The Film Daily (1930)

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THE THE NEWSPAPER OF FILM DOM Tr^ All THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LIU No. 13 Wednesday, July 16, 1930 Price 5 Cents Katz Launches Drive Against Depression Bogey GERMANY TO RAISE~FILM IMPORTATIONS Oil Firm To Rent Houses for Industrial Showings The Mirror -a column of comment ENGLAND is not at all keen about enacting legislation to promote multilingual film production in that country as desired by some of the picture patriots over there. It's a wise government that knows what things to let alone. Amusement-catering is one of those things. Russia, where screen fare is produced by Soviet subsidy and direction, turns out a lot of film, but not much entertainment. The term "propaganda," in its sinister sense, has .become synonymous with Russian pictures. And that is a tremendous handicap right at the start. * * * COMPETITION is a great thing. Every wide-awake executive tries to have some of it in his organization n order to get the best out of his personnel. The live film companies constantly are conducting contests for the best showings by their sales staffs. If some of the theater circuits would inject a similar incentive imong house managers, putting them nore on their own instead of makng all of them work under one hard ind fast set of home-office rules, here would be more theaters runling on the right side of the ledger. * * * tEJOICING is in line over the suc:essful developments at the Paris alker patent conference presided iver by Will H. Hays. With a basis or settlement reached, and general ccord existing among the various arties interested, the satisfactory forking out of the incidental details i practically assured. Solving of IS lis situation and the opening up of ,f Germany for all American product ot only will benefit the companies ft ver here, but should prove a stimuiting factor to business over there s well. Plan Midnight Screenings for Agents, with the Public Invited A plan whereby theaters throughout the country will be rented for the showing of industrial pictures following the last performance at night is being sponsored by the Richfield Oil Co. in connection with its talker, "Service Wins Again," which has a cast of established players including Lloyd Hamilton, Eddie Baker, Neal Burns and Dot Farley. The picture, recorded on Western Electric equipment, shows what Richfield offers {Continued en Page 4) ONLY 1 ,029 FRENCH HOUSES SUITED TO SHOW TALKERS Paris (By Cable)— Out of 3,058 picture houses in France, only 1,029 are suitable for talkers, according to a survey by M. Raymond Couard in "La Cinematographic Francaise." Of the remaining 2,129 small theaters, seating 600 and less, there are possibly 100 that might be equipped with profit, these being houses that give two or more shows a day. There are now about 350 sound-equipped theaters in France, with the figure expected to reach 450 by September. Crazy To Get In Fort Lee, N. J. — A Nash coupe driven by a girl crashed into the front doors of the Fort Lee last Saturday and wrecked the car. On Tuesday a man on a motorcycle ran into the side doors, fracturing his skull. The incidents have led Manager Jack Van Epps to remark to Jack De Lacy, "Although my theater is closed for the summer, they want to get in anyway." HARRY MARX RESIGNS FROM FOX THEATERS Harry Marx, head of the Fox Theaters personnel department, has resigned, effective Sept. 1. At the time he left Publix, as general director of the theater management department, to join Fox, it was expected that a similar system of training would be adopted by the Fox organization, but it has been decided to continue the training by the managers. Before Harry Arthur accepted his resignation, Marx was offered another post in Fox Theaters, but he preferred to proceed with other plans. It is understood he may join Harold B. Franklin's organization. Publix Circuit Personnel Ordered To Spread Optimism Beau Powell William Powell has been proposed as the best-dressed man in Hollywood on the strength of these sartorial facts: He buys 15 suits a year, never wears the same tie more than twice, has a standing order with his haberdasher for three new shirts a month, and has all his shoes, hats and other apparel made to order. Sam Katz has issued orders to the Publix personnel under his direction to join in a war against the "depression bogey." Katz says that theater business and a state of public happiness are inter-dependent upon each other and the way to ward off slumps in attendance is by carrying on an organized campaign to keep the public consciousness in the right mood. Theaters are directed to see that a note of joy, happiness and optimism is injected into all parts of every program and advertising. Revised Regulations Will Allow Entry of More U. S. Pictures Berlin (By Cable) — Liberal revision of import regulations are understood to be almost a certainty following the approval yesterday by the German upper chamber of changes in the present law which will allow for the entry of a greater number of American films. Final action by the House of Representatives is expected todav. Will H Paris for U ADELPHI, STRAND MAY BE U.A. LONDON KEY HOUSES London (By Cable) — Under negotiations which have been in progress since the return of M. Silverstone from New York, the Adelphi and Strand, West End houses which are already being equipped for talkers, will become the United Kingdom key houses for United Artists. Canada Modifies Ruling On Unaccompanied Minors Ottawa, Ont. — Government regulations have been revised to permit admission of unaccompanied children under 16 to theaters from 9 a.m. to 6 p. m. on Saturdays and holidays. Stebbins and May In 5-Grand Golf Match What started out at the Film Golf Tournament as a gentle zephyr of a challenge has ended up as a tornado, for Artie Stebbins and Mitchell May, Jr., will play 36 holes today at Glen Oaks for $5,000 as well as the insurance championship of the film biz. The five grand is a pool bet by the friends of the respective contestants and is already up in the hands of the stakeholder. A big dinner will be held at the Club house tonight after the event. Harry Brandt is managing the Mitch May compaign and Buster Keaton will caddy for Stebbins. If the weather is clear about 50 film men will follow the match.