The Film Daily (1930)

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Wednesday, July 16, 1930 ret M»M AUk ^^»m H|m f*Wl JK m ■ ^^ All IHl TIMl ^KV-DAILY Vol. LIU No. 13 Wednesday, July 16, 1930 Price 5 Cents JOHN W ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter. May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months. $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 1650 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address : Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle La Cinematogranhie Francaue. Kue ae ia Cour-des-Noues. 19. Talker Breakdown Insurance London — Lloyds, noted for arranging insurance on anything, has again lived up to its reputation by agreeing to insure exhibitors against breakdowns in talker equipment. Rates average $80 a year on daily receipts of $125. Conditions are that the film is permitted to break down three days running only and a maximum of 14 breakdowns is allowed in a year. Tulsa De Luxe Houses May Join Warner Fold Oklahoma City — As a follow-up to the recent acquisition of the Midwest houses here, Warner Bros, is expected to strengthen its position in the state by the addition of several de luxe houses in Tulsa. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. Con. Km. Ind 19* *?*,, 19*i + # Con. Km. Ind. pfd. 21 20?4 21 + >A East. Kodak ....211 208 207 Fox Fm. "A" ... 455/8 «« 44 1* Gen." Thea. Kqu. . 34 33 33/2 — Vz Loew's, Inc 71 'A 697/8 70 + 54 do pfd. xw (6A). 9SJ4 95 95 -h 1 M-G-M pfd Z6X 26!4 26« + Vs para K-F 61 59?4 60?4 + U Pathe Exch 4* 4tf 4tf j f R.KO 34 J* 3354 34 + Vj Warner Bros. ... 44 54 43^8 4354 — Vi. NEW YORK CURB MARKET Col. Pets. (1/a).. 3934 39?4 39?4 + 4M Columbia Plct. Vtc. 43 38 43 + 554 Fox Thea. "A" . 10 9fc 10 ..... Loew do deb. rts. 38 36 38 + 3 Loew, Inc., war.. 97/8 9/* 9ji — 'A Technicolor 34 33 Vg 34 + Vz NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 96 95>/, 96 Loew 6s 41ww ..117 117 117 do 6s 41 x-war.. 99'/* 99/8 99>/g ..... Paramount 6s 47 .IOI/2 IOI/2 10154 — Vi Pathe 7s 37 .... 67 6574 6574 + Vs Warner Pets. 6s39.1013/g 10034 100?4 — 54 Seidelman, Cokell Named Paramount Secretaries Joseph H. Seidelman, assistant manager of Paramount's foreign department ,and Walter B. Cokell, head of the budget and statistical division of the treasury department, have been elected assistant secretaries of the company by the board o* directors. Wm. Winship Transferred To 'Frisco Para. Office San Francisco — -William Winship, formerly branch manager for Paramount in Portland, Ore., has been appointed special representative here in charge of exhibition of foreign language pictures, it is announced by John D. Clark. Frank Clark succeeds Winship in Portland. The Industry's Date Book Silent on Beacon Hill "The Dark Angel," silent picture with Ronald Colman and Vilma Banky, will be on the coming week's bill with "What a Man!" talker, at the Beacon, Warner house on upper Broadway. Robert Wyler Appointed Laemmle, Jr.'s Assistant West Coast Bureau. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Robert Wyler has received appointment as assistant to Carl Laemmle, Jr., at the Universal studios. Rudolph Schildkraut Dies West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Rudolph Schildkraut, veteran stage and screen actor, died yesterday at the home of his son Joseph. Earlier in the day, while working in the studio, Schildkraut had suffered a heart attack. Columbia's "Hell's Island" Clicks in San Francisco San Francisco — "Hell's Island," Columbia production directed by Edward Sloman with Jack Holt and Ralph Graves starred, had a big reception on its premiere at the Orpheum here. Critics gave it a fine send-off. The picture opens at the Globe, New York, and the Albee, Brooklyn, this Friday. July 17-18-19 All National Screen salesmen to meet in New York for conference. July 19 Fox A. C. holds outing at Indian Point, N. Y. July 26 Outing of RKO Home Office Employees to Indian Point, N. Y. July 29-30-31 — Annual convention of M.P.T. O. Ass'n of Colorado and Rocky Mountain Region, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. Aug. 1 Annual convention of Famous Players Canadian Corp. eastern managers, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 5 Annual convention of Western managers. Famous Players Canadian Corp., Banff, Alta. Aug. 11-12 Annual convention of the Southeastern Theater Owners' Ass'n, Atlanta, Ga. Oct. 20-21 Tenth Annual Convention of M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Pittsburgh. COMING & GOING ^J 8 New York I 540 Broadway BRYant 4712 Long Island City 154 Crescent St. STIllwell 7940 8 ♦ % 8 Eastman Films | 1 T. E. Brulatour, Inc. | i 8 MRS. NORMAN KERRY sails tonight on the Majestic for Europe. CHARLES FRANCIS COE, writer, leaves today for the Coast to take up work at the Paramount studios. BENNY RUBIN is on his way cast from Hollywood for a vacation and to make some vaudeville appearances. MR. AND MRS. ENGENE HOWARD are sailing for Europe tonight on the Majestic. CHARLES MINTZ leaves today for Holly, wood. EDWARD SMALL has arrived from Europe. I. E. CHADWICK is in New York from the Coast. Berliner Acoustic Installations Berliner Acoustic System has just completed installations at the Daly. Bronx, and Great Halls, College of the City of New York. Installations now being made include the Varieties theater at Third Ave. and 14th St., New York. Madison Square in Chicago and Jack Buchanan's Leicester Square theater, London. WANTED Us d mimeograph machine in good condition. ROSCO LABORATORIES 367 Hudson Ave. Bklyn. Phone Stillwell 7932 for NEGATIVES DEVELOPED and Positive Prints Made on standard or 16 mm. stock INTER-CONTINENTAL Film Laboratories Inc. 74 Sherman St. Long Island City § 8 Chicago 1727 Indiana Ave. CALumet 2691 Hollywood 6700 Santa Monica Blvd. HOLlywood 4121 Let Us Solve Your Problems ! Over 20 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialists in MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 3040 New Incorporations FOR SALE One Brand New Bell & Howell Sound Printer. 3 Duplex Printers. One — 16 MM Reduction Printer. Title Tables and other Miscellaneous Laboratory Equipment. Box No. 117 B. FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway N. Y. C. MISTROT CASTING 55 Wesl 42nd St., N. Y. C. Tel. Lackawanna 9092.9093-3139 pHOrOXQhf* TALKAFILM SOUNDHEADS TURN TABLES Special Discounts in Quantities PHOTOTCHC «9RR ™ZJ£^N2! To Producers A merica' s oldest established distributor is in the market for high class sound shorts world or foreign rights Full Details First Letter Box 116 B FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. Educational Christie, Inc., New York, motion pictures; Corporation Trust Co., Wilmington, Del. $500,000; 5,000 shares common. E. C. Producing Corp., New York; motion pictures; Corporation Trust Co. $150,000; 15,000 shares common. Robertson Expedition, Inc., New York, conduct expeditions into Asia for the purpose of obtaining motion picjures; United States Corp. Co., Dover, Del. 4,500 shares common.