The Film Daily (1930)

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DAILY Tuesday, June 10, 193 © Latest Hollywood Happenings f) Coast Wire Service Big Company on Location for Paramount "Spoilers" The largest company ever to be sent on location by Paramount since the coming of talking pictures is now at work on scenes for "The Spoilers," the Rex Beach story, at a town near Oxnard, Cal, built in duplication of the Nome, Alaska, of 1900. The company includes 15 principals, 75 technicians and more than 100 extras. Bradley King To Rest Bradley King, who recently completed the screen version and dialogue for "Adios," which First National is to produce with Richard Barthelmess in the starring role, has moved to her beach home for several weeks before leaving for the East. Miss King recently contracted a Severe cold which threatened to develop into pneumonia. However, she has fully recovered and now plans on a complete rest for several months. New Role for Addie McPhail Addie McPhail has been engaged by Pathe for a role in "Hold the Baby," a two reel comedy which Fred Guiol is directing. TAim: nino OVER PROTECTIVE GROUP Dot Christy with Chevalier Dorothy Christy has been added to the cast of Paramount's "The Little Cafe," starring Maurice Chevalier. David Torrence Gets Role David Torrence has been added to the cast of Warner's "River's End." Spencer Tracy on the Coast Spencer Tracy, until recently in the cast of "The Last Mile" on Broadway, is in Hollywood to play in "Up the River," which John Ford is to direct for Fox. . "Toplitzky of Notre Dame" Off Paramount has called off "Toplitzky of Notre Dame" in deference to the wishes of the college. Jack Oakie was to have played in it. been too reticient to offset negative reports and asked for a vote of confidence, which was affirmed although there were considerable noes registered. Attorney Ellwood M. Rabenold, representing the protective committee, gave a resume of Pathe's financial history in which he criticized the current manage Alec Francis in "Outward Bound" Warner has added Alec Francis to the cast of "Outward Bound." Albert Lewis on Coast Albert Lewis, who represents the Fox studios in New York, is on the coast to confer with Winfield Sheehan. A Little from "Lots" By RALPH tVILK Hollyxvood A . F. ERICKSON is becoming one of the best travelers in the Fox organization. He took one company to Utah, where he shot exteriors for "The Lone Star Ranger." He is now at Jasper National Park, British Columbia, directing "The Red Sky," Tom Barry's romance of the Northwest. * * * Do you remember when James Whittaker was the music critic on the Chicago "Examiner"; when Henry Myers was a Shubert press agent; when Jo Swerling was a Chicago newspaperman; when Sam Marx was on Zit's; when Clarence Hennecke was with Harry Langdon. * * * Count Phil de Esco, who has been with United Artists, RKO and First National, will sail this month for Roumania, where he will produce pictures. * * * Our Passing Show: Edward H. Griffith and Horace Jackson playing tennis; Maurice Revnes motoring on Santa Monica Blvd.; Frank Capra, Jo Swerling and James Whittaker conferring at Columbia. * # # Clara Beranger is busy at Columbia, where she is writing the screen play and dialogue for "Bless You Sister." * * * Bob Armstrong's first English "pupil" has reached Hollywood. He is Luis Alberni, character actor, who came to the United States several years ago. The first words Armstrong taught Alberni were "Sloan's Liniment." * * * A few Clarences — Badger, Brown, Hennecke. * * * Five stories that merge into one and 14 stars and featured players enacting leading roles are factors which are involving John Robertson in the most difficult task he has ever encountered. He is directing "Beyond Victory" for Pathe. * * * / By the way, Robertson is proceeding piece-meal in making the picture, alternately rehearsing a sequence in its entirety and then shooting it. It is new procedure made possible because of the unusual story treatment. * * * More Passing Show: Carl Ebert being shown points of interest at Pathe, by B. Reis man; Harry Rathner visiting Columbia on business; Harry J. Brown motoring to Universal City. * * * "Hank" Arnold, demon statistician of Santa Monica Blvd., reports that members of the Whoopee" company killed four rattlesnakes while on location at Palm Springs. One of the snakes had nine rattles and was within a few inches of five feet in length. * * * Here and There: Charles Chaplin, Al Lewis, Phillips Holmes, Flo Ziegfeld, Guthrie McClintic, Martin Brown at the opening of the new Panrages theater; Al Cohn, Endre Bohem, Frank Partos, Arthur Hornblow, Jr., Bob Mclntyre, [ at the premiere of "Decency"; Sam Marx and Nat Dorfman F chatting at M-G-M. * * * Jo Swerling is busy at Columbia, where he is writing the screen play and dialogue for "The Last Parade," which will be directed by Frank Capra. Jack Holt and Ralph Graves will play the leads. Although numerous Ziegfeld beauties have found fame and fortune on the screen, Bert Wheeler is one of the first male stars of the "Follies" to find success in motion pictures. * * * James Whittaker is writing the screen play and dialogue for "Brothers," which will star Bert Lytell. * * * Charles Coleman, appearing in "Lawful Larceny," has had two careers, both of which pulled people out of their seats. First, he was a dentist. Then he became an actor. * * * By the way, while in Spokane, Wash., several years ago. we offered a slogan to "Doc" Clemmer and his partner — gratis. The "Doc" and his partner, ex-dentists, operated a picture theater. The slogan we offered was, "We used to pull 'em out; now we pull 'em in." Don't shoot. * * * Fred Niblo is stdl receiving fan mail, because of his acting in "Free and Easy," starring Buster Keaton. * * * Nat Dorfman, who wrote the raaterial for "The International Revue," will write the next edition of "The I ittle Show," in collaboration with Howard Deitz. Dorfman is also Foy Signed for Long Terr to Direct F. N. Feature} Bryan Foy has been signed to long-term contract by First Nation; to direct feature-length films. H first assignment will be "The Gori| la," which will be the first long fill! to lie directed by him since he madi "Lights of New York," for Warne Pathe Signs Frances Upton Pathe has placed Frances Uptoi Broadway musical comedy actres; under contract. The company ha picked a role in "Night Work" fo her. Chilean Studying U. S. Methods Jorge De La no, Chile's leadinj screen authority, is in Hollywood t! study American, film production a the official representative of th| Chilean president. Tv.a ,n lccognuion ot the effi cient and progressive manner i which Marcus has put his office ove the top in sales. Equity May Abandon Two Added to "Her ManHoii Mathew Betz and John T. Mur ray have been added to the cast o Pathe's "Her Man," featuring Helei Twelvetrees. Pacific Locale for "Sea God" "The Sea God," from a John Rus sell story adapted by George Abbott is being filmed on location in htc Pacific. The completed film will con tain many underwater scenes. 1 large group of South Sea Islander; will appear in the picture. i Harry Green in "The Spoilers" Harry Green has been cast foi "The Spoilers," which Edwin Carewe is to direct for Paramount. working on a production that will be m-csented by the Erlanger offices. * * * Mauri Grashin and Tom Lennon are all smiles these days. The% noted a Pathe Sun statement to the effect that "the first sequence of 'Beyond Victory' has been completed and what a start it gives the production!" They wrote three out of the four sequences for "Beyond Victory" and Grashin and Lennon are writing an original story, "Tak ing the Rap," which will star Robert Armstrong. # * ■* ^d'uscu tne Warner-Columbia game to be postponed to later in the sea j son. RKO is second in the League standing, with Warner third and Columbia fourth. have likewise made this type of product imI possible for themselves. Hereafter the ex1 pert stage play and the intelligent talkie will I survive side by side. All others must \ perish. The t>nM<> >—'- "