The Film Daily (1930)

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DAILY Sunday, June 22, 1930 :the nKNEKDUtt Of fllMDOM ViL III No. 70 Sunday, June 22, 1930 Price 2 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and h"llda5'' at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918. at the post office at New York. N. Y under the act of March 3. 187? Terms Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, Sb.uu. o months $3.00. Foreign. $15.00 Subscribers 6607 London-Ernest W Fredman. rhe PUSS ^ol^^Sb^ Cour-des-Nones, 19. PACENT RESEARCH HEAD THEATER T Prof. W. P. Powers, technical research director of the Pacent Reproducer Corp., has left New York on an automobile trip that will take him clear to the West Coast, with stopovers in various cities along the way to visit theaters where Pacent equipment is being used. On the Coast Prof. Powers will make an extended study of sound recording and its effect on reproduction. He is responsible for many of the design features and improvements found in the new Pacent line of reproducers, and is widely known as an authority on motion picture sound reproduction, especially by the sound-on-film method. He will return to New York about Sept. 1. Paramount Luncheon for Byrd and Staff A luncheon to Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his staff will be given by Paramount at the RitzCarlton Hotel next Saturday. Adolph Zukor will act as host. UNIVERSAL TAKES OUT GROUP INSURANCE POLICY Universal has taken out a group insurance policy with Mitchell May covering all its employees in the home office and in exchanges both in this country and abroad. The policy was closed by Albert G. Ruben. 75-Cent Grind Policy for "Swing High" Run A continuous policy, with 75 cents top at night and 50 cents in the afternoon, will be instituted at the George M. Cohan for the run of Pathe's "Swing High,", starting June 26. Luncheon for Joe Engel Joseph Engel, production manager for Caddo, the Howard Hughes company, which recently finished "Hell's Angels," will be guest ol honor at a luncheon to be given Tuesday at the Motion Picture Club. Criterion Closes for Alterations Paramount Publix closes the Criterion, New York, on June 21 for alterations. The house will be reopened the latter part of July. The Industry*s Date Book NEW YORK STOCK MARKET (QUOTATIONS AS OF FRIDAY^ Net High Low Close Chge. Am. Seat 10 10 10 — 54 Con. Fm. Ind. . . 20/g 1834 ™tt — U Con Fm. Ind. pfd. 2lH 20^ 20^ + V* East. Kodak 208?/8 192 192/* ~12# Fox Fm. "A" ... 43/8 40/2 41 —2 Gen. Thea. Equ. . 33/2 31 32/ — / Keith A-0 pfd. ..106 106 106 + H Loew's, Inc 69/ 65 65/ — 2% do pfd. ww (6/). 101 101 101 + VA M-f'-M pfd 24« 247/8 24/8 + U Para. F-L 58/8 55 55/ 2^ Pathe Exch 4/ 4 4/ K do "A" 9 8/ 8/ + 54 RK-O 33/8 30/ 30/ — 2 Warner Bros. ...47/ 42/8 43/ — 3/ d0 pfd 46 46 46 + / NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox. Thea. "A" . 10*6 9/ 9/ — Vt Loew do deb rts . 32 32 32 — % Loew, Inc., war . 10/ 9 9/ — 54 Nat. Scr. Ser. ... 30 30 30 — tt NEW YORK BOND MARKET Th. E. 6s40. 95 94 95 + / Th. E. 6s44.110 110 110 + / Keith AO 6s46 . 84/ 84/ 84/ + 8/ I-ocw 6s41 x-war . 98/ 98/ 98/ + 54 Para. 6s47 101 100/ 100*4 Par. By. 5/s51 .102/ 102 102/ + 1/ Warners 6s39 ...102/ 101/ 102 + / Paramount Signs Sterrett Charles Sterrett, who recently returned from Labrador, where he played the male lead in "Vikings of the North," has been signed by Paramount on a five-year optional contract. His first picture will be "The Best People," which goes into work next week at the New York studios, with Fred Newmeyer directing. June June June June June June June June Oct. 21 22 Joint sales regional convention of Warner and First National at New Orleans. 23-24-25 Tiffany Annual Sales Convention, Hotel Congress, Chicago. 24 25 Annual convention of M.P.T.O. of Kansas and Western Missouri, Topeka, Kan. 24 "The Big House," M-G-M, opens at the Astor, New York. 26 "Swing High," Pathe, opens at the George M. Cohan. 27 Annual meeting and election of New Jersey M. P. T. O. at Hotel Monterey, Atlantic City. 28 Luncheon given by Paramount to Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his staff, at Ritz-Carlton Hotel. 30 Reconvening of the 5-5-5 Conference in Atlantic City. 20-21 Tenth Annual Convention of M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Pittsburgh. Hill Joins U. A. Sales Staff Minneapolis — Ernie Hill has been added to the local United Artists sales staff. Stern with Educational Minneapolis — Bill Stern is a new addition to the Educational sales force. BROOKS THE NAME YOU GO BY WHEN YOU GO TO BUY COSTUMES GOWNS AND UNIFORMS 14-37 BVVAY. N.Y. TEL 5580 PENN A13Q 2S.OOO COSTUMES To "»" COMING & GOING II New York " 1540 Broadway K BRYant 4712 I •♦.♦ ♦.♦ •„♦ ♦.♦ ♦,* ♦> .♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ **#^f it Long Island City }'j 154 Crescent St. ♦'♦ STIllwell 7940 & it :.: :.: :.: :.: :: k w J. E. Brulatour, Inc. j :.t it Hollywood it 6700 Santa Monica l.t Blvd. i.t CALumet 2691 HOLIywood 4121 ♦.* *•* it Chicago 1727 Indiana Ave. OWEN DAVIS has returned to New York from Hollywood and is working on a dramatization for Al Woods. LIEY DAMITA, who sailed Thursday for France, is due to return late in August. at which time she will go to Hollywood for another picture to be produced by Samuel Goldwyn. TOHM McCORMICK is in New York from Hollywood. RONALD COLMAN, at present sojourning in England after a long tour of of the continent, will sail for New York next month in time to attend the opening of his latest picture, "Raffles." JACOB WTLK, chief of the story department of Warner Rros., returns on Monday from a two months' trip abroad, where he _ negotiated for the purchase of several scripts. JACK EATON, editor and director of the Grantland Rice Sportlights, is leaving for Colorado and Wyoming to join the Van Beuren-Sportlight RCA Photophone sound truck that is to make some subjects in that ■iin. WAIl JTKMPS An Editor-Manager for the Society of Motion Picture Engineers. Applications are hereby invited for the combined position of business manager of the Society and editor of the Society's Journal. The editor-manager will be supplied with capable editorial and clerical assistants, and his duties will be (a) to edit the Journal under the jurisdiction of the Board of Editors, (b) to transact the routine business of the Secretary and Treasurer and the various committee chairmen, and (c) to assist the President in co-ordinating the various activities of the Society. Desirable qualifications of the applicant include a pleasing personality, managerial and technical editorial ability, and a bfroad knowledge of the motion picture industry. The salary will be not less than $6,000 per year. Applications should be forwarded to J. H. Kurlander, Secretary of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, 2 Clearfield Avenue, Bloomfield, N. J. WANTED: Travel, Scenic and Adventure motion picture material taken in all parts of the world. Must be first class quality as to entertainment and photographic quality. Address: Box 113 B Film Daily 1650 Broadway N. Y. C. Let Us Solve Your Problems ! Over 20 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialists in MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. telephone bryant 30*0