The Film Daily (1930)

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THE THE NEWSPAPER Of FILM POM ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LII No. 75 Friday, June 27, 1930 Price 5 Cents Ordinance Socks Tom Thumb Golf Competition THEATER GRABBIWTCOMES T0~A~HALT More Family Films Urged By Kan.Mo. Exhibitors The Mirror — a column of comment FOUR NUMBERS on RKO's new season prospectus are listed from an independent producer, Charles R. Rogers. Perhaps this is indicative of the revival of the picture-maker who works apart from the mother organization. This business of producing screen fare has never been as complex and trouble-infested as at the present talkified moment. In the dear, dead silent days, story was of paramount importance. Now it's both story and dialogue which inspires studio headaches — and heartaches. An executive producing or supervising an entire program or part of a program, and surrounded by studio routine and incidental distractions, has got to be very nearly super-clever to consistently turn out grade A product. An independent producer, however, is working in the comparative privacy of his own back yard — under circumstances which permit of greater concentration and focused on fewer pictures. Such an advantageous spot, it seems, should enable the independent to make product that fits into big-calibre programs. * * * THE NEW YORK Health Commissioner bans outdoor talker shows as a public nuisance. In this edict no doubt he's doing a favor to a big majority of exhibs by eliminating transient hot-weather competition. lie's affording protection to the man who's invested his dough in a permanent tax-paying structure which, in many cases, is an institution of the section in which it is situated. * * * JUDICIAL OPINION in the patents infringement case brought by General Talking Pictures against Western Electric will probably be filed Tuesday. Apart from the nature Of the decision settlement of the case, or a rhovefnent towards that objective, is something to be desired. The quicker the atmosphere is clarified, the better for all. E. Van Hyning Succeeds R. R. Biechele as Head of Organization Topeka, Kan. — A resolution urging that producers give more attention to the necessity of providing a regular supply of pictures suitable for children as well as for the family trade in general, was passed at the final session of the annual convention of the M.P.T. Ass'n of Kansas and Western Missouri. E. Van Hyning, ' Iola, Kan., was elected president of the organization (Continued on Page 6) PRODUCTION Of FEATURES PLANNED BY JACK WHITE Before departing for the Coast yesterday Jack White told THE FILM DAILY that he plans to enter feature production. In addition to making about 26 shorts for Educational's new season program, he will produce at least two comedy features. Plans for the first feature are now under way. Releasing arrangements for the features are now in negotiation. Added Attraction When the Murphy at Front Royal, Va., installed sound equipment, the local newspaper declared: "There is now no excuse for residents to go to other towns for entertainment — except it be for a little lovin' on the way." So they'll probably keep goin' to other towns — for entertainment. NINE PROMOTIONS MADE IN PATHE SALES BRANCHES Nine promotions in the sales ranks of Pathe are announced by Phil Reisman. Charles Lundgren has been made sales manager in Chicago, where John Clarke is branch manager. This marks the fifth member of the Chicago sales force to be chosen for a managerial position under the regime of Harry J. Lorch. In Salt Lake City, Floyd Hen inger becomes assistant manager and head booker, having been promoted and transferred from the Portland, (Continued on Pane 6) Tom Thumb Golf Courses May Be Curbed As Nuisance Repi teaters Three of the directors who won a place among the Ten Best in 1929 are well up in the running for a berth with the Ten Best in this year's poll, now under way. This is a principal feature of the Directors' Annual and Production Guide published by THE FILM DAILY and scheduled to come out in July. Number of votes being cast this year in the directors' ballot is running far ahead of all former years, and the results are expected to be the most interesting to date. St. Louis — A blow to the Tom Thumb Golf Courses, which have been cropping up so fast that exhibitors have become alarmed over the competition, is contained in a proposed city ordinance which would impose an annual tax on the games, while the local chief of police lias threatened to arrest proprietors of the courses an\ time the players become so rroisj that they annoy the neighboring residents. Complaints have been registered about courses being a public nuisance because of loud and boisterous artn ity at late hours of the night. Scrambling for Houses Gives Way to Some Disposals Theater buying by the big chains, at its height only a few weeks ago, has come to an abrupt halt, with instructions understood to have been issued to scouts, theater buyers and commission promoters to lay of? any new deals until further notice. Disposal of houses that have not turned out profitably is now occupying the chief attention of the big circuit heads, it is learned, with the activity along this line being accelerated by prevailing conditions. When resumption of buying takes place, it is stated that it will be on a much smaller scale, with more individual study given to each house. IS NEW YORK CITY STUDIO Universal is understood planning to construct a studio on West 90th St., Manhattan. Part of the company's short subject program and [• tests will be made there. The site is now occupied by a church. Business Reported Okay in Richmond Theaters I Richmond, Va. — Eleven picture houses and one legit, theater are keeping open for the summer, while only tile National, films and vaudeville, has closed. Business i. re parted better than usual for this time of the year. "Swing High" In this circus romance with music, which opened yesterday at the George M. Cohan for a Broadway run. Pathe has a neat piece of entertainment for the whole family Hesides its imaginatively handled circus flavor and appealing romantic b'ory, it has a good share of touching irama, comedy, some oijoyable numbers, fine photography and recording, a cast that abounds in popular personalities and a general wholesomeness that will recommend it by and large. GILLETTE