The Film Daily (1930)

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THE DAILY Hollywood Happenings = Coast Wire Service ===== TIP TY NILLTON FRENCHMEN' TO BE PRODUCED IN COLOR "Fifty Million Frenchmen," the Broadway musical comedy to be turned into a talker by Warners, will be produced completely in Technicolor. Other Technicolor films on the Warners program are "The Life of the Party," "Viennese Nights" and "Sweet Kitty Bellairs." A Little from a Lots >> By RALPH WILR 14 INDEPENDENTS ACTIVE AT METROPOLITAN STUDIOS Winifred Winslow Named Educational Casting Dir. Winifred Winslow has been appointed casting director for the Educational organization. Lew Cantor Appointed "U" Associate Producer Lew Cantor, formerly of the New York theatrical field, has been made an associate producer at Universal. Albert Kelly to Direct "Leather Pushers" Series Albert Kelly will direct the' "Leather Pushers" series of shorts on the Universal program for 19301931. Mosconi Bros, to Supply Dance Numbers for Meyer Mosconi Brothers, vaudeville headliners, will supply dance numbers and chorus ensembles for use in production made by the accounts of the Meyer Synchronizing Service, Ltd., under the terms of an agreement signed with the recording organization. "U" Picks Nagel, Hobart to Play in Erskine Story Conrad Nagel and Rose Hobart will be seen in "The Lady Surrenders," which Universal is to make from John Erskine's "Sincerity" under the direction of John M. Stahl. Eddie Buzzell to Make Series of Columbia Shorts Eddie Buzzell, popular stage star, has been signed by Columbia to make a series of unique single-reel features. They will be part of the 13 "Specialties," a group of one-reelers in Columbia's line-up of short subjects. "See America Thirst" for "U" Albert DeMond will produce "See America Thirst" for Universal release. The comedy is by Vin Moore and Edward Luddy. William James Craft will direct. Hollywood ■RERT WHEELER and Robert Woolsey, RKO's bantering buffoons, will soon start on their next "funfection" (a word coined by their Boswell, Ray Coffin). It will be directed by Paul Sloane and will be entitled "Half Shot at Sunrise." * * * Some Davids— Griffith, Butler, Thompson, Selznick, Lee, and Goliath, Jones locker, Stamper, Burton. * * * The stork is hovering over the homes of Irving Thalberg, Samson Raphaelson and Robert Montgomery. * * * Our Passing Show: Nat Carr and Frank Milford chatting at Pathe; Al Rosen strolling on Hollywood Blvd.; Mark Sandrich arriving in Hollywood from New York. * * * An old, down-at-the-heel prizefighter came to the Charlie Chaplin studio looking for extra work. He was told there was no work for him, but still he hung about the studio. He was seen by Chaplin and later when the comedian asked for him he had disappeared. A rush call was issued and Chaplin aides searched downtown fight gymnasiums until they found the "pug" and he was given work at the studio. * * * Joseph Cherniavsky is spending a month at the Uptown theater, Toronto, conducting the orchestra for Manager Jack Arthur. Cherniavsky was formerly head of the music department at Universal. * * * "The Bat Whispers," which will be made by United Artists, will not be dedicated to Babe Ruth, nor will "Pardon My Gun," produced by Pathe, be dedicated to Chicago * * * Marjorie Rambeau slid into fame. While attending a girls' school in Oakland, she slid down a bannister and collided with a stage producer, who was searching for a youngster to appear in his play. She was given the part. * * * Homer Ackerman is one of the busiest sound men on the Coast. He is at present working on Pathe productions. * * * Some Donalds — Crisp, Gallaher, McKay, McDonald, Lee, Brian. (Continued from Page 1) found a variety and quality of products to compare with the program now in preparation and production at the Metropolitan, Holman states, and as a result of the continued demands for space an important building expansion is being considered. Producing organizations established at the studio include the Christies, who in cooperation with Educational, have planned a most ambitious program of comedies; the Industrial Division of Metropolitan Sound Studios, which has just completed a feature for the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and the Richfield Oil Company. This department is under the supervision of Pat Dowling; Harold Lloyd Corporation, now producing "Feet First"; the Caddo Company, producer of "Hell's Angels," now preparing its next story under the direction of Howard Hughes; Sono Art Productions, which has just completed "Reno," starring Ruth Roland, and will soon start work on "Honeymoon Lane," which stars Eddie Dowling; Liberty Productions, with Victor Halperin producing and Edward Halperin as business manager, preparing a series of features for the independent market; Albert Rogell Productions, planning four pictures for Tiffany release, the first to be "Aloha Oe"; Robert C. Bruce, producing a series of one-reel outdoor talkers for Paramount, the next of which is titled "Excuses"; Joseph E. Henabery Productions, completing "The Love Trader," with Leatrice Joy, Roland Drew, Henry Walthall, Chester Conklin and others; Curtis F. Nagel and Howard C. Brown, producing a series of one-reel musical fantasies for Tiffany release; Broughton Outdoor Productions, which has completed "Rogue of the Rio Grande" for Sono Art-World Wide release and is about to start on the second of a series of Western pictures; Triangle Film Corporation, of which Harry Aiken is president, now negotiating for Richard Barthelmess to do a new sound version of "Broken Blossoms," as well as preparing a new sound version of "Orphans of the Storm" in which it is hoped to co-star the Gish sisters, while the company is now synchronizing "The Birth of a Nation"; Redwing Limited, preparing a series of novelty Indian short subjects, and Craig Hutchinson Productions, producing a series of Fanchon and Marco revues in color for Columbia release. West Coast Attendance 25 P. C. Over Last Year (Continued from Page 1) proving theaters in this territory, and about $1,000,000 will be spent in the current year, it was stated, with $50,000 to go for equipment for the hard of hearing. Rick Ricketson and Gus Kohn are the Rocky Mountain division managers. Monday, June 30, 193C It's a habit with Film Daily of making its annual reference books Bigger and Better every year You'll get a kick out of the coming 1930 "Directors' Annual and Production Guide For it's not only of great value for reference but most unusual in style and make-up 11