The Film Daily (1930)

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THE fHE M \\M VI 1 1. OF FILM DOM AIL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LIII No. 6 Tuesday, July 8, 1930 Price 5 Cents $8,475,000 For New Theaters Awarded LastWeek 15 ZONING CONFERENCES START THIS^WEEK Pathe Running Months Ahead on Comedy Releases Arbitration — and other thoughts —By JACK ALICOATE— KE MANY OTHER good things in life that we take for [ranted and do not miss until hey are taken away from us, irbitration in this industry has )roven its value to most every>ne, and in unmistakable terms, jy the trouble and chaos left n the wake of its partial negaion by the Thacher decree. A'here formerly the results of '5 per cent of the cases submited to arbitration were equitale. just and satisfactory to the >arties concerned, the ratio is ow almost reversed through he substitution of the Mig drawn out legal battle in rtiich usually no side profits, he adoption of the new arbiration rules at the 5-5-5 Consrence in Atlantic City, espeially the "Supreme Court" for le handling of Equity Cases, lould bring back confidence all long the line. This "Court of Apeals" clause for questions involving specially the little fellow is an hon>t answer to a just request. Arbiation in business practice has been recognized means of settling minor sputes for many years. The new titration rules as adopted by all Ctions in Atlantic City are based >on a theoretical platform of fair:ss, equity and justice. As such ey should have the complete backfit and co-operation of every cleaninking element in the industry, at ast until they prove themselves herwise. Insidious Mr. Tom Thumb Those fascinating and irritating am Thumb golf things on every her vacant lot are proving not ily a thorn in the exhibitor's gar(Continued on Page 2) Big Demand for Shorts Forces Many Earlier Showings Due to an unprecedented demand for its comedies, Pathe lately has been forced to release many of these subjects several months ahead of schedule. Among these are "Two Fresh Eggs," two-reeler originally on the October release chart, booked to open on Friday at the New York and Brooklyn Strands; "America Or Bust," "Live and Learn," "A Royal Flush," "Big Hearted," "Hearts and Hoofs," and others. The company's short feature sales are running several months ahead of a year ago, according to Phil Reisman. BIG PRODUCliTPLANS COMPLETED BY P. D. C. London (By Cable) — Reginald Smith, managing director of P.D.C., announces the completion of plans whereby his company will spend nearly half a million on four pictures to be made here in the next six months with British players and directors. These pictures, which are to rank for the quota, will have distribution through Pathe in the U. S. and also in Canada, India, Africa, Australia, etc. Future of the British production policy will depend largely on the success of these four films, it is stated. Utilizing A Menace Denver — Score cards of 25 miniature golf courses are being utilized by the Denver as an advertising medium, at no cost to the theater except for passes awarded on exceptionally low scores for foursomes. HALL Of MERIT FORMED FOR FOX SALES FORCES A Foxfilm Hall of Merit, in conjunction with the $85,000 in prizes for outstanding performances in 1930-31 among Fox branch managers, salesmen and bookers, is being created by James R. Grainger and will get under way this week. Branch managers will be selected on the basis of exchange performance as a whole for the week, salesmen on the merit of deals plus status of playdate situation, and bookers on the basio of their playdate situation in the entire territory. Grainger will make the weekly selections. Columbia to Utilize New Color Process Columbia is working on a new color process which the company will use, in place of Photocolor, for any future color releases. Theater Construction Leads Jump in Building Contracts 575 Pounds of Fun West Coast Bur. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Two of the screen's "biggest figures"— Kewpie Morgan, weighing 325, and Cupid Ainsworth, 250 ringside, appear in Pathe's two-reel comedy, "Dance With Me." Contracts for theater construction totaling $8,475,000 were awarded in the last week of June, when building permits showed an increase of $4,000,000 over the previous week, according to "Engineering News Record." The amount listed for new theaters was greater than the figure for any other class of construction awarded that week. Plans Already Worked Out in Detroit, Los Angeles, Kansas City Fifteen zoning conferences will start this week in key cities including Boston, New Haven, Charlotte, Atlanta, Albany, Buffalo, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Des Moines, Seattle, Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Dallas and Oklahoma City. Expectations are that no new zoning plans will be drafted for Denver, Salt Lake and Butte territories, as present arrangements are generally considered satisfactory. Plans already have been agreed upon in Detroit, Los Angeles and Kansas. City. INT. PROJECTOR WORKING ON WIDE FILM DEVICE Twenty draftsmen are understood working on a wide film projector for International Projector Corp. Manufacturing of the equipment for the general market, however, will be deferred until the industry is ready to go ahead with enlarged pictures. Rocky Mountain Exhibs Meet in Denver July 29 Denver — Annual convention of the Rocky Mountain theater owners will be held at the Brown Palace Hotel lure July 29 to 31, with more than 200 delegates expected to attend and about 50 exhibits of sound and other equipment scheduled for display. Harry Huffman is president and Tom Sullivan is secretary and business manager of the organization. $10,698 in 3 Days "All Quiet on the Western Front" grossed $10,698 at the Central. New York, over the three-day holiday including Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the Universal office reports.