club A preview of "The Big Fight," Sono ArtWorld Wide talker based , on the David Belasco stage produc < tion in which Jack Dempsey and Estelle Taylor appeared, will be given tomorrow night at the New York i Athletic Club. The arrival of the | picture in town has been timed so all to cash in on the interest over the i Sharkey-Schmeling fight the follow \ ing night. Arrangements have been made for | a group of well-known pugilists to i act .as ushers at the preview. Among i them are Maxie Rosenblum, Al Singer, Tony Canzoneri, Joe Glick, Benny } Leonard, George Huffman, Sammy | Dorfman, Johnny Grosso and Lou ! Barba. Principals in the picture are "Big Boy Guinn Williams, who has fought Dempsey in the ring, and Tony Stabeneau, who has battled many of I the leading fistic lights. pooler Aire SILENT PARTNER OF THE TALKIES KOOLER-AIRE ENGINEERING CORP. 1914 PARAMOUNT BUIIDING NEW YORK AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts j 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580