The Film Daily (1930)

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KLIECL BROS. MARKETING IMPROVED MINIATURE SPOT A miniature spotlight with many features possessed by larger models feas been placed on the market by Kliegl Bros. Universal Electric Stage Lighting Co., Inc., New York, to be used for exploitation and other purposes. Of the incandescent type, it is equipped with adjustable shutters which permit the light area to be framed any desired shape or size, (while the tube in which they are mounted may be rotated. Standing six inches high and weighing two pounds, the spotlight is said to provide high intensity with a clear white ight, employs condensing and objective lenses which may be adjusted for focusing and is designed for a 50watt. 115-volt, G. 16% lamp. Other advantages claimed for it are that it is strongly made, compactly put together and well-ventilated. The device, which can be mounted overhead, is priced at $22 exclusive of lamp. Hints on Remedying Defects 1 LUMITONE 18 NEW SYSTEM 64 Fox Coast Theaters to Install Earphones West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Equipment for the deaf will be installed in 64 houses of the Fox West Coast Theaters. A total of 694 seats will be wired. Los Angeles theaters which will receive the equipment are Loew's State, Criterion, Beverly, Adams, Belmont, Carthay Circle, Figueroa, Golden Gate, Manchester, Untown, Boulevard, Carmel. Other theaters to be equipped include the Pantages, Egyptian. Hollywood, and the Wilshire Ritz, Beverly. Film Speaker Expands Oklahoma City — An office has been opened by the Film Speaker Co. on film row here to provide facilities for the company's growth in business. Cinephone Firm for Britain London — A comapny to handle the salt in Great Britain of the $1,500 portable sound equipment made by Powers Cinephone is to Ik formed here soon. In Sound-on-Disc Projection Seeing' s Believing Boston — In order to encourage people in attending motion picture theaters during the hot weather, local theater owners recently invited the public to inspect their refrigeration plants. The idea worked successfully. Serious trouble often is encountered in sound reproduction that might be easily overcome were the symptoms of the trouble familiar to the projectionist and the remedy charted. The following abstract from the maintenance files of the projection department of a major exhibiting organization cites the more common troubles experienced with sound reproduction from discs and should prove helpful to projectionists. 1. Complaint: Repeating record; muffled and indistinct sound. Cause: Needle assembly of reproducer leaning far to one side; turntables not anchored, but resting on blocks of wood and wobbling as though warped. Remedy: New arm and reproducer, because assembly was one unit and could not be straightened by adjustment; also, anchoring of turntables. 2. Turntable: Tone too "barrelly." Cause: Overweighted tone arm that was not passing the high frequencies. Remedy: Trouble was partially overcome by use of half-tone instead of full-tone needles. When even better results were desired, a new and better balanced tone arm was installed. 3. Complaint: Bad records, causing the needle to jump. Trouble: Tone arms adjusted so that needles were riding records at an angle of 45 degrees; also, lead tape wrappings on tone arm heads which increased their previous overweight by \l/2 pounds. Remedy: Building up the tone arms to the proper angle and also moving lead tape wrappings from front to the back of arms to give better balance. 4. Complaint: Record so poor that it would not run without jumping. Trouble: Use of reproducer with adjustable tone arm and with weight so far on end that the needle was gouging and, at certain frequencies, hurdling the grooves. Remedy: Adjusting tone arm weight to materially lighten needle pressure; and the substitution of half-tone for full-tone needles. 5. Trouble: Repeating of all records. Cause: Tone arm so stiff and tight that it had absolutely no play and could not possibly follow grooves at high frequencies, even with half-tone needles. Remedy: Replacement of tone arm with one of proper flexibility. As BLUE SEAL FILM CEMENT /5 Years on the Market Write for Sample BLUE SEAL PRODUCTS, Inc. 264 Wyckoff St. Brooklyn, N. Y. a temporary expedience, projectionist was shown how to guide needle by hand. 6. Complaint: Records so warped that it was impossible to run them. Cause: Warping was very slight, and only in one new record of one set. Still, it was enough to cause jumping at high frequencies when full-tone needles were used. Remedy: A half-tone needle tracked, perfectly, even at the high frequencies in the damaged, warped record. Nor was there an}' trouble with the same record of the substitute set when it was played with half-tone needles. 7. Complaint: Defective record, with needle jumping and repeating. Trouble: Considerable vibration in turntable which, with use of full-tone needles, was causing jumps at points of high frequency recording. Remedy: Trouble was entirely overcome with a decided improvement in sound quality by changing to half-tone needles. 8. Trouble: Tone quality not satisfactory. Cause: Needle riding too much on side of groove, causing flutter and fuzziness; also, horns not baffled. 9. Trouble: Unsatisfactory tone quality (new installation not yet used for public show). Cause: Pick-up head of one arm was frozen, the armature being almost stuck against the magnet, so that a narrow range of tones was passing; also one very bad tube in amplifiers. Remedy: New head for reproducer arm and new tube. 10. Trouble: Bad records, poor tone quality, jumping. Cause: Tone arm overweighted and with a great deal of side play, causing the needle to slip the groove walls and produce distorting and blasting. Remedy: Removal of five ounces of weight from tone arm and tightening of adjustments. 11. Trouble: Repeats and cut TO OBTAIN COLOR EFFECTS St. Charles, 111. — A new system of lighting control known as "Lumitone" is being offered by the Lumitone Corp. of America, this city. A wide scope in color effects is said to be possible with this equipment. The system permits of three types of control — visible, remote and automatic. Automatic control is obtained by the use of a perforated roll which plays endlessly and operates from a cabinet. According to the company, "the combinations in light harmonies run into the millions." Invented by John Howard of this city after long research, this system can be used for stage effects as well as for lighting theater interiors, lobbies and coves. Simplicity of operation is claimed in its favor. overs; five sets of discs used on one production. Cause: Two machines with reproducer arms of different lengths; needle drifting to inside of disc because machines were not leveled. Remedy: Replacement of arms and levelling of machines. 12. Trouble: Needles jumping groove. Cause: Pick-up arm has no diaphragm and uses an armature which lacks the flexibility to follow a high range of volume recorded in the spiral of a disc. Remedy: Substitution of half-tone needles for the full-tone needles which were being used. PHOrSToV* TALKAFILMj SOUNDHEADS TURN TABLES Special Discounts in Quantities The Biggest Seller in the Motion Picture Field "Dresserware In 2 colors JADE PEARL and ROSE PEARL Genuine "PYROLOID" Dresserware In 4 sets — Priced 1154. 12'/2 and 13'S cents per piece in campaigns lasting 26, 30 or 36 weeks. A proven success with theatres everywhere all doing rapacity business. Night" will build a Permanent Business Pyroloid Sales Co. Factory: Athol, Mass. 200 Sth Ave.. N. Y. Jack Bullwinkel 28 Piedmont St. Boston Jack Von Titzer Elks Hotel. Phil*. Mamiliicturrrs for over 30 years Import Fihn Co. 21st and Payne Arc Cleveland, Ohio