The Film Daily (1930)

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DAILY Thursday, July 3, 193( 5-5-5 Confab Restores Harmony Within Industry Expect Quick Ratification of Conference Proceedings (Continued from Paae 1) tion of the proceedings, which, in the main, consist of a new standard uniform contract and new rules and mode of operation for arbitration, by the directors of those organizations which participated. This includes the producers and distributors, M. P. T. O. A., Allied States Ass'n and the affiliated theaters. All agree that this ratification is but a formality and that complete harmony in the ranks lias been achieved. The rock on which the conference nearly came to a wide open split yesterday was Section 6 of Rule 3 of the Rules of Arbitration, reading as follows: "The Board of Arbitration shall not have the power or authority to make any decision or award which shall be at variance or in conflict with any of the provisions of the written contract between the parties thereto or their rights and obligations thereunder." The Allied States group in particular demurred to the acceptance of this provision on the ground that it in no way covers a great majority of the ills and exhibitor abuses within the industry, and the producers contended that the making of this section inoperative would throw into the hands of arbitration boards the power to regulate the greatest and broadest of recognized industry practices. After three hours of debate, which was the most bitter of the entire sessions of the conference, a proposal was brought forth, the substance of which is as follows: That recognition be given to "exceptional cases," where, to enforce the strict letter of the contract would, in the opinion of any arbitration board, result in an injustice. Where a case is adjudged by the local arbitration board, or a majority of members thereof, to be "exceptional," it is to be forwarded with the recommendation of the arbitrators to New York and placed before what might be termed an industry court of equity for final adjudication. Members of this court who are to si t regularly, will be chosen from the ranks of the M.P.T.O.A. and the Allied Ass'n, as well as from the pro Hollywood Happenings Coast Wire Service ~ Warner, Byron Assigned to New Roles by Fox Fox has signed H. B. Warner and Walter Byron to important roles in forthcoming pictures. The first has been given a part in "Devil With Women," the adaptation of Molnar's "Liliom," which Frank Borzage is directing with Charles Farrell in the lead. Byron will appear in "Hot Numbers." Added to "Outside the Law" Rocklitte Fellowes and Louise Beavers are additions to the cast of "Outside the Law," starring Mary Nolan under the direction of Tod Browning. ducers. There will be three on each side and a seventh is to be called in from outside from the industry when the six sitting on a case cannot agree. Representatives of chain or affiliated theaters will be allowed to sit on the board in all cases where the final adjudication of the case would affect their interests. The foregoing amendment was agreed to in principle by all factions present, with details to be worked out later. Each of the leaders, at the conclusion of the proceedings, was jubilant over what had been accomplished and every one of the generals, including Sidney Kent, Gabriel Hess, Abram Myers, M. A. Lightman and £. A. Schiller, expressed their feelings to a representative of THE FILM DAILY that the conference had proved a gratifying success and a great constructive step in the industry. Other matters taken up at the final day's session were the economics of zoning and the ethics of distributorexhibitor relationships. The new arbitration rules, of course, are not compulsory except as agreed to when the contract is signed by the exhibitor and also by the producer. Upon conclusion of the sessions yesterday afternoon, the delegates scattered to their homes in all sections of the country. The Executor oj the Last Will and Testament oj JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD will take appropriate action against unauthorized use of his books, stories, and scenarios. Detroit and Security Trust Company Fort Street opposite Post Office • Detroit "The Spell of the Circus" To Be Universal Serial Universal has altered its serial program for the season, announcing that it has substituted "The Spell of the Circus" for "The Big Circus." The new serial, written by Ian McCloskey Heath, will be placed in production on July 7 under the direction of Robert F. Hill, with Francis X. Bushman, Jr., and Alberta Vaughn playing the leading roles. Bobby Nelson, the boy actor, stands out in the supporting cast. Spanish Revue Number as Short "Fado," produced as a number for the Spanish production of "Paramount on Parade," will be released in the United States as a one reel short subject by Paramount. Rosita Moreno is featured with Nino Martini, the Italian tenor. The Spanish version of the revue will contain a series of characterizations by Ernesto Vilches, songs by Juan Pulido, a dance by La Argentinita and introductions by Ramon Pereda, Barry Norton and Rosita Moreno as master of ceremony. FOX TRANSFERS NINE MEN L.I Nine managers in the Fox Brook lyn and Long Island theaters haw been given new assignments in addl tion to Louis Frisch's appointment a assistant to Sam Rinzler, generl manager of the two divisions. Mo4 ris Weiser has been transferred tfl the Kismet, Louis Cohen has be switched to the Parthenon, Sydn Falk is now at the Sumner, M Cooper is in charge of the Sunn side, William DeVellier is running thl Crotona, Max Farbish is at the Crea cent, Paul Binstock is managing th< Astoria, Nat Ferber has taken charge of the Granada, and \\r. L. rjrice is now at the Ambassador. To Rehearse "Bat Whispers" "The Bat Whispers" is being placed in rehearsal at United Artists under the direction of Roland West with Chester Morris in the leading role and Una Merkel playing opposite. Others in the cast will be Gustav von Seyffertitz, Ben Bard, Grace Hampton, Spencer Charters, Charles Clark and Maud Eburne. Ray June will be at the camera, while Paul Roe Crawley will serve as art director. Price-Cutting Declared Ruining Independents (Continued from Page 1) downtown houses reduced prices which the latter theaters have registered big gains in attendance. An appeal also has been made fl the Hays office to use its influence n prevent any further spread of prij cuts. The resolutions were signed bj Fred Wehrenberg, Louis C. Hehl Oscar Lehr, Louis E. Ansell am Harry Weiss. Milwaukee Exchange Under New Ownershij Milwaukee — Vincent F. DeLorenl and William Scharun have boug the Celebrated Players Film Ei change from J. S. Grauman, who retiring from this line to look aft his other interests. )USTRY WITH IOWMANSHIP 1 )U p After Baltimore Song Racketee: Baltimore — A drive against pui lishers and sellers of pirated popul songs is being planned here by A sistant U. S. District Attorney Na man Forrest. ross Complete "Silver Horde" Plar Plans have been completed for ' filming of "The Silver Horde," Rex Beach story which RKO i make in Alaska. In the cast wil Evelyn Brent, Joel McCree, J Arthur, Louis Wolheim and I mond Hatton. TEN YEARS AGO TO-DA Designer Engaged by "U" Herman Rosse, the theatrical signer, has been engaged to do sets and costumes for "The Bou Diplomat," which Malcolm St. C is to direct for Universal. Tom Dugan in "Hot Heiress' A featured comedy role in I National's "The Hot Heiress" been assigned to Tom Dugan. :the l»SI\llk 1MEOM eelart will release 40 next ye£ ine Johnston new star; four W i Desmond Taylor productio d. * * * avid P. Howells forms new ui oncentrate sales in Southern E mile Chautard severs connectio i William Fox.