The Film Daily (1930)

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THE NEWSPAPER OF FILM COM AND WELL IV FILM DIGEST VOL. LII No. 70 Sunday, June 22, 1930 Price 25 Cents Good Will and Optimism Mark Paris Patent Confab soundTameramen^emand $150TWEEK 200 Newspapers Oppose Government Censorship Federal Regulation of Films is Decried in Editorials An analysis of 200 newspaper editorials dealing with film censorship showed that all were opposed to governmental regulation in any form, it is announced by the Hays office. Among the principal reasons cited by the editors, who represented papers (Continued cm Page 16) VIENNA PLANS OPERAS FOR WORLD DISTRIBUTION Vienna (By Cable) — Production of operas as talking pictures is planned by the Vienna opera, according to an announcement issued by the management of the organization, which is of the opinion that such pictures would find a large audience in America as well as in Europe. It is expected that a company will be established for the purpose. Schumow Succeeds Hensler as M-G-M Omaha Manager Omaha — Harry Schumow, formerly a salesman at the M-G-M Milwaukee exchange, has been appointed branch manager of the company's local exchange, succeeding FYed Hensler, who has been made manager of the Kansas City office. Business Good, Zukor Tells Hoover Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Conditions in the film theater field throughout the country are nowhere near as bad as reports say, Adolph Zukor is quoted as having told President Hoover while the Paramount chief was here Friday to attend the reception to Rear Admiral Byrd. Zukor said a nation-wide survey shows conditions to be near normal, though not up to last year, which was abnormally good. Business, however, is better than at any time in the previous 10 years, Zukor said. NEW SCREEN INVENTION RECEIVES RADIO PICTURES A new invention for the reception of pictures sent by radio to a film screen is being demonstrated in New York by Capt. Otho Fulton, English inventor of the Fultograph, portable instrument for radio broadcasting of photographs. Capt. Fulton has been in this country doing research work, and a few days ago he showed photographs transmitted by radio from a steamer at sea. An American company, privately financed, is expected to be formed to promote the invention. Geo. M. Cohan's Daughter Signed for Fox Picture Helen Cohan, 18-year-old daughter of George M. Cohan, has been signed by Fox for a role in the next Will Rogers picture, "Lightnin' ", based on the famous John Golden stage play. No Depression Here An extra show daily, five a day in all, will be given over the week end at the Capitol with M-G-M's high-powered drawing card, "Caught Short." HAL SHERIDAN PROMOTED TO FOX DISTRICT MANAGER Hal Sheridan, district supervisor of Fox Theaters' New Jersey Division, has been promoted by General Manager Harry Arthur to the post of district manager. He succeeds H. M. S. Kendrick, who joins the home office. FRED DEMPSEY ASSUMES POST ON AUG. 1 Fred J. Dempsey of Boston on Aug. 1 will assume his new duties as secretary and treasurer of the International Ass'n of Theatrical Stage Employees and M. P. Operators. He succeeds Richard J. Green. Talker Patent Conferences Expected to Last Two Weeks Paris (By Cable) — As a result of the spirit of ^'"d-will that has marked the first two sessions of the world talker patent conference being held here, optimism is being expressed for a satisfactory settlement of all issues. It is expected, however, that about two weeks of daily meetiiigs will be required for straightening out the various matters. Some 30 delegates are now in at tendance, these including Will II. Hays, who was elected permanent chairman; J. E. Otterson, of Western Electric; C. J. Ross, RCA Photophone; J. C. Graham, representing a group of American producers; George F. Quigley, Warner Bros.; Dr. Kurt Sobernheim, Berlin; I'.inil Mayer and Milton Diamond, A KG. Co. Berlin; Dr. Fritz Lus (Continurd on Page 16) $100 Weekly for Silent Photographers Under New Agreement An increase in newsreel cameramen's pay is provided in the new standardized agreement adopted by the International Photographers of the M.P. Industry. Representatives of Local 644, New York City, including Francis E. Ziesse, business manager, will confer with Guy F. Currier, producers' representative, early this week in connection with the proposed wage scale. The union is asking for a minimum of $150 a week for sound (Continued on Page 16) M. VAN PRAACl HEAD AD-VANCETRAILER SALES M. Van Praag, formerly sales manager for Universal, on Monday joins Ad-Vance Trailer Service Corp. as general sales manager. He will assume duties which have been handled by President Isador Schwartz, who will devote his attention to other major matters. As part of the firm's expansion program, signalized by Van Praag's signing, a national sales force will be formed to sell trailers and about 200 shorts which the company will make. A staff of approximately 90 salesmen will be assembled. Ad-Vance is scheduling two song (Continued on Page 16) Adolphe Menjou to Talk in 3 Tongues for M-G-M M-G-M has signed Adolphe Menjou to play in French and Spanish as well as English dialogue pictures. During his stay abroad the actor appeared in a French talking film. Force of Habit A toothless sound engineer walked into a dentist's office and said to the big yank and drill man: "What'll ya charge to equip me with standard eating apparatus?"