The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Thursday, June 19, 1930 DAILY ALLIED STAND ON 5-5-5 1$ EXPLAINED BY MYERS (Continued from Page 1) announcing his organization's intention to participate in the reconvened confab in Atlantic City on June 30. The statement reads in part: "This association has received numerous requests for a statement of its position in view of occurrences since the last session of the conference. "Allied States entered into these negotiations in good faith hoping to obtain a fair contract, voluntary arbitration, and relief in the matter of protection and theater expansion. "The association has submitted concrete proposals which are still on the conference table and for which it hopes to obtain the favorable consideration of the conferees. "We do not think that we would be justified in withdrawing so long as any hope remains of getting the relief which the exhibitors represented by this association so urgently need. "While the association is indignant at the libelous attacks on its delegation appearing in certain trade papers, and inspired by an unidentified 'Haysite,' it realizes that to withdraw would be to play into the hands of this undercover agent who is apparently bent on wrecking the conference. "Mr. Kent, moreover, has made it plain that in negotiating with his committee we are not dealing with the Hays organization. "Exhibitors having ideas which they think should receive the attention of the conference are requested to forward the same to this office immediately." Managerial Changes Made in New Britain Houses New Britain, Conn. — A number of managerial changes have been made in this city. Carlyle C. Barrett is no longer with the Strand, having been made district manager for a chain of 25 houses in the area outside of Boston, which Warner is acquiring. Jack Sanson comes from the Palace, Danbury, to take his place. Manager Kugell of the Warner Capitol has gone to South Norwalk, William Evans, formerly with the Palace, Hartford, succeeding him. Craft Installs RCA Equipment (raft Film Laboratory has installed RCA recording equipment in its plant in Flushing. L. I. Here We Are, operate theaters: J D ^hitrin, 67 West 44th St., New York; 100 inares common. ^Granada Theater Corp.; I. J. and N T nn fg' 26 Court St- Brooklyn, N. Y.j "V .shares common. Winson Amusement Corp., operate theaters; '°rk; $5M)0tr°W"Z' 3°S Broadway' New N-E-W-S 0-F T-H-E D-A-Y United States Catersville, Ga. — Work of remodeling the Grand for Manning & Wink nas been started and should be completed within the next 90 days, according to A. R. Shoemaker, manager. An amount close to $50,000 .viil be expended. The present capacity will be increased to 1,600. Valdosta, Ga.— H. K. Wilkinson has taken over the duties of manager of the Ritz. Keewatin, Minn. — Business has been resumed at the Capitol, which was closed for several months to permit improvements, including the installation of sound equipment, to be made. Staples, Minn. — S. P. Mace has reopened the Grand with sound pictures. Burlington, la.— Central States Theater Co. has appointed F. F. Chenoweth assistant manager of the Palace. He succeeds Claire Stover, who has been advanced to manager of the Charlton house. Belle Fourche, S. D:— Ray Sterrett has succeeded Harry Rodell as manager of the Isis. Walnut, la. — O. C. Johnson has sold the Ritz to Max W. Shoemaker of Sterling, Neb. West Salem, Wis.— The Rex has been leased by Scott and Thompson, who will install sound equipment. Hot Springs, S. D.— The Hot Springs Theater has been opened here. Montreal — Electrics, Limited, of 366 Mayor St., has been appointed distributor in Eastern Canada for RCA Photophone. Charlton, la. — The Ritz is again in operation here. The house was damaged by fire last February. Starbusk, Minn. — The Mozart, formerly known as the Du Glada, has reopened. Alexandria, Minn. — H. J. Longaker has resigned as manager of the State, W. R, Hiller of Brainerd succeeding him. Canisota, S. D.— H. E. DuLac, of Minneapolis has purchased the Clark here. Gonvick, Minn.— W. O. W. Theater has been taken over by Henry Bruimmd of Thief River Falls. Minneapolis — Fritz Friend has joined the Tiffany sales staff here, covering the Iowa territory. He was previously with Warner. Chicago — Edward McLaughlin, western representative for Talking Picture Epics, is now in larger quarters in the Universal Building. Kansas City — The Dickinson circuit has changed from silent to talking trailers. Cleveland — M. C. Barth, once a local theater owner, has turned to operating a barbecue at D. 25th and Bridge Sts. here. Kansas City — H. A. Parker, until recently with the Campbell . Engineering Co., has started a sound installation service. Mahonoy City, Pa. — "Duke" Eide has been appointed manager of the Victory. He was formerly organist at the Majestic, Shamokin. Madison, Wis. — The Majestic here has been taken over by A. P. Desormeaux from the Michalson Amusement enterprises and will be remodeled. Desormeaux also manages the Eastwood. Evansville, Wis. — G. W. Huebner of Oconomowoc has taken over the Magee here from George Magee and is operating the theater under the name of the Rex. Sound equipment has been installed. Monuca, Pa. — The Magnet is now closed. Foreign London — A. A. Milne's "The Fourth Wall," presented on the New York stage as "The Perfect Alibi," will serve as Basil Dean's next talking picture. Dunedin, New Zealand — The Fuller chain of legitimate houses has wired its theater, the Princess in this city. The equipment is Western Electric. Wellington, New Zealand — Bernie Young has resigned as booking manager for M-G-M here to become sales manager for RKO. Nanticoke, Pa. — Joseph Popp has taken over the Globe here. George Bizick last operated the house. So. Sterling, Pa. — Charles Frey and N. Edwards are the new owners of the Lyceum. Milwaukee — J. S. Grauman has relinquished the Celebrated Players' exchange here to Winnie DeLorenzo and William Scharun, who have been connected with the exchange for the past 10 years. Hixton, Wis. — W. A. Skaar has taken over the Hixton here from Earl Scott. It PRODUCTION AGREEMENT IS SEEN (.Continued from Paqe 1) pictures," Kuchenmeister declared. "In order to bring the audible film to a world industry, it is necessary to think internationally and to combine internationally. This development will come in time. The first step to that end is the Paris conference. At present that meeting is only for the purpose of reaching an agreement between the electrical concerns, but after that has been accomplished the next move will be toward an international arrangement with regard to productions." Bostick Quits Pantages to Manage House for RKO Seattle — E. V. Bostick, for three years manager of the Pantages, Minneapolis, is now in this city managing the Orpheum for RKO. Warner Bros. Incorporates in Mo. St. Louis — A new incorporation here is the Warner Bros. Theaters, Inc. The capital amounts to $1,100. The incorporators are Roland S. Baker, Leslie M. Dill, Martin D. Hughes, A. M. Trentman and P. G. Kelley. B. E. Hyde in Montgomery, Ala. Montgomery, Ala. — Bolivar E. Hyde has become city manager for Publix here. He was formerly manager of the Polk, Lakeland, Fla. His predecessor was Doc Wadkins, who is now manager of the Paramount in Atlanta. Storin and Lardner Dined Providence — Harry Storin, recently appointed Rhode Island manager for RKO, and Foster Lardner, whom he succeeds, were each given dinners Tuesday evening. State and city executives attended each affair. Newest Chicago House Chicago — Opening of the Gateway, newest Publix house here, is set for June 27. One feature of the theater is parking space for 1,000 cars. TEN YEARS AGO TO-DAY IN THE IHI MUMUlk Of HIM POM Lee Kugel, director of advertising for Lewis J. Selznick, resigns. * * * Mabel Normand begins work on filming "Head Over Heels" under direction of Victor Schertzinger. * * "* "The U. P. Trail," Benjamin Hampton's latest Zane Grey production, has been completed. * * * Jack Pickford has finished "The Man Who Had Everything."