The Film Daily (1930)

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DAILV Sunday, July 6, 1930 Theater Equipment By WILLIAM ORNSTBIN NEW AMPL10N AMPLIFIER A higher standard of quality in the reproduction of all forms of sound is said to be possible with the Amplion Type PA-50 Power Amplifier, the latest accomplishment of the Amplion laboratories. This amplifier is made under the LoftinWhite patents, plus some other new developments from the Amplion laboratory. These features cannot be disclosed at present, due to patent reasons. The new inventions have made it possible to modulate two 50-watt power tubes with one type-224 radio tube, the 224-tube operating directly from the standard phonograph pickup. The actual gain of this amplifier has not been measured at this time, but the two 50-watt tubes are driven at their full wattage capacity by the type-224, which, when in operation, is excited by the standard phonograph pick-up. Through the new development it is claimed possible to retain the high standard of quality and yet manufacture the big amplifier to sell at a list price of $700 with allowance for trade discounts. In one unique installation this new amplifier is being used in conjunction with the new Amplion 12-foot exponential horn speaker. Caring for Equipment Is Discussed in Manual This is the final of a series of articles reprinted from "Film Service Book," compiled by J. S. MacLeod. MOTION PICTURE APPARATUS of Every Type Consult Us and Save Money REPAIR SHOP with Experts on Professional Cameras Right on Premises UIIUXKKiHByS W UO West S2"St.Ne**>rk.MY^ Phone Penna. 0330 Motion Picture Department U. S. and Canada Agents fo. Debne Borrowing Print (Cont'd) Upon return from the theater, the print is to be inspected and an inspection seal with inspector's initials thereon is to be affixed to each reel band. If the print has been damaged during its use in your territory, you will insert the necessary replacements, using film from your own print for this purpose and requisition the necessary replacements for your print in the regular manner. Return must be made to exchange from which print was borrowed promptly on the date on which return shipment was promised. The shipping department is held responsible for the observance of the above instructions. Care and Replacement of Equipment All equipment, tables and splicing machines must be cleaned daily to properly maintain their usefulness and assure longevity. When splicing machines become dull or out of alignment, or when any other equipment becomes unserviceable or its condition impairs the quality of your work, the chief inspector must be notified immediately. Proper procedure will then be taken, either to repair or replace worn, damaged or unserviceable parts. Equipment which requires oiling at regular intervals must not be neglected. All instructions which accompany any new device must be carefully read and followed by those handling the equipment. Frame Line Gauges Metal frame-line gauges (rulers) have been supplied to assist inspectors in checking up small sections of film. The frames on the rulers are numbered from one to fifteen con NETSCHERT'S TRUE to NATURE Art Flowers and Shrubs for Lobbies, Foyers, Stage, Orchestra Pit and Auditorium FRANK NETSGHERT,Inc. 61 Barclay Street New York, N.Y . Write for Catalogue 3 secutively. These spaces represent the fifteen frames which should appear between the serial numbers on all sound film. The rulers are punched at both ends and are supplied with bolts and nuts. They may be bolted to the inspection tables or used without being bolted as their weight is sufficient to hold them in position while they are in service. Waxing Prints Prints are not to be waxed in exchanges. All waxing or other processing that is considered necessary will be done before delivery of prints to exchanges. Film Scraps The contents of film scrap containers in the inspection rooms must be removed at the end of every working day and their contents emptied into the large metal containers which are used exclusively for scrap film. The film in this large can (film immersion tank) must be kept under water and the lid of the can must always be closed except when filling or emptying the contents. Space must be provided in one of the vaults for this can. The contents of this receptacle must be disposed of at least once a week to persons who are properly equipped and authorized to remove it, and must be burned at places designated by the fire authorities of your city. The producer is responsible for the film until it is safely disposed of; therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate the reliability of those to whom it is given for destruction. No other disposition of film film scrap is to be made. Silent Prints Silent prints must be given the same care and attention that sound prints receive. Silent features will not be printed with footage serial numbers such as ire found in sound pictures. It will be necessary to order replacements for silent features from the scene numbers or the footage serial num>ers found in the silent version continuity sheets. It is well to keep in mind that the silent version of the continuity sheets is different from sheets supplied for sound and dialogue pictures. Care must be taken when ordering replacements for silent fea RCA OUTDOOR TEST HELD SUCCESS IN COLUMBUS Columbus, O. — What is declare to have been the first successfu demonstration of sound picture pro jection in an outdoor theater wa: staged in Ilentangy Park here recent ly by the operators of the amusemen resort. Portable RCA Photophone equipment was used in the test. Ex traneous noises were eliminated through the use of special dynamic cone speakers with RCA directional baffleboards, which kept the sound from the screen within the confines of the auditorium. The demonstration was viewed by an invited audience among which were a number of RCA executives and engineers, including B. R. Joel, district manager II for portable Photophone equipment; Van Wyck Benner, district manager for all RCA equipment in Ohio, and W. L. Kerr, Cincinnati representa-. tive. Outdoor talking films are to be made a regular feature by the management of the park. FOR YOUR PROJECTION BOOTH — DESIGN AND SOUND INSTALLATION Consult with IRWIN D. RATHSTONE Projection Booth Specialist 152 West 42nd St. New York Tel. Wisconsin 1721 New Route Established by Kansas Delivery FirnV Kansas City — A new route fro: this city to Salina has been open by the Exhibitors' Film Delive and Service, Inc. Towns includ in the route are Tonganoxie, La rence, Topeka, Wamego, Manha tan, Fort Riley, Junction City a Abilene. Another additional lin from here to Wichita, is planned Earl E. Jameson, manager of th company. Canadian Wide Screen fat Ififit to Be Exploited in U. Si Ottawa — Exploitation of his d«|f' vice for giving magnascopic picture in the United States is announce by Ambrose Nolan of the Nola« Theater Enterprises of this city. Th" equipment is already in use in Canadian houses. tures that only the silent versicj of the continuity sheets is used f(| reference. Receipt of New Prints As soon as possible after the rl ceipt of new prints from laboratory they are to be inspected, regardlel of the fact that the prints may n<[ be required for immediate booking)! During this initial inspection, til inspector will examine careful! each splice and will emboss ovl each approved splice the companjj identification mark. Any defects found in new prirl are to be reported to the home offil film department and such repo:| are to be accompanied by the laboij tory inspection card that is enclos|j with each reel. ptab » per toil Boti k\ fen ;=JbL us