The Film Daily (1930)

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THE ■a&?k gABty Tuesday, July 1, 1930 5-5-5 Makes Progress Toward Contract Difficult Problems Being Tackled in Earnest in Atlantic City (Continued from Page 1) Dembow and E. A. Schiller for the affiliated theaters. The fifth unit of the five 5's consisted of the trade press. The sessions opened at 9:30 in the morning and practically all of yesterday was devoted to smoothing out the wrinkles of the contract situation where it was left when the last 5-5-5 meetings were discontinued. Everyone agreed that the work so far accomplished is just and equitable to all and that the contract, even in its present form, is the best to date. Today's outcome is expected to be of greatest importance, and it is not unlikely that there will be some fireworks, since the knotty problems to come up for solution include national arbitration on zones, score charges, deposits, economic survey on overseating, and other matters. Among the things of importance agreed upon yesterday for adoption in the new standard contract are the following: Exhibitors can play a film out of release order if he is up to schedule on play dates. Maximum time in which a picture must be played is 120 days from its availability date. Distributors will raise no objections to exhibitors cutting sound newsreels to fit local needs. Unethical ads by exhibitors of pictures being shown by prior run have caused considerable trouble between the representatives of affiliated theaters and exhibitors, and this question is to be threshed out today. Hess, in the course of the day, pointed out that the contract does not include or specify arbitration in any form unless agreed on by the exhibitor and the producer. Ten cents per adult person is a minimum admission charge in the U. S. and exhibitors buying 20 or more pictures from any producer will be allowed 5 per cent elimination without charge, rebate to be made to him after completion of his contract. Tiffany Will Expand Coast Studio Property (Continued from Pige 1) terial for the new season program. He returns west today. Shortly after arriving at the Coast Goldstone will start preparations on three features, "The Third Alarm," The Barbarian" and "The Great White Trail," which will simultaneously go into production July 15. Take Your Pick Scene: Atlantic City. Wandering exhib to Al Lichtman: "Do you want money for your pictures or can I play them on percentage?" N-E-W-S 0-F T-H-E D-A-Y London — Production has been started by George King on his first talking picture, "Too Many Crooks," at St. Margaret's Studios. Oklahoma City — Sol Teter has extended his lease on the Palace for five years. The theater has been remodeled. Indianapolis — Jack Flex has been promoted to district manager for Loew's. He has been succeeded as manager of the Palace by F. G. Lawrence. Leeds, Ala. — Majestic, damaged in a recent fire, will reopen in the fall at a different location. Fayettesville, N. C. — Princess is again in operation under the management of T. C. Lambden. Cleveland — Harry R. Skirboll, manager of the local Educational exchange, has been in the hospital for a tonsil operation. Temple, Tex. — L. C. Griffith, president of the Griffith Amusement Co., is recuperating from a severe illness in a local sanitarium. Harrisonville, Mo. — A. T. Perkins, manager of the Schell, has been appointed Phototone representative for western Missouri and eastern Kansas. Birmingham — Ben T. Burckhalter has been promoted from salesman for the A. C. Bromberg Attractions to manager of the company's exchange in this city. Lyons, France — A street in the section of Lyons in which Louis and Auguste Lumiere produced their first picture in 1894 has been renamed Rue du Premier Film (Street of the First Film). Washington, N. C. — Strand will remain open on Saturdays during the summer months. Atlanta— V. L. ("Doc") Wadkins has been placed in charge of the Paramount here. Kansas City — Frances Billow, contract clerk for First National, has become the bride of Ralph Heff, formerly salesman for the same company. Ruth Gille has succeeded Miss Billow. Cleveland — Isadore Lidman, former manager of the Allen, has been transferred to Loew's, Kansas City. Arthur Catlin is acting manager of the Allen. Berlin— Rights to "Guignol," the play by Louis Verneuil, the French playwright, have been acquired by Ufa. It will be transformed into a talking musical comedy. Chicago — M. and M. Film Exchange will serve as local agent for the International Photoplay Distributors. Pittsburgh — John T. McGreevey, booked for the Harris chain, will become associated with John Harris when the latter takes up duties as assistant to Spyros Skouras of the Warner circuit. Hicksville, O. — The Huber, dark for nearly a year, has been reopened with sound. Seattle — Royal has been closed by John McGill for the summer season. London — Adrianne Allen has been signed to play the leading feminine role in Gainsborough's "The Stronger Sex." Shawnee, Okla. — A. B. Momand is planning to enlarge his theaters holdings in Oklahoma. Minneapolis — Harold Johnson, exchange manager for Educational in this city, is now also serving Sono Art-World Wide in this capacity. He succeeds J. A. Harris, who has been transferred to a Cincinnati post by the latter company. Akron, O. — Mrs. Doll, operator of the Doll for the past 18 years has closed the house permanently. Pittsburgh — Warner has been closed for alterations estimated to cost $200,000 and will reopen the end of this month. Chicago — Jacob Lasker and Sons, who recently took over the L. and T. Theater, will reopen the house in the fall as the Roxy. Atlanta — The Erlanger is expected to reopen this fall with roadshows. Kenedy, Tex. — The Grand has been purchased by the Hall Industries from B. F. Mumme. Berlin — Ufa has completed a short featuring Alfred Piccaver, the German opera star. Atlanta — The Paramount here has been closed for improvements, estimated to cost $100,000. The seating capacity of the theater will be enlarged. Williston, Fla.— Local theater has been leased by H. Pitman, of Clearwater. 5-5-5-5-5 — salt water taffy -By JACK A LI COAT E Atlantic City WELL, they certainly picked out a swell place for it. * * * Spring maneuvers of the 5-5-5-5-5 disarmament conference, under the personal supervision of Secretary of the Navy Sid Kent, get off to a brilliant start. First half hour passes and nobody even gets hurt. * * * Notice we have included a couple 5's to the original advertised 5's. This includes the unaffiliated squadron headed by Front Admiral E . A. Schiller and Side Admiral Sam Dembow, and five able seamen representing the trade papers. * * * The editors are spending the daylight hours inspecting the ocean. * * * Every time a quorum is lacking, the sergeant-at-arms is instructed to proceed to the broker's office to round up the missing admirals. * * * Ambassador Extraordinary All Lichtman is acting as interpreter for the distributor fleet. He and1 Captain Phil Reisman spent Sunday night inspecting all Tom Thumb golf courses in town for explosion shots. * * * This confab started in Columbus, continued to New York and stays here till the weather turns bad. Ther it moves to Paris for August anc will adjourn from a dude ranch iii Montana in September until nex| spring. * * * With the Kiwanis here last weei\ and the Elks next week, this meet ing is just a supper show. * * * Protection came into play earlf with a duel between CommodorJ Gabe Hess and Admiral H. Ml Richey over first-run battleships anj third-run outboards. All delegates are searched at th\ door for hidden cannons. * * * A submarine expedition is bein organized to search for Col. H. I Cole, who is lost between here ar. Texas. * * * All admirals agree on one thir ■ — that the obnoxious compar. double check on percentage boo ings is offset by the mug exhib wi writes his pals the picture is lous * * * Excuse me while I take my a ternoon sun bath near Umbrell Nine.