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The Film Daily (1930)

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DAILY Friday, June 27, 1930 :the nil M*SiA([fc Of IIIMDOM Vol. Lll No. 75 Friday, June 27, 1930 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, n the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New Vork $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; i months, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address : Filmday, N'ew York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman. Ihe Film Renter.. 89-91 Wardoui ■St .. W. r Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle La Cinematographic Francaise, Kue ae ia Cour-des-Noues, 19. Indie Exhibs Anxiously Await 5-5-5 Outcome, Woodhull Says The Industry's Date Book Financial Independent exhibitors everywhere are anxiously looking forward to the outcome of next week's reconvened session of the 5-5-5 conference in Atlantic City, according to R. F. "Pete" Woodhull, who recently returned from a seven weeks' trip around the country in the interests of General Talking Pictures. Asked by THE FILM DAILY for his reactions in contacts with theater owners, Woodhull, who is on close terms with the theater owners of the country through his former position of national president of their organization, said he found them looking forward with keen interest to a satisfactory settlement in the matter of a new contract that would stabilize conditions and dispose of the question of arbitration. Woodhull is in Atlantic City today to attend the meeting of the M.P.T. O. of New Jersey. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. Con. Fm. Ind. .. 19H " . ™& + /* East. Kodak ....195 186J* 193 +10 Fox Fm. "A" .. 41% 39/2 40% + 'A Gen. Thea. Equ.. 32/z 3VA 32/2 + 1 Loew's, Inc 64J4 60?/8 62 + J4 do pfd. w (6/2) 94 93 94 + 1 Para. F-L 55/2 53 55/. + 2 Pathe Exch 4 3?4 \Vi ••••• do '"A" 754 7 H 7 'A + Vt R-K-O 30'/2 285,4 29^4 + XA Warner Bros 42 H 39% 41% + 1% NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. ..35 35 35 ..... Fox Thea. "A" ..9 8% 9 + Ji Loew do deb. rts. 30 30 30—2 Loew, Inc., war . S'A 8 8'/ + Vi Technicolor 34^ 31 32 —3% NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 94 93>/2 94 ..... Loew 6s 41ww ..115 113 113 — 1% do 6s 41 x-war.. 98J4 97% 97% + % Paramount f.s 47 .101 100% 100% Pathe 7s 37 ... 64 61 61 — 3 Warner Pets. 6s39. 100^8 99% 100 SEVEN ALLIED MEMBERS WILL ATTEND 5-5-5 MEET Allied States Ass'n members planning to attend the 5-5-5 conference at Atlantic City Monday as delegates, alternates and observers are: Abram F. Myers, W. A. Steffes, H. M. Richey, H. A. Cole, Glena Cross, Nathan Yamins and Herman Blum. FRED S. MEYER JOINS WARNER THEATER STAFF Milwaukee — Fred S. Meyer, managing director of the Milwaukee Theater Circuit, recently acquired by Warner Bros., has accepted an executive post with the latter company's theater department and will leave here July 1. Bernard Depkin is in charge of the 13 Wisconsin houses now controlled by Warners. The circuit also is understood to be negotiating for the Embassy in Neenah and the Brin in Menasha, both operated by L. K. Brin. Wren Headed for New York Milwaukee— Harry Wren, for the past four months manager of the R-K-0 Palace Orpheum here, has left for New York to become affiliated with another company. He is succeeded by E. H. Payne, formerly of Terre Haute, Ind. Long Island City ♦> New York 1540 Broadway BRYant 4712 154 Crescent St. STIllwell 7940 :.: :': § Eastman § J. E. Brulatour, Inc. | a 8 Chicago :.? Hollywood ».♦ 6700 Santa Monica t.t '{ 1727 Indiana Ave. Blvd_ y }•$ CALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 Q •♦♦ u f.i M MS** *'♦ ♦*♦ ♦'♦ 55 **♦ ♦'♦ ♦*#♦'♦*'♦♦*♦ *w»*w^w#*v*w#«,v« Outdoor Talkers Become Regular Feature at Park Columbus — Following a successful experiment with talkers in the outdoor auditorium at Olentangy Park, sound pictures in the open will be a regular feature at this resort, according to Max Stearn and Elmer Haenlein, operators of the park. RCA Photophone portable equipment is used, with a canvas projection booth. Fox Exchanges to See Sales Convention Film A talking short of the Fox sales convention in Hollywood is now being cut for distribution and showing among the company's exchanges for the edification of those who did not attend the meetings. The picture shows the special train arriving, has speeches by the mayor, Harley L. Clarke, Winfield Sheehan, James R. Grainger, Sol Wurtzel and Clayton P. Sheehan, as well as greetings by a number of the Fox stars. A particularly interesting feature of the picture is a tour of the Fox studios. Today: Annual meeting and election of New Jersey M. P. T. O. at Hotel Monterey, Atlantic City. June 28 Luncheon given by Paramount to Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his staff, at Ritz-Carlton Hotel. June 30 Reconvening of the 5-5-5 Conference in Atlantic City. July 3 "Holiday" (Pathe) opens Broadway run at the Rivoli July 6 George Arliss in "Old English" scheduled to open at the Warner, New York. July 10 John Barrymore in "Moby Dick'' scheduled to open at the Hollywood, New York. Richard Barthelmess in "Dawn Patrol" (First National) opens at the Winter Garden, New York. July 11 Special meeting of Consolidated Film Industries stockholders in New York. Oct 20-21 Tenth Annual Convention of M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Pittsburgh. New Incorporations "Ladies in Love" Synchronized A synchronized version of "Ladies in Love," featuring Alice Day and Johnnie Walker, has been prepared by Chesterfield. Chromotone Film Studio, Inc., did the recording. The film is the first of a series of six being distributed through Classplay Pictures Corp. COMING & GOING NED E. DEP1NET and GRADWELL I,. SEARS have returned to New York after a tour of First National exchanges in key centers TORE LUNDAHL, chief engineer of Parent Reproducer, is back in New York after a year in Europe, where he supervised installation and service activities. BKN.TAM1N HUTMENTHAL, president nf the Export Si Import Film Co., is sailing on the Majestic tonight for Europe. JOSEPH SCIIENCK and SID CRATJMAN arrived yesterday from Hollywood. Doing Exploitation Work Richmond — John R. (Monty) Mountcastle, who was recently succeeded by Harold Kitzmiller as manager of the Colonial, is engaged in exploitation work here. Raynor at Fox Detroit Detroit — Bill Raynor, formerly manager of the Cleveland Hippodrome and the Lafayette, Buffalo, is now managing the Fox house here. Rosenwald Transferred Cleveland — Ben Rosenwald, film salesman, has been transferred to this city from Pittsburgh. Edmund Amusement Corp., realty; S. Brand, 347 Fifth Ave., New York; $10,000. Ergon Research Laboratories, Inc., Winchester, Mass.; obtain and develop patents; United States Corp. Co., Dover, Del.; $500,000 pfd., 5,000 shares common. Rumka Productions, operate theaters; Rutenburg Si Rutenburg, 250 West 57th St., New York; 100 shares common. Millbrook Theater Corp., Millbrook, N. Y.; J. T. Asbury, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; 200 shares common. Smalley Cooperstown Theater Corp., Cboperstown, N. Y. ; O. L. Van Home, Coopers■.own, 200 shares common. Delhi Theater Corp., Cooperstown, N. Y. ; same as above. Johnstown Theater Corp., Cooperstown, N. Y. ; same as above. Smalley' Chain Theater, Cooperstown, N. , Y. ; same as above. St. Johnsville Theater Corp., Cooperstown, N. Y. ; same as above. |{ooler-Aire Summer Pre-Cooling Winter Ventilating KOOLER-AIRE ENGINEERING CORP. 1914 PARAMOUNT BUILDING NEW YORK The Executor oj the Last Will and Testament oj JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD will take appropriate action against unauthorized use of his books, stories, and scenarios. Detroit and Security Trust Company Fort Street opposite Post Office • Detroit