The Film Daily (1930)

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in't it a Shame To Beat Your Wife on Sunday, when you've got Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday— Saturday too. So goes the quaint negro spiritual. The exhibitor has a lot of things to beat these days, what with Tom Thumb Golf Courses, Night Baseball, Summer Temp., etc., and yet many exhibitors are doing it very successfully. The answer is Good Box-Office Pictures And that's why there have been smiles this summer, from large circuit bookers and independent exhibitors who have played "WHAT A MAN!" the Reginald Denny laugh-getter, which has elicited 100% reviews all over the country; James Gruze's "COCK O'THE WALK", which opened at the Roxy; "THE DUDE WRANGLER", a new fresh type of out-door comedy. And now, to start the 1930-31 season, two new James Cruze productions— "THE BIG FIGHT", which just finished its pre-release run at the New York Globe Theatre, and "ONCE A GENTLEMAN", with Edward Everett Horton, which had a sensational pre-release run at Pantages New Hollywood Theatre. These sure sellers are now available for pre-release bookings. Don't Deny Yourself The opportunity of turning the summer into a profitable season. Play these tried and proved box-office attractions. They have made good everywhere. They will make good for you.