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The Film Daily (1930)

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DAILV Friday, June 20, 1930 :the IK KdMAIlk Of HLMtOM Vol. Ill No. 69 Friday, June 20, 1930 Price 5 Cints J1HNW. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher -uhlished daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York N. Y, by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc J. . W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher, Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W Eddy, Associate Kditor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Kntered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage !ri) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $S.UU. J months $3.00. Foreign, $15 00 Subscribers <hould remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY 650 Broadway New York, N. Y. Phone Urcle 4736 4737-4738-4739. Cable address : Filraday, New York Hollywood, California Ralph WUk. 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite ,607. London-Ernest W. Fredman, The u-:i~ Ronter 89-91 Wardour St., w. I ,mBer!h.-£rl Wolfhohn. Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Pans P. A. Harie Va Cinematographic Francaise. Rue de ia Cour-des-Nones, 19. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. Am Seat 10*4 10 1054 + V* (on Km. 1ml. .. WA WlA W + 2!4 ] „, Ind. p£d. 20V» WA 20% + H East Kodak .... 208*4 202 20554 + 534 Kox Fm. "A" .. 43H 395/8 43 + 3*4 ( en Thea. Equ.. 3354 30% 33 + 2 Loew's, Inc 69J4 6 5 54 68 Ji + 4ft pfd. ww (6J4) 99'A 99/g 995s + 3'/, Para. Pul» 58 5454 58 +3 Pathe Exch 4 Hi '* + V* do '"A" 854 7tt 854+1 R.KO 32J4 29/8 3254 + 354 Warner Bros 46ft 4354 46ft + 354 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Vtc. ... 35 33'A 35 + ]'{} ,„l„a Pets. ... 32 32 32 ft Thea. "A" . 10 854 10 + \V» l.oew .1-, deb. rts. 34# 27 34ft + 7ft Loew, Inc. war.. 10 9 10 + 2!A Nat. Scr. Ser. .. 30'/s 30 30% + ft NEW YORK BOND MARKET H, Eq. 6s40. 94*4 94 94>4 - 54 (.en. Th. Eq. I 109% 109% — 54 Keith AO 6s 46. 7754 7654 7654 — 6% l.oew f.s 41ww ..115 114J4 115 +54 do 6s 4 1 x-war.. 98 100J4 ••••• 554s 51.10154 10154 10154 — % 37 70 6754 6854 % 101J4 100% 101% + 154 *.* « % New York Long Island City ft ** 1540 Broadway 1 54_ Crescent St. ft BKYant 4712 STIUwell 7940 Eastman Films | J. E. Brulatour, Inc. | :; :.: :.: w Chicago Hollywood }.{ 6700 Santa Monica ft 1727 Indiana Ave. B)vd ;♦ CALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 # JErfSmttttSMmttsmmmttSNStnttiMMab Goldwyn Signs Leon Errol for Evelyn Laye Picture Leon Errol, famous stage comedian, has been signed by Samuel Goldwyn for the comedy role in Evelyn Laye's first singing picture, "Lilfi," which will go into production on the Coast under the direction of George Fitzmaurice soon after the arrival of Miss Laye from abroad next week. Three Foreign Versions for Vitaphone Subject Three foreign dialogue versionsFrench, Spanish and uerman — have been made of the Vitaphone comedy, "Letters," in which Pauline Garon played the principal English role. A different cast and director were employed for each of the versions. John Daumery directed the French "edition, titled "Personelle"; Roberto Guzman did the Spanish, "A Cartas Vistas," and H. Blanke made the German, "Streng Vertraulich." W. E. Theater Device for Hotel Briarclitt Manor, N. Y.— Western Electric has installed one of its theater model sound equipments at Briarcliff Lodge. This is said to be the first standard theater type devices to be installed in a hotel. White Arrives Monday Jack White, comedy producer for Educational, arrives in New York Monday on the He De France. COMING &. GOING GEORGE ARLISS arrived in New York .. esterday from Hollywood after completing Old English" for Warner Bros. WALTER HASENCLEVER, noted Gernan playwr.ght, arrives in New York today 11 Ihe Columbus en route to Hollywood to rite for M-G-M. REGINALD SMITH, managing director f P.D.C., Ltd., London, and H.E.J. SPEAR .VIAN, general European repreentative of 'athe with headquarters in Berlin, :ailed n the Aquitania after a month's visit in the U. S. BENJAMIN BLUMENTHAL, president f the Export and Import Film Co., is looked to sail tonight on the Olympic. JOE DONAHUE leaves for the Coast tolay to appear with Marilyn Miller in "Suniy" for First National. MARY DUNCAN s on ber way to Hollywood to play in First National's "Kismet" : tarring Otis Skinner. Wanted Now! LIVE WIRE EXPERIENCED SALESMAN Who can sell n> well as take orders for Negative Developing and Positive Printing €» INTER-CONTINENTAL lilm Laboratories, Inc. Paramount Executives Attending Byrd Ceremony About 40 Paramount executives will go to Washington to be present tonight at the welcome given to Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and members of his South Pole expedition. Byrd and his men will be honor guests of the National Geographic Society and President Hoover will present to the Commander a special medal on behalf of the Society. At the same time the film record of the expedition, "With Byrd at the South Pole," taken by the Paramount cameramen. Wi'lard VanderVeer and Joseph T. Rucker, will he ! hown. Those from Paramount attending the ceremony include: Adolph Zukor, Jesse L. Lasky, Sidney R. Kent, Emanuel Cohen, Sam Katz. Kalph Kohn, E. J. Ludvigh, Eugene Zukor, Dr. Emanuel Stern, N. A. Huse, John D. Clark, George T. Schaefer, Sam Dembow, Dave Chatkin, ' Charles E. McCarthy, G. B. J. Frawley, Watteron Rothacker, Harry Katz, I. H. Sedelman, Russell Holman. William Saal, Milton Feld, Miles Gibbons, Earl W. Wingart. Louis Diamond, S. McKean. Al-o Messrs Park, Richard, Baer, Turkisher, Steiner, D. Sussman, Griswold, Cuthberton, Roush, Dresser, Martinson, Shields, and Hockey. Tiffany Officials Leaving for Chicago Convention A party of Tiffany's home office executives, including Oscar R. Hanson, Carl J. Goe, Sterling H. Wilson, H. William Fitelson, A. L. Selig, Phil Meyer and Arthur Lee leave tomorrow for Chicago to attend the company's annual sales convention on Tune 24 and 25 at the Congress Hotel. L. A. Young and Grant L. Cook will meet the delegation in Chicago, and Phil Goldstone is coming from the coast to attend the meetings. Charles M. Steele, comptroller of the company, is leaving for Chicago today to look after the convention arrangements. "Journey's End" to Close After 200 Performances "Journey's End," Tiffany production, is scheduled to end its Broadway run at the Gaiety on June 29, at which time it will have chalked up a total of 200 performances. McClure Gets Fox Post Topeka, Kan. — Allison McClure, whose father is Harry McClure, manager for the Fox Midwest Theaters here, has been made assistant manager of the Fox Jayhawk in this city. The Industry's Date Book June June June June June June June Oct. 21 22 Joint sales regional convention of Warner and First National at New Orleans. 23-24-25 Tiffany Annual Sales Convention, Hotel Congress, Chicago. 24 25 Annual convention of M.P.T.O. of Kansas and Western Missouri, Topeka. Kan. 24 "The Big House," M-G-M, opens at the Astor, New York. 26 "Swing High," Pathe, opens at the George M. Qphan. 27 Annual meeting and election of New Jersey M. P. T. O. at Hotel Monterey, Atlantic City. 30 Reconvening of the 5-5-5 Conference in Atlantic City. 20-21 Tenth Annual Convention of M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Pittsburgh. May Switch Canada Meeting Montreal — Annual convention of Eastern managers of Famous Players Canadian Corp. will likely be switched back to Niagara Falls, Ont., in July, instead of being held here. The reason is to get away from the big city counter-attractions. Raines Gets Coast Assignment Halsey Raines, of the M-G-M publicity department, leaves July 14 for the Coast to spend about three week doing special publicity for the Ha Roach studios. WANTED Motion Picture Producing Organization has an opening for an experienced idea man also experienced animator also competent layout man in its New York animated cartoon department. Address replies in detail setting forth previous connections, experience and salary desired. Transportation from present place of employment to New York will be allowed. All replies kept in strictest confidence. Address Box B 112 FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway N. Y. C. |^ooler-^ire BALANCED REFRIGERATION KOOLER-AIRE ENGINEERING CORP. 1914 PARAMOUNT BUILDING NEW YORK The Executor oj the Last Will and Testament of JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD will take appropriate action against unauthorized use of his books, stories, and scenarios. Detroit and Security Trust Company Fort Street opposite Post Office • Detroit